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Old 20-08-2006, 09:13   #31
Apprentice Geriatric
jambutty's Avatar

Talking Re: Taxed.

Don’t forget your National Insurance contributions morgan_brotherz. They too go to pay the ‘low life layabout’ as you put it.

However thanks for tarring everyone with the same brush. I’m sure that the 1.6m unemployed will be gratified to know that they all belong to a particular group - namely ‘low life layabouts’.

By the way who do you think paid for your education and medical expenses so far? You are now paying some of that back.

If this country sucks then find a greener pasture elsewhere.
Sort yourself out you nob.
Was it really necessary to make such a disparaging remark shakermaker? It destroyed the impact of your post.

The problem with taxation is that first of all the government of any colour WASTES huge chunks of it and secondly there are so many different forms of taxation, each with its own administration, that more huge chunks are wasted in collecting the money.

We only need one form of taxation and that is VAT on every single product or service that is bought. Rich or poor we all have to buy things so EVERYONE without exception would pay their share of the tax. The saving on bureaucracy could probably settle the national debt although it would put a couple of million civil servants on the dole. Better to pay them dole than huge salaries. It would be cheaper for us the taxpayer.
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Old 20-08-2006, 09:39   #32
Full Member

Re: Taxed.

Originally Posted by shakermaker
Hold on there you little ****, EMA is based on your household income, you qualify for it if your household earns less than £30k a year - so everyone under that salary band is a lowlife layabout?
I said "fund other low life's who cant be arsed working and get benefits" and one of them benefits is EMA. I wasnt paticularly basing on EMA which is why I said SUCH AS.

And please dont bother telling me the rules & regulations of the EMA system.. Ive been through them so many times I know them off the back of my hand. You little ****.
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Old 20-08-2006, 09:46   #33
Full Member

Re: Taxed.

Originally Posted by jambutty
Don’t forget your National Insurance contributions morgan_brotherz. They too go to pay the ‘low life layabout’ as you put it.

However thanks for tarring everyone with the same brush. I’m sure that the 1.6m unemployed will be gratified to know that they all belong to a particular group - namely ‘low life layabouts’.

Can we please get one thing straight first. I didnt say 'layabouts'. Not that it makes any consolation. I still said lowlifes.

Sort yourself out you nob
It appears that the post has been deleted.. but it just shows what a 'little' **** he is. Grow up.
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Old 20-08-2006, 10:25   #34

Re: Taxed.

Maybe it was wrong to say lowlifes...but i still get annoyed by the fact students get money for EMA.
They don't take into consideration how much your parents are willing to give you for your studies at all........I earn around £120 a month from a saturday job and use £40 of that on my bills....and sometimes the remaining goes on book fee's, lunch money...etc....i bus pass for the whole year was £ mum paid £100 and i paid for the other £150, because frankly I don't expect my parents should have to pay for MY bus pass...but money from EMA could have been useful.
I have a few friends that get EMA......and most do not use that money for college purposes....then at the end of the year they get £100 bonus....for what?....don't others deserve that bonus too?
I can live with it obviously......just sometimes it does touch a nerve how that money could be so useful to me but others just use it for leisure purposes.
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Old 20-08-2006, 10:33   #35
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Re: Taxed.

You are 17, you are working, you are starting to pay TAX and you are still too young (legally that is, ) to go and enjoy a pint in the pub ! .....

life sucks !
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Old 20-08-2006, 10:43   #36
Apprentice Geriatric
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Exclamation Re: Taxed.

I stand corrected morgan_brotherz, you did not state layabout. It just goes to show how easily an issue can get twisted around a bit when someone misquotes and someone else (me) quotes the misquote and so it rolls on. My apologies for doing so.
It appears that the post has been deleted.. but it just shows what a 'little' **** he is. Grow up.
Hmmm! Interesting response! A 17 years old telling someone else to grow up.

Welcome to the real world ploppysirplooppy where the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and fight over the few scraps of comfort that come their way.
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Old 20-08-2006, 11:04   #37
Full Member

Re: Taxed.

Hmmm! Interesting response! A 17 years old telling someone else to grow up.
If im not mistaken, he is also 17.

And I agree Ploppysirploppy. The £100 bonus is quite annoying. Especially when everyone was bragging about it at Christmas and your like "oh..well" =[ "ol
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Old 20-08-2006, 12:00   #38
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Re: Taxed.

Originally Posted by jambutty
I stand corrected morgan_brotherz, you did not state layabout. It just goes to show how easily an issue can get twisted around a bit when someone misquotes and someone else (me) quotes the misquote and so it rolls on. My apologies for doing so.
Hmmm! Interesting response! A 17 years old telling someone else to grow up.

Welcome to the real world ploppysirplooppy where the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and fight over the few scraps of comfort that come their way.
I sometimes think you're living in some made up world. How many people have become middle class from working class in the last 25years? Things have got better and will continue to get better. If you want want eduction, if you want a job, if you want to be sucessfull, you can damn well do it and nothing but lazyness is stopping people.
formerly cyfr
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Old 20-08-2006, 17:57   #39
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Re: Taxed.

