i thought that taxis had more strict rules when it came to been road worthy with a M.O.T every 3 months for instance yet quite a lot of taxis i have seen recently are driving around with various malfunctions like headlights out , brake lights out etc and the police dont even stop them
it seems a little one sided that pilkingtons buses got shut down for the sake of passenger safety yet taxis can drive around in it would seem any condition and comit any road offence they like and still be allowed to transport the public around
now if i should have a defect with my car that i cant be bothered fixing i dont know wether to fix it of write taxi on my car doors
to be honest it seems the only traffic offence you can get done for these days is speeding and thats because it is regulated by cameras and not the police
they had a clamp down on the blackburn road area because it is the worst place in hyndburn for taffic offences regarding parking on yellow lines and at traffic lights causing obstructions etc but rather than actualy fine somone or give them points on their licence the answer to solve the problem was to give up and pretend the problem isnt there . i think it was the observer that covered the story
fines and points should have been handed out until they either learned their lesson or lost their licence's
the worst one that gets on my nerves teh most is when at 5pm rush hour two taxis traveling oposit directions stop dead in teh road causing road blocks while they have a conversation shouting across at each other only been interupted to answer their mobile phones