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Old 01-04-2007, 18:27   #31
I am Banned

Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Not all the groups set up have to be affiliated to the Hyndburn Community Network. In my view there are far too many groups all doing it appears the same thing. As I said previously, integration requires a desire to be part of a better society, not lots of funds to have 'celebration functions'.

One only has to peruse the last few weeks of the Observer or Lancashire Evening Telegraph to note that there are pages and pages of celebrations of diversity parties, all centred on asian culinary or hand painting or some such. I simply do not see the value in such functions in terms of these assisting integration. In all the pictures in the local press of such events there appears little in terms of a cross section of the community attending the events. Maybe the photographer missed this aspect, I don't know since I was not at any of these functions.

Anyway, I see the governments blunder on miscalculating the cost of the Olympics may serve some benefit. It appears that some of the Lottery funds will now be directed at the Olympics, rather than it being a further burden on the taxpayer. Thank goodness for that. The Olympics will be a landmark for many years to come in this country, and is set to benefit not just London, but will raise the profile of the country as a whole. Projects such as the Olympics can actually aid integration as well, allowing budding sportsmen and women of all backgrounds to come together and contribute as one community.

I would rather money directed to such important projects,( than on some silly exercise donating 130k to celebrate the community food worker). I mean, what on earth is all that about?
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Old 01-04-2007, 18:36   #32
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
This is simply not true. Yes, there are pots of money out there that specialise in funding groups that provide events for community cohesion and I've been successful with them myself but none of the events that I've organised or been involved in have been solely for Asians they have been events that have brought people together from all different cultures.

If your events are so inclusive why was Garinda booted out of your fashion show, would have thought the 'ladies' of Accrington and area would have gratefully appreciated the help of a proffesional.
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Old 01-04-2007, 18:43   #33
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Garinda was not booted out of the fashion show at all. There were a lot of things going on at that time and when Garinda arrived I explained the situation and we agreed that it would probably be for the best if he didn't help out on this occasion. I have apologised to him on many occasions so don't see the need to continue doing so every time this subject is raised. This was one event, one time when things were going horribly wrong and won't happen again.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 01-04-2007, 18:46   #34
I am Banned

Re: Teen clash in race brawl!


I note from another thread your suggestion that i assert my views do not represent the consensus view or that of this site. I have never even remotely suggested that my views are anything other than my own. Thus I see no reason to repeat this statement in each post, unless I was making known the view that my opinion is on behalf of this site. It is not and I have never suggested it as such.

To curb debate on important issues that affect the community, such as the Olympics, where lottery funds ought to be directed, the role of Councillors, benefits and appraoches to successful integration and the rest, would mean that one would curb free speach and thus be attacking one of the most significant principles of democracy and freedom.
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Old 01-04-2007, 18:47   #35
I am Banned

Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Out of curiosity, why was Garinda banned?
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Old 01-04-2007, 18:49   #36
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Garinda Was Not Banned!!!!!!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 01-04-2007, 18:50   #37
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Originally Posted by gondola View Post

I note from another thread your suggestion that i assert my views do not represent the consensus view or that of this site. I have never even remotely suggested that my views are anything other than my own. Thus I see no reason to repeat this statement in each post, unless I was making known the view that my opinion is on behalf of this site. It is not and I have never suggested it as such.

To curb debate on important issues that affect the community, such as the Olympics, where lottery funds ought to be directed, the role of Councillors, benefits and appraoches to successful integration and the rest, would mean that one would curb free speach and thus be attacking one of the most significant principles of democracy and freedom.
And how exactly would it be curbing the debate were you to put a disclaimer on your posts that they were your thoughts and yours alone? What exactly is the connection there?

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 01-04-2007, 18:51   #38
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Well we seem to be all agreeing to disagree(same old same ol..)I can only say from my own limited experience that certain groups do seem to receive their fair share of funds,grants and subsidies.But there again many of the 'Community Centres' were set up with these groups in mind the question is how long does the cashflow last before self sufficiency is acheived?
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Old 01-04-2007, 18:56   #39
I am Banned

Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Gayle wrote: ''If you have evidence of any specific groups lining their own pockets let me know and I'll investigate it and be prepared to publish the results''

I have never stated that specific groups are lining their pockets. In fact I dont recall mentioning any specific groups. I merely asked the question as to what is aggressively inspiring many people to set up community group and centres that appear to be popping up at the rate of knots. Is it a desire to be recognised as a community leader? Is it to obtain a job at the centre and thus enable income? Or is it a real desire to promote integration?

