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Old 19-02-2007, 18:55   #16
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Re: talking to a brick wall

re: katex
we only do this in very extreme circumstances
and in this instance we ensure there are either witnesses or police involvement.
however in most circumstances i manage to dispel any such situation arising
(i've only ever had to do it twice once involved the police and the other the guy was soooo drunk he had no idea where he was so i just pulled in at the side of the road and called out his stop he happily got off the coach thinking he was home i shut the doors and drove off - i know it seems a little cruel but it was late at night and he was harrassing two young female passengers and being rather lewd and animated with it)
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Old 19-02-2007, 19:15   #17
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Re: talking to a brick wall

Originally Posted by jedimaster View Post
re: katex
we only do this in very extreme circumstances
and in this instance we ensure there are either witnesses or police involvement.
however in most circumstances i manage to dispel any such situation arising
(i've only ever had to do it twice once involved the police and the other the guy was soooo drunk he had no idea where he was so i just pulled in at the side of the road and called out his stop he happily got off the coach thinking he was home i shut the doors and drove off - i know it seems a little cruel but it was late at night and he was harrassing two young female passengers and being rather lewd and animated with it)
Ok .. thanks for that Jedi .. was a serious question.

Had to pick my grandaughter up at the station on Sat. Night around 7 .. train from Leeds .. lots of male groupings drinking whilst waiting, one even spitting constantly on the platform (nearly instructed the dirty begger of the bye-laws). Not sure if football fans (although seems were singing football songs). Was all harmless fun I suppose, but they did get more rowdy as they boarded the train, along with holding it up whilst two males practically carried their colleague on to it.

Just relieved that she was getting off where she did, as feel would have been a target for their attentions .. she is what might be described as voluptous.

Wondered as we left the train to go on its 'merry' way how the train driver coped with this lot, must have been at least 40 of them.
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Old 26-02-2007, 10:50   #18
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Re: talking to a brick wall

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Wondered as we left the train to go on its 'merry' way how the train driver coped with this lot, must have been at least 40 of them.
train drivers don't they are locked in the cab! if your'e lucky there's a conductor on board but these are few and far between
so as a passenger you just have to take your chances!
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Old 26-02-2007, 18:24   #19
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Re: talking to a brick wall

Originally Posted by jedimaster View Post
re: katex
we only do this in very extreme circumstances
and in this instance we ensure there are either witnesses or police involvement.
however in most circumstances i manage to dispel any such situation arising
(i've only ever had to do it twice once involved the police and the other the guy was soooo drunk he had no idea where he was so i just pulled in at the side of the road and called out his stop he happily got off the coach thinking he was home i shut the doors and drove off - i know it seems a little cruel but it was late at night and he was harrassing two young female passengers and being rather lewd and animated with it)
That's a classic Jedi! Good for you.

I don't envy anyone who has to deal with Joe (Joanne) Public. I've witnessed many probably smart people just being plain dumb or worse.

I used to manage a Feed and Grain Department. I had a few customers accuse me of raising the prices of grain. I'd tell them and even show them that the prices were dictated by the Feed Company. They supplied a weekly sheet with the price of each type of feed.

These guys (it was always the guys), would get downright rude to me for adding another penny or 2 to the 100 pound bags of grain they needed. I'd merely tell them they could go down the road to another grain store for their feed. We both knew they charged 5% more for the same feed.

Funny thing is that they never thanked me when the prices started dropping on their grain!


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Old 26-02-2007, 19:02   #20
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Re: talking to a brick wall

Oooo doesn't that just go against the grain!!!!

Sorry LYY couldn't resist

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 26-02-2007, 20:52   #21
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Re: talking to a brick wall

Cute Red. It all ended up as alot of Bulls##t (and cow, goat, horse, pig, chicken, sheep, turkey, dog, cat, etc, etc)


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Old 26-02-2007, 23:13   #22
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Re: talking to a brick wall

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
Cute Red. It all ended up as alot of Bulls##t (and cow, goat, horse, pig, chicken, sheep, turkey, dog, cat, etc, etc)

Now you know where all these big scores come from Brian, you just cant even make a draw never mind win a do, that reply wasn't even worth your response. regards Ian.
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Old 27-02-2007, 03:47   #23
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Re: talking to a brick wall

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
Now you know where all these big scores come from Brian, you just cant even make a draw never mind win a do, that reply wasn't even worth your response. regards Ian.
Oh dear, are you back on the Merlot again mate? No idea what this meant.

Chin Chin!


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Old 28-02-2007, 14:12   #24
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Re: talking to a brick wall

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
Oh dear, are you back on the Merlot again mate? No idea what this meant.

Chin Chin!

Apologies to all concerned, I got the wrong end of the stick Brian I can have a drink now but i'd better be careful, if I can drop clangers like that without it.
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Old 28-02-2007, 19:28   #25
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Re: talking to a brick wall

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
Apologies to all concerned, I got the wrong end of the stick Brian I can have a drink now but i'd better be careful, if I can drop clangers like that without it.
Hey, I still love ya Mate! So are you saying even you don't know what you were alluding to? Oh, now I get it! You were staying in thread by you and the brick wall having a conver. eh?


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Old 01-03-2007, 01:58   #26
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Re: talking to a brick wall

Cheers Brian talking to a brick wall sure beats banging my head against one, had a good night tonight Blackburn Rovers just licked Arsenal so I'm not geting carrird away with the booze, just on a soccer high regards,Ian.
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