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Old 25-03-2004, 17:18   #31
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Re: tattoo's

when you grow old 60ish it will be wrinkly eeeeewwwwwwwwww!
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Old 01-04-2004, 19:45   #32
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Re: tattoo's

When I was too young to have a tattoo I always thought I would get one as soon as was old enough - truth is - it's such a big decision choosing something that you have to live with all your life that I haven't bothered.

I also like the small discreet ones rather than large ones. And I'm not too fond of any piercings near the mouth.

I think that there are too many kid's role models with alot of tattoos - especially nowadays when you can get temporary ones.
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Old 07-06-2005, 03:57   #33
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: tattoo's

Although these days tattoos are for decorative purposes about 100 years ago for sailors they had a practical purpose.
They would put a Tattoo of a pig on one foot and a tattoo of a rooster on the other, this they believed would protect them from drowning!

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Old 07-06-2005, 09:13   #34
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Re: tattoo's

Originally Posted by Less
Although these days tattoos are for decorative purposes about 100 years ago for sailors they had a practical purpose.
They would put a Tattoo of a pig on one foot and a tattoo of a rooster on the other, this they believed would protect them from drowning!
Of course a better way to prevent drowning would be to learn to swim, I guess...

I don't really go for tattoos either, but as others have said, it's personal choice.

I thought about having an ear pierced awhile ago, then possibly my eyebrow, but never got round to making a decision, so never bothered.

I have never worked out why people have their tongue pierced though...
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Old 07-06-2005, 09:27   #35
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Re: tattoo's

I must admit I find tattoos on a man quite sexy if they are done well. The old ones were good the skulls dragons e.t.c I used to like looking at my name on my Dads arm. But nowadays people seem to go over the top having them on knuckles & necks. I personally would not have one as I just don't see the point and can find better use for my money.
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Old 07-06-2005, 09:49   #36
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Re: tattoo's

had some for 40 years,never regretted them exept the ones on my hands,bear this in mind anyone thinking of being tattooed,on your hands doesnt matter how expensive the clothes you wear. you NEVER look dressed up. so i would say on HANDS should be a no-no.
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Old 07-06-2005, 14:09   #37
Senior Member+

Re: tattoo's

When i look at the young women nowadays that have them on their backs i wonder what they will think when they are 70 years old.!!!!!!!!!
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 07-06-2005, 14:40   #38
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Re: tattoo's

All I hope is that these young girls who are having butterflys engraved on their pert little buttocks are busy putting money away in their piggy bank to have the said same removed from what will be a bulbous mass of quivering lard in some 30 or 40 years time.
Otherwise, it will be us men who once again will be forking out money to fund the NHS in order to reverse this childish female caper.
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Old 07-06-2005, 14:45   #39
Senior Member+

Re: tattoo's

More than likley the butterfly will turn in to massive vultures
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 07-06-2005, 14:48   #40
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Re: tattoo's

Originally Posted by Mik Dickinson
More than likley the butterfly will turn in to massive vultures
Yeah.....with a bit of carrion hanging from their beaks!
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Old 07-06-2005, 16:59   #41
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Re: tattoo's

you can always tell if someone with tattoos is a skanker or classy- on someone classy the tattoos are spelt right. lol
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 07-06-2005, 17:02   #42
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Re: tattoo's

I personally don't like tattoos, I think they have connotations which may lead to regrets in later life. If you want one, have a tiny one where only your nearest and dearest (although some people have a lot of nearests and dearests!) will see it. Very much agree with Cashman - hands are a complete no-no. I find the facial piercings fairly repulsive as well - I've never understood why a girl will pay a fortune for a lotion to close her pores, then have a dirty great hole put in her nose. (I have got pierced ears, though - it's an excuse for more jewellery!) I don't think tattoo removal should be paid for by the NHS - it was your choice, live with it.
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Old 07-06-2005, 20:51   #43
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Re: tattoo's

I don't like tattoos and I'm not fond of piercings either......though I did have my ears pierced a long time ago.......mind you I am a complete coward and needed a general anaesthetic.
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Old 07-06-2005, 21:44   #44
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Re: tattoo's

Love tattoos on men, they are sooo sexy I do confess to having a bit of a tattoo fetish but I don't like them when there's too many or when they are too big. They can also look nice on women but I'm to soft to have one myself.

I have my belly pierced and the chap that did it said I was the most nervous person he had ever pierced (I didn't feel a thing so the nerves were for nothing) and I have my ears pierced twice but couldn't have any more because a friend had a third set put in her ears when I had my second and she said it hurt like hell!!
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Old 07-06-2005, 22:49   #45
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Re: tattoo's

I have a small tattoo of a celtic knot on my backside which I had done as was mentioned earlier for nearest and dearest only and no I don't have loads of those. Thinking about it though if everything goes south as I get older then maybe I'll end up with what may resemble a rope ladder!!!!!!!!

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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