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Old 18-01-2011, 16:58   #1
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Angry Taken from an email sent to me today - otrageous

I'm sure this borders on discriminatory.

As of 18 January 2011 Lancashire county council has ceased recruiting external candidates with immediate effect, until further notice. Unfortunately this means if you are an external candidate we are no longer able to consider your application. This decision reflects the county council's efforts to minimise job losses resulting from significant reductions in our budget. We will continue to recruit to vacancies in schools and, in exceptional cases, other posts that are deemed essential, but the majority of vacancies have been withdrawn.Please note that shortlisting and interviews scheduled for external candidates who had active applications will now not go ahead.

Bang goes my chances of an interview for the 6 jobs I applied for!

Last edited by Neil; 18-01-2011 at 22:53. Reason: removed links
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Old 18-01-2011, 17:05   #2
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Re: Taken from an email sent to me today - otrageous

It may well be a money saving excercise - their employees are being offered other jobs instead of redundancy pay.

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Old 18-01-2011, 18:19   #3
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Re: Taken from an email sent to me today - otrageous

thats exactly what my sister just said when i rang her to ask about it Margaret, her hubby and my brother both work for different departments within LCC
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Old 18-01-2011, 20:07   #4
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Re: Taken from an email sent to me today - otrageous

But surely jobs in such positions should be given to people with the correct skills to do the job and not to someone shuffled in from another dept. just to save money. Or is that just common sense, something which the people on 50k+ salaries who make these decisions seem to lack.

Your binman will be teaching your kids next!
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Old 18-01-2011, 20:15   #5
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Re: Taken from an email sent to me today - otrageous

It's bloody unlucky, timing wise, for those wishing to apply, but I don't see it as discriminatory.

Sadly we knew councils faced having to make savage cuts, in staff, and services.

I suppose this is just one of the results.

I genuinely wish you well Jedi, in securing a good job.
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Old 18-01-2011, 20:17   #6
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by jedimaster View Post
But surely jobs in such positions should be given to people with the correct skills to do the job and not to someone shuffled in from another dept. just to save money. Or is that just common sense, something which the people on 50k+ salaries who make these decisions seem to lack.

Your binman will be teaching your kids next!
I thought it was normal practice to advertise jobs internally before seeking recruits from elsewhere, always seemed to happen that way at places I worked at.
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Old 18-01-2011, 20:26   #7
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Re: Taken from an email sent to me today - otrageous

Most council type jobs are mainly kept within house, same happens here unless you've got someone on the inside to get you in ......
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Old 18-01-2011, 20:29   #8
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Re: Taken from an email sent to me today - otrageous

In large organisations, this is what happens in order to prevent redundancies.
Many large organisations will give preference to internal applicants, though they may short list some external ones.....the external ones rarely get a look in.

I think it will be highly unlikely that a binman will be teaching the children(I know I am being pedantic here, but kids are young goats)......well unless he has the appropriate qualifications to teach, that is.
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Old 18-01-2011, 21:16   #9
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Re: Taken from an email sent to me today - otrageous

the thing is, these were vacancies already advertised externally and thus applied for.
and although maybe already shortlisted for interview this last minute decision means people's interviews have now been cancelled.
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Old 18-01-2011, 21:31   #10
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by jedimaster View Post
the thing is, these were vacancies already advertised externally and thus applied for.
and although maybe already shortlisted for interview this last minute decision means people's interviews have now been cancelled.
Very unfortunate for you, however, I doubt that there is anything you can do, nor do I think it could be classed as discrimination.
I do hope your luck changes in the near future and you get the interview of your choice.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 18-01-2011, 22:24   #11
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Re: Taken from an email sent to me today - otrageous

If we turn the argument round, how can a Council justify making an employee redundant, with the associated costs that would be charged to the public purse, if there is a vacancy which that employee could fill?

Seems perfectly straightforward.
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Old 19-01-2011, 10:00   #12
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Re: Taken from an email sent to me today - otrageous

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
If we turn the argument round, how can a Council justify making an employee redundant, with the associated costs that would be charged to the public purse, if there is a vacancy which that employee could fill?

Seems perfectly straightforward.
In a nutshell gynn
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Old 19-01-2011, 11:23   #13

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Re: Taken from an email sent to me today - otrageous

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
If we turn the argument round, how can a Council justify making an employee redundant, with the associated costs that would be charged to the public purse, if there is a vacancy which that employee could fill?

Seems perfectly straightforward.
Unfortuneately this is what happens with some people in some councils. The good people leave to get better jobs and the remaining staff the council are stuck with. If they cant bring in better people how can the Council get better?

Get rid of the dross by bending the employment rules and bring in new blood is the way forward in my opinion. I have seen the results of such policies and it worked really well leaving a very dedicated and highly motivated team
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