16-12-2008, 10:11
Resting in Peace
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Re: Tax and the Council
Originally Posted by accyman
call me a cynic but the way i see councils is that they are a bunch of people who decide what they want is right and not what the majority think is right,i also think what they think is right can be influenced by back handers and back scratching as in you vote for my idea and i will vote for yours
i still cant for the life of me understand why multi million pound budgets are put in the hands of people with no experience of handling money,i for one would at least expect somone in control of a multi million pound budget to have a degree in buisness management instead of joe blogs been given millions and wished the best of luck in spending it
mind you accringtons very own one way system was designed by a man who didnt even have a driving licence which one would expect the bare minmum for somone to have when designing a road network
councils shoud be scrapped and everything ran from central govenment , that way every district would follow teh same guidelines and rules
Are you some kind of masochist, run by the Government  you also have the answer in your own hands really, have a go yourself. Councillors have to work within financial constraints and can't just spend money willy nilly, there spending plans have to be tested and affordable irrespective of who's in political control, plus ll councils are governed by standing orders or rules and regulations as you call them. I would be interested to know who you think the man was who designed the one way system?