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Old 05-10-2006, 20:26   #46
Resident Waffler

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Re: Tattoo's??

Originally Posted by steeljack
Germans can wear leather ok , but Brits can't carry the look . just an observation .
How do you tell the difference? Busman got a gorgeous leather jacket when we were in Tunisia.

Originally Posted by Less
If you really want one you will go ahead and get one, that is your choice.

Just don't use this bloke that was talked about in another topic on here, you will end up with something unique but will regret it for a long time!

Do we pay Teachers to much in Accrington!!!!!
Thanks for reminding me of that. The look on that poor lass's face!

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Old 05-10-2006, 20:32   #47
Accy Goddess

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Re: Tattoo's??

I can't say anything has I have had a tattoo since I was 16. It's on my thigh so it's covered up most of the time.
I would rather see a nice tasteful tattoo on a woman than those awful piercings.
It doesn't hurt to much having my ears pierced hurt more than the tattoo.
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Old 05-10-2006, 20:59   #48
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Re: Tattoo's??

Sorry about this, but being slightly old-fashioned like in some areas I think on a woman they are rather tarty and smutty >>> Ok I'm ducking.
Tell me the truth you gentlemen of Accyweb, are they sexy ? If so, get me an appointment tomorrow.
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Old 05-10-2006, 21:18   #49
Beacon of light

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Re: Tattoo's??

I think I must be old fashioned too.....I don't like tattoo's or piercings......other than pierced ears. I think some of the facial piercings are fierce.
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Old 05-10-2006, 21:30   #50
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Re: Tattoo's??

Originally Posted by katex
I think on a woman they are rather tarty and smutty.
Yep, I agree wholeheartedly - why do you think I have one?

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 05-10-2006, 21:34   #51
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Re: Tattoo's??

I thought this was about Military Tattoo's until I read the thread.

Never had a tatoo but I am concidering getting my Clan Badge one done.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 05-10-2006, 21:47   #52
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Tattoo's??

I've got 3 children. They all have tattoos. My elder daughter is 42 and she recently had her first one, a rose on her shoulder. My son is 41 and plays guitar in 2 bands. He has a rather complicated skull-in-a-rose design on his shoulder - he designed it himself. My younger daughter is 30. She has a rose on her shoulder and one on her ankle. She also has a chinese symbol on her thigh. She had it done after my husband died, when she was 20, and it says, we hope, "dad", though for all we know it may say f*** off in Cantonese.

The only thing I've said, to my daughters in particular, is that with age skin dries and tends to wrinkle - it's inevitable no matter what - and when they're in their 70s they may both have a few withered roses knocking about.

I have pierced ears and it's as far as I could ever go. My younger daughter has 6 piercings in each ear and a pierced nose, in which she wears a stud. Sounds funny when she's a Brown Owl but, somehow, she doesn't look "out of place" and they are quite discreet. I would never have a tattoo, it's just not ME, but it's fashionable just now and becoming very common-place.

Each to his own, I suppose.
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Old 05-10-2006, 22:32   #53
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Re: Tattoo's??

Interestingly it was the Royal family and the nobility, besides Jolly Jack Tars, who made tattoos fashionable in the

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Old 06-10-2006, 00:13   #54
God Member

Re: Tattoo's??

Originally Posted by katex
Sorry about this, but being slightly old-fashioned like in some areas I think on a woman they are rather tarty and smutty >>> Ok I'm ducking.
Tell me the truth you gentlemen of Accyweb, are they sexy ? If so, get me an appointment tomorrow.
not really. I've had loads of arguments about this and lost many a friend over it.
This is a very rare ocassion that I've been able to discuss this sensibly without it getting into an argument, mayb because I've held back, but I think mostly because of the sensible way you've approached the subject. Maybe thats down to the varied views here, rather than the majority being in favoutrof tattoos.

What winds me up, is that you get some youngster come on chat, a forum, in the pub, bragging that they've had a tattoo. suddenly everybody else is having one because they are. It comes across that they are only wanting one because someone else has got one so they want one. Not because they have thought it through, all the implications, do they really want it , what will it look like in ## years, where should I have it, do I design it myself. It's just a spur of the moment thing. I know I always mention her, but this is what my ex did and it was one of the things she hated about herself. I grew to quite like it though. If you're going to have one think it through, remember it's permanent, think about where it's going, do you want to be able to cover it, don't have it where the skin can stretch.

If someone thinks it through and still wants it good luck to them, at least they are aware of their actions and the consequences.

I think despite rarely admiting it that some small ones can look quite sexy.a rose on the shoulder, ankle, arm.
I hate to see tattoos on girls boobs, I once had a date with a girl and she had seven large ones one was on her boob, arm leg, vile yuk. not even well done or feminine, the boob one was a devil in childish cartoon colours.
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Old 06-10-2006, 00:32   #55
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Re: Tattoo's??

Originally Posted by katex
Tell me the truth you gentlemen of Accyweb, are they sexy ? If so, get me an appointment tomorrow.
Okay katex, since you asked. Tattoo's are not very popular with any of my friends or family (either girls or guys). That kinda goes for the more radical piercings. I don't know if I run in too much of a conservative crowd or maybe it's more a cultural thing. Back home in Rhode Island (the NorthEast) lots of the Itlaian guys would have em.

I think they're kinda cool. Heck I even think a guy with the right earring can look pretty cool also (must be the Pirate in me).

For ladies, I think the ones on the ankles are usually very nice (sexy). (Please don't let Cinnyose or Annie know this) . . . . hmmm, maybe letting Cindy know would be kinda neat but she passes out at the first sight of a needle!

Good Luck with your decision Slinky!!

Last edited by LancYorkYankee; 06-10-2006 at 00:33. Reason: Muff it!
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Old 06-10-2006, 20:37   #56
Beacon of light

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Re: Tattoo's??

Yes Slinky....good luck for tomorrow. Hope you like what you get.
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Old 07-10-2006, 19:20   #57
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Re: Tattoo's??

Well I am still tattooless

yesterday I gave it a great deal of thought. And decided I will wait.

They are too perminent for me. I didn't fancy having it done in Accy either because the tattooists aren't reallly that good, or clean looking.

I'm not sure what design I want either, so I could have ended up with something I really regretted later on. Like people have said, peircings can just be taken out when you have had enough. And I am known for getting fed up with things easily, as I have had my belly button pierced, tongue, lip and ears done, but I am sat here without ANY of them in

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