My view is this. It does not need vast amounts of funding to promote integration between different communities. Perhaps the next chap deciding on opening a community celebration centre would pause for a moment or two and consider that he may achieve just as much if not more community integration by taking a group of white and non white children for a game of cricket or football in the local park. That won't cost a cent and I suspect will do a lot of good to promoting harmony and understanding amongst the next generation of adults.
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Old 01-04-2007, 18:59   #40
I am Banned

Re: Teen clash in race brawl!


There is no point of submitting a disclaimer if I have not made any claims on behalf of this site or anyone else. Thus, why put the disclaimer.
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Old 01-04-2007, 19:04   #41
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Originally Posted by gondola View Post

I have never stated that specific groups are lining their pockets. In fact I dont recall mentioning any specific groups. I merely asked the question as to what is aggressively inspiring many people to set up community group and centres that appear to be popping up at the rate of knots. Is it a desire to be recognised as a community leader? Is it to obtain a job at the centre and thus enable income? Or is it a real desire to promote integration?
No you did not state any specific groups but you did ask the question in an earlier post which clearly implied that you feel that there is someone or some groups out there lining their own pockets.

Originally Posted by gondola

Why don't you undertake a search of how many community groups there are in Hyndburn, how much funding they get under the umbrella of 'integration' and 'celebration of diverstiy' and based on what posters are indicating here there is not that much integration to speak of. I think it is high time that people realised that integration does not require setting up of groups to solicit funds. It requires a desire to become part of the society in which you live. That's all. If such a simple concept can entrench itself in the minds of the 'do gooders who promote positive discrimination' then we may get some integration after all.

Are these organisations lining their own pockets or are they really setting up community centre after community centre for the benefit of society. I know not, but it is food for thought. Sometimes quite literally.
I asked you if there were an specific groups that you feel that I should be investigating as I do not have the time or inclination to go wading through the integrity of every single community group in Hyndburn.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 01-04-2007, 19:09   #42
I am Banned

Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
No you did not state any specific groups but you did ask the question in an earlier post which clearly implied that you feel that there is someone or some groups out there lining their own pockets.

I asked you if there were an specific groups that you feel that I should be investigating as I do not have the time or inclination to go wading through the integrity of every single community group in Hyndburn.
There is no clear inference or implication. To suggest so is clearly wrong. Posing a question is an entirely different prospect to making an assertion. I heartily suggest you watch Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight. He will pose questions routinely as above, but these are entirely different to asserting as fact that something exists. The latter requires evidence to substantiate the same.

If I had information of blatant fraud, I think it would be more appropriate to refer it to the auditors rather than yourself. In fact, if the auditors were competent they would have picked it up themselves and would not be relying on information from myself.
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Old 01-04-2007, 19:34   #43
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Originally Posted by gondola View Post
Out of curiosity, why was Garinda banned?

Also out of curiosity, why on earth would you ask if I've been banned?

I have never been banned from anywhere.
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Old 01-04-2007, 19:41   #44
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
If your events are so inclusive why was Garinda booted out of your fashion show, would have thought the 'ladies' of Accrington and area would have gratefully appreciated the help of a proffesional.

I wasn't 'booted' out of anywhere thank you, and am more than capable of speaking for myself. I helped Gayle with a few ideas because of my background working in fashion for many years, and on the day my help wasn't needed. A fact I have no problem with, although I did cheekily bring it up in another discussion, to humoursly illustrate a point.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 01-04-2007, 19:42   #45
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Originally Posted by gondola View Post
There is no clear inference or implication. To suggest so is clearly wrong. Posing a question is an entirely different prospect to making an assertion. I heartily suggest you watch Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight. He will pose questions routinely as above, but these are entirely different to asserting as fact that something exists. The latter requires evidence to substantiate the same.

If I had information of blatant fraud, I think it would be more appropriate to refer it to the auditors rather than yourself. In fact, if the auditors were competent they would have picked it up themselves and would not be relying on information from myself.
In that case why ask the question if not to cast aspersions on the integrity of all of the groups in Hyndburn. I would suggest that Jeremy Paxman does not ask the question unless there is a suspicion that he might get the answer that he wants and I put it to you that you were doing the same.

So I ask you why you even asked the question in the first place.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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