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Old 06-10-2008, 17:23   #1
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Taxi drivers - credentials.

Just seen on the news that the government want taxi drivers to take examinations to b-pec standards to prove they can drive a taxi!
The taxi drivers are up in arms about it, say it wont prove a thing, and costs £200 - £300 a time.
I am a qualified plumber, heating engineer and gas installer, I had to take b pec exams even though I was already qualified, and have to take them again every 5 years, plus any extra ones like Lpg, unvented, solar, gas analisis, etc etc, they all average £200 - £500 every 5 years, and I cant get my certificates (corgi etc) without them, electricians have similar to put up with, and there are plans to make all trades the same, so, is it a good thing or a bad one? To show how these bpec tests (in my opinion) dont make good or bad installers, the thread started by accylass about her boiler has photos that show that many 'qualified' people are not what they should be after 'qualifying' for thier certificates.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?

Last edited by derekgas; 06-10-2008 at 17:26.
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Old 06-10-2008, 17:53   #2

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Re: Taxi drivers - credentials.

It is a difficult one. How do you know the tradesmen you use do a good job to the required standards?

I don't think part P has done anything to make sure electricians are any better than they were. All it has done is push their prices up to pay for all the exams and courses to pass them. I doubt any of them will be doing anything different now than they were.

The most stupid thing IEE did was to change the damn wiring colours. What sort of a tosspot decides to swap a phase and neutral colour around. We had the best and easiest 3 phase colour code in europe, if not the world and now they have harmonised then with Europe. Harmonised my backside, Europe is still a mess of different colour codes. We should have stuck 2 fingers up at Europe in the 70's and stuck with red, yellow, blue and black neutral for 3 phase and red, black for single phase. Every phase was instantly identifiable.

Ok rant over....for now
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Old 06-10-2008, 18:43   #3
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Re: Taxi drivers - credentials.

[quote=Neil;638616]It is a difficult one. How do you know the tradesmen you use do a good job to the required standards?

I don't think part P has done anything to make sure electricians are any better than they were. All it has done is push their prices up to pay for all the exams and courses to pass them. I doubt any of them will be doing anything different now than they were.

One of my mates is an electrician, not only has he to take part in the exam, but one of the examiners picks one of his last jobs and inspects it and asks questions about the job, before he gets a new cartificate. If that doesn't weed the good from the bad, what will.

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Old 06-10-2008, 19:07   #4
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Re: Taxi drivers - credentials.

Must be me but I thought the thread was about taxi drivers and the way that they can, with the aid of a spanner change the taxi plates from one car to another.Mind you they all look the same to me.
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Old 06-10-2008, 20:52   #5
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Re: Taxi drivers - credentials.

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
Must be me but I thought the thread was about taxi drivers and the way that they can, with the aid of a spanner change the taxi plates from one car to another.Mind you they all look the same to me.
Spanners or the drivers???

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Old 06-10-2008, 20:53   #6
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Re: Taxi drivers - credentials.

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
It is a difficult one. How do you know the tradesmen you use do a good job to the required standards?

I don't think part P has done anything to make sure electricians are any better than they were. All it has done is push their prices up to pay for all the exams and courses to pass them. I doubt any of them will be doing anything different now than they were.

The most stupid thing IEE did was to change the damn wiring colours. What sort of a tosspot decides to swap a phase and neutral colour around. We had the best and easiest 3 phase colour code in europe, if not the world and now they have harmonised then with Europe. Harmonised my backside, Europe is still a mess of different colour codes. We should have stuck 2 fingers up at Europe in the 70's and stuck with red, yellow, blue and black neutral for 3 phase and red, black for single phase. Every phase was instantly identifiable.

Ok rant over....for now
Rant away I agree with you.

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Old 06-10-2008, 20:53   #7
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Re: Taxi drivers - credentials.

One of my mates is an electrician, not only has he to take part in the exam, but one of the examiners picks one of his last jobs and inspects it and asks questions about the job, before he gets a new cartificate. If that doesn't weed the good from the bad, what will.


Corgi do inspections retlaw, they can be bi annual, annual or just whenever they decide, but they dont check on you doing a repair, they check that you know how not to leave a gas leak, or a dangerous appliance, how to test gas metres and flues, rubbish pipework and sub standard stuff isnt picked up, if they see bad ones, they inspect them more often than the prescribed 12 months.. But Corgi will be no more after 2009 anyway, they lost the franchise to Capita.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 06-10-2008, 21:20   #8

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Re: Taxi drivers - credentials.

Originally Posted by derekgas View Post
But Corgi will be no more after 2009 anyway, they lost the franchise to Capita.
Oh joy more confusion.
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Old 06-10-2008, 21:28   #9
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Re: Taxi drivers - credentials.

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Oh joy more confusion.

Not to mention calling out a service engineer from India
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Old 06-10-2008, 21:49   #10
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Re: Taxi drivers - credentials.

Sorry but my par boiled cauli between mi lugs cant hack all this officialism and changes. Anyone got a headache cure????

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Old 06-10-2008, 21:58   #11
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Re: Taxi drivers - credentials.

know quite a few taxi drivers, also am aware they are making next door to ****** all these days, all that should be required fer me is a full driving licence, n a criminal background check, i know Hackney used to be, council contacted scotland yard back in the day, not sure if private hire was the same? but should be.
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Old 06-10-2008, 22:18   #12
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Re: Taxi drivers - credentials.

But Corgi will be no more after 2009 anyway, they lost the franchise to Capita.[/quote]

So will you be Corgi registered or Capita registered? At the rate Capita are going, they will have their sticky little fingers in every pie soon. After the mess they made of Housing/Council Tax claims for Blackburn, methinks there will be some very unhappy folks out there.
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Old 07-10-2008, 05:17   #13
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Re: Taxi drivers - credentials.

If the Test the Taxi Driver has to take includes knowing the area they work in i think its a good idea.
i got the same taxi firm to and from the last accyweb meet and the driver going had no problem finding my address and the oaklea pub but the driver that picked me up ended up Manchester road, after me telling him 4 times how to get to my home he finally found it.
so i think it would help
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Old 07-10-2008, 06:56   #14
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Re: Taxi drivers - credentials.

So will you be Corgi registered or Capita registered? At the rate Capita are going, they will have their sticky little fingers in every pie soon. After the mess they made of Housing/Council Tax claims for Blackburn, methinks there will be some very unhappy folks out there.[/quote]

Originally, we were told that the corgi logo etc would be the same (as what I dont know cos it has changed a few times, and we now have blue, green and orange badges anyway), now we are told that it will all be replaced, and Capita have 2 years to saturate public awareness, for those who dont know, corgi act under and are controlled by the health and safety executive, which of course is government run!
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 07-10-2008, 07:11   #15

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Re: Taxi drivers - credentials.

Originally Posted by derekgas View Post
for those who dont know, corgi act under and are controlled by the health and safety executive, which of course is government run!
So it would make more sense to be HSE registered
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