Originally Posted by morgan_brotherz
If im not mistaken, he is also 17.

And I agree Ploppysirploppy. The £100 bonus is quite annoying. Especially when everyone was bragging about it at Christmas and your like "oh..well" =[ "ol
Get a grip.
My original post included bad language, I apologize.
However your responses subsequently have been laughable - telling me to grow up when your own posts include swearing.
Your hypocrisy amuses me no end.

Anyway, back to thread, why are you moaning about people in less fortunate positions than yourself gaining benefit?
This isn't spare money you know, it goes to bus fares & lunches at college/6th form, which is not needed for you as you are obviously in a fortunate position not to need this funding.
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Old 20-08-2006, 19:22   #40
Full Member

Re: Taxed.

Just because the household income is less than £30,000 it doesnt necessarly mean they are less fortunate. And not all £30 a week goes to bus fares & lunches..

What about the £100 bonus at Christmas? Is that to catch the bus to college when its closed over the Christmas period.. just incase your having slight college withdrawl symptoms? Or to buy lots of prezzies and have a booze up over the festive period?

And please do stick to the thread topic, im tired of reading your little pointless speeches.
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Old 20-08-2006, 19:27   #41
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Re: Taxed.

I first started paying tax when I was twenty one. I started working at Christmas, at the end of the tax year, so for a while I didn't have to pay any tax until I reached my tax allowance. It was a real shock when they started taking a quarter of my salary away. What a cheek.

I remember getting very angry that single people have to pay more than married people with children. I got less back from the State than all the breeders, so thought I quite rightly should have had to pay less. Oh what innocent, naive days they were for me back then.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 20-08-2006, 19:44   #42
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Re: Taxed.

Originally Posted by morgan_brotherz
Just because the household income is less than £30,000 it doesnt necessarly mean they are less fortunate.
Obviously it does mean people who receive the benefit are less fortunate than you if your household earns more than the higher bracket.
Work it out.

Originally Posted by morgan_brotherz
What about the £100 bonus at Christmas? Is that to catch the bus to college when its closed over the Christmas period.. just incase your having slight college withdrawl symptoms? Or to buy lots of prezzies and have a booze up over the festive period?
Nice attempt at a sense of humour! Too bad it didn't pay off.
Newsflash kid - materials run out and a shopping trip to get everything you need for the next term can easily run into 3 figures.

It is obvious that even with your tax cuts you can afford to go through college, why does it bother you so that people receive an aid so they are able to attend college & are able to have the necessary tools?
Your greed astounds me.

Last edited by shakermaker; 20-08-2006 at 19:51.
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Old 21-08-2006, 02:15   #43

Re: Taxed.

"Obviously it does mean people who receive the benefit are less fortunate than you if your household earns more than the higher bracket"

'Less fortunate' yes...but that sounds as if they can't live without benefits or something........ but i agree with hardly means they're less friends on EMA...she lives the same life style as me at the moment without EMA as it's the end of the college

"why does it bother you so that people receive an aid so they are able to attend college & are able to have the necessary tools?"

It annoys me, and probably other students too, such as morgan_brotherz.....half of these students who recieve EMA don;t use that money towards college fund....they see it as money for i've explained in my previous i won;t repeat myself
And as for the christmas bonus...see previous post also.

PS...i'm here so late because i cant sleep
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Old 21-08-2006, 09:28   #44
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SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: Taxed.

All this ping pong over grants has got me wondering about what happens when you decide that you need a nice Uni degree. Considering that the Uni system is in a mess funding wise does that mean you would want a place at a Scottish Uni which has a lot less hassle and more help available because of the tuition fee senario.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 21-08-2006, 11:24   #45
Full Member

Re: Taxed.

Originally Posted by ploppysirploppy

'Less fortunate' yes...but that sounds as if they can't live without benefits or something........ but i agree with hardly means they're less friends on EMA...she lives the same life style as me at the moment without EMA as it's the end of the college
Thats the exact point I was getting too. My friends who revieve EMA live the exact same lifestyle as me, except they have an extra £30 quid in their pocket a week - free.

Nice attempt at a sense of humour! Too bad it didn't pay off.
Newsflash kid - materials run out and a shopping trip to get everything you need for the next term can easily run into 3 figures.
Thats funny.. I didnt need to spend anything really when going back to college after Christmas, what materials are we talking?.. pens & pencils at 99p a pack? Or a new stylish bag for £40?.. you tell me, because when buying materials for the next term runs in to three figures I really do think they would need to review their prices at Stationery Box.

Bus down Accy - £1
Pen - 17p
Folder? £2.00
Writing Pad - £1

What else could you possibly want/need? Thats £4.14 there. Wow.. were nearly reaching three figures already.
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