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14-08-2006, 14:19
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Re: Taxed.
stand corrected , yep, on base is allowed
14-08-2006, 14:27
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Re: Taxed.
It seems ironic that before the age of 18 you can pay tax NI and die for your country but you are not considered to have the right to vote. If you are considered man enough and mature enough to die foe Queen and country you should be man enough to vote. Maybe it is time for change but how many 18 year olds actually vote? I cherish the fact I can vote and always have done since turning 18.
14-08-2006, 14:32
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Re: Taxed.
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
It seems ironic that before the age of 18 you can pay tax NI and die for your country but you are not considered to have the right to vote. If you are considered man enough and mature enough to die foe Queen and country you should be man enough to vote. Maybe it is time for change but how many 18 year olds actually vote? I cherish the fact I can vote and always have done since turning 18.
When I am eligible to vote I probably won't because I take no interest in politics, but that's personal choice. People should at least be given the choice to vote or not if we are being taxed & paying the salary's of all these armani's being voted in!
14-08-2006, 14:54
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Re: Taxed.
You are taxed from the day you are born. You may not pay income tax, unless you have a considerable income from birth, but everything you buy with your bit of pocket money has been subject to VAT somewhere along the line.
You can't vote until you are 18 (it was 21 in my day) but you can drive a car. Every time you put a litre of petrol in that car you are paying tax, even if you're a student or unemployed and not paying income tax. You buy a CD, a DVD, an i-pod, a pair of jeans, it's all subject to tax.
I do think, however, that the present tax rates and allowances should be altered. A personal allowance of £10K a year would mean a lot of young people wouldn't be taxed and a top rate of 50% for earnings over £100K a year would make up for much of it.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
14-08-2006, 16:24
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That has always been the part of being Taxed in England that I never got . even when I left school and started working. it was ok for me to be taxed to pay for what the government wants yet i can't have a say in how things should be run. I think it is time England made up it's mind about when we become adults. if you can pay taxes then you can Vote . if you can't vote then you don't pay taxes. simple. just a thought.
14-08-2006, 18:13
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Re: Taxed.
I think it's a valid point... give the vote to ALL taxpayers! 
14-08-2006, 19:41
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Taxed.
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Errr......not quite. Although a youngster can join the forces at 16 (junior level), and at 17 1/2 senior level, they now have to be 18 before they can be deployed in an operational theatre (Iraq, 'Gan,)
The wider debate is why we are now having to pay the amount of taxes (both direct & indirect) that we have to do and to what extent is a) the money well spent or b) just p*ssed away or c) not spent but should be spent, i.e. on things like border control.
stand corrected on that point tea, was thinking more of how many under 18s lost lives/limbs in the world wars? albeit they lied about their ages to enlist, they wernt old enough to vote.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
14-08-2006, 21:18
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Re: Taxed.
Originally Posted by West Ender
You are taxed from the day you are born. You may not pay income tax, unless you have a considerable income from birth, but everything you buy with your bit of pocket money has been subject to VAT somewhere along the line.
Apart from DutyFree yeah?
14-08-2006, 21:59
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Taxed.
Originally Posted by morgan_brotherz
Apart from DutyFree yeah?
Tax on your air fare's already paid for that. 
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
19-08-2006, 18:39
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Re: Taxed.
:| I cant believe it. I thought £6.90 a week was bad for a person of my age.. but I was infact WRONG about the amount I was paying each week! Just got wage slip and its £18 a week!!
This is ridiculous for a person of 17. Is there not anything one can do to re-claim it or anything? Student crap and all that?
The funny thing is.. paying £18 a week tax.. and £19 a week bus fare for college as I dont qualify for Education Maintenence Allowance.. so in other words I could be paying £18 a week to fund other low life's who cant be arsed working and get benefits such as EMA?!
This country sucks.
19-08-2006, 19:19
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Re: Taxed.
Originally Posted by morgan_brotherz
The funny thing is.. paying £18 a week tax.. and £19 a week bus fare for college as I dont qualify for Education Maintenence Allowance.. so in other words I could be paying £18 a week to fund other low life's who cant be arsed working and get benefits such as EMA?!
Hold on there you little ****, EMA is based on your household income, you qualify for it if your household earns less than £30k a year - so everyone under that salary band is a lowlife layabout?
Last edited by Mick; 20-08-2006 at 09:17.
Reason: bad language
19-08-2006, 20:11
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Re: Taxed.
Shaker can see what he is getting at and though tactless putting in EMA maybe he should have put JSA and IB. I to hate paying tax when I know people who refuse to work because they are better off not working. Me at the mo would be better of unemployed but have too much pride not to and things change.
19-08-2006, 20:56
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Re: Taxed.
Originally Posted by morgan_brotherz
:| I cant believe it. I thought £6.90 a week was bad for a person of my age.. but I was infact WRONG about the amount I was paying each week! Just got wage slip and its £18 a week!!
This is ridiculous for a person of 17. Is there not anything one can do to re-claim it or anything? Student crap and all that?
The funny thing is.. paying £18 a week tax.. and £19 a week bus fare for college as I dont qualify for Education Maintenence Allowance.. so in other words I could be paying £18 a week to fund other low life's who cant be arsed working and get benefits such as EMA?!
This country sucks.
If you're in full time education you're eligable for a tax refund. Ask at work/bank.
Ps. If someone lived with one parent who was a teacher earning £29,999 are they lowlifes?
formerly cyfr
19-08-2006, 21:29
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Taxed.
Originally Posted by morgan_brotherz
:| I cant believe it. I thought £6.90 a week was bad for a person of my age.. but I was infact WRONG about the amount I was paying each week! Just got wage slip and its £18 a week!!
This is ridiculous for a person of 17. Is there not anything one can do to re-claim it or anything? Student crap and all that?
If you're in permanent employment I'm afraid there's nothing you can claim back. Unfortunately age doesn't come into it, it's based purely on annual income. You have a personal allowance of £5035, income that's free of tax, then you pay 10% on the next £2150 and 22% on anything above that up to £33300, on any balance over that amount you'll pay 40%.
I can sympathise with what you're saying, that you're taxed when you can't vote etc. The only thing I can say is, when you're 18 and have the Vote, go for the Party that you think will introduce a fairer system - if you can find one. Good luck!
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
20-08-2006, 08:43
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Re: Taxed.
We are stuck with taxes but the worst about it is the system has enough loopholes that those with serious money can avoid paying large amounts. Maybe if the tax system was an even playing field then we might not worry so much about it as we would pay less.
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