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Old 01-04-2007, 19:43   #46
I am Banned

Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Don't ask me, ask steeljack. Post 32.
Frankly I am not particularly bothered why you got 'booted out'.
It doesn't really affect me.
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Old 01-04-2007, 19:47   #47
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Originally Posted by gondola View Post
Don't ask me, ask steeljack. Post 32.
Frankly I am not particularly bothered why you got 'booted out'.
It doesn't really affect me.
If you're not bothered with pettiness, why ask, mistakenly, why I was banned?

As this also doesn't affect you.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 01-04-2007, 19:59   #48
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Hey i was there and managed to walk down that catwalk without falling off or falling over!!!!
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 01-04-2007, 20:25   #49
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

I have come across these statistics from the 2001 census giving percentage of Ethnic backgrounds.
Does this compare with the amounts funded to certain groups?
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Old 01-04-2007, 20:36   #50
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

And I have found this - I think the information is a little bit dated but I think it gives some idea about how funds are distributed.

It's a bit jumbled but hope it makes enough sense.

Organisation name Grant amount Funding programme Initiative
Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Domestic Violence Forum £487770 Reaching Communities Big
Scaitcliffe Community Centre £129165 Reaching Communities Big
Carers Link, Hyndburn & Ribble Valley £499925 Reaching Communities Big
Royal British Legion Church and Oswaldtwistle Branch £1569 Home Front Recall Veterans
Springfield Mews Social Club £500 Home Front Recall Veterans
Hyndburn Borough Council £5000 Home Front Recall Veterans
Hyndburn Women's Forum £6000 Home Front Recall Veterans
Heroes Return Award to an individual £525 Heroes Return Veterans
Heroes Return Award to an individual £1200 Heroes Return Veterans
Heroes Return Award to an individual £875 Heroes Return Veterans
Heroes Return Award to an individual £875 Heroes Return Veterans
Heroes Return Award to an individual £875 Heroes Return Veterans
Heroes Return Award to an individual £875 Heroes Return Veterans
Heroes Return Award to an individual £2100 Heroes Return Veterans
Heroes Return Award to an individual £875 Heroes Return Veterans
Heroes Return Award to an individual £875 Heroes Return Veterans
Heroes Return Award to an individual £1225 Heroes Return Veterans
Independent Contract Unit £111445 Poverty Charities
Blackburn And District Well Women Centre £181615 Poverty Charities
Accrington And District Convalescent Home For Children £47881 Poverty Charities
Burnley Duke Of Edinburgh Award District Forum £82829 Youth and low income Charities
Parents Aid To The Handicapped £18751 Health, disability and care Charities
Primetime Community Association £129480 Health, disability and care Charities
Blackburn, Hyndburn & Ribble Valley Parents Transport Fund £2000 Health, disability and care Charities
Lords House Farm Special Needs Centre £184792 Improving peoples living environment Charities
The PROSPECTS Foundation £255425 Community Involvement Charities
Hyndburn Crossroads Ltd £154834 Community Involvement Charities
Hyndburn Homewise Society Limited £122362 Community Involvement Charities
Hyndburn And Ribble Valley Council For Voluntary Service £144727 Community Involvement Charities
Lancashire Wide Network for Minority Ethnic Women £316940 Community Involvement Charities
Hyndburn Bangladesh Welfare Association £87053 Poverty and Disadvantage Charities
Rishton Primetime Community Association £56678 Projects Costing up to £60,000 Charities
Home-Start Blackburn, Darwen and Hyndburn £299752 Large Projects Charities
Hyndburn Cultural Association £139579 Large Projects Charities
The PROSPECTS Foundation £229330 Large Projects Charities
Carers Link, Hyndburn & Ribble Valley £300000 Large Projects Charities
Hyndburn And Ribble Valley Council For Voluntary Service £213724 Large Projects Charities
Hyndburn Bangladesh Welfare Association £66213 Large Projects Charities
Hyndburn And Ribble Valley Council For Voluntary Service £105970 Large Projects Charities
Hyndburn Women's Forum £9450 Medium Sized Projects Charities
East Lancashire Partnership £149026 Community Access to Lifelong Learning Education
Springhill Out of School Care Club £37104 Out of School Hours Childcare Education
Norden High School & Sports College £113940 Out of School Hours Learning / School Sport Co-ordinators Education
Hyndburn Used Furniture Store £119967 Transforming Waste Environment
Hyndburn Borough Council £317332 Fair Share: Transforming Your Space England Environment
Youth Action @ Hyndburn £149977 Young Peoples Fund - Grants to Organisations Education

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

Last edited by Gayle; 01-04-2007 at 20:39.
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Old 02-04-2007, 09:43   #51
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Thanks for the info.I will take a look when I have a day or two to spare!
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Old 02-04-2007, 19:22   #52
I am Banned

Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

How about using funds for some important projects such as those below in the US. Such projects would really serve to benefit the community in the event of an outbreak.

WASHINGTON (AP) - The government's work to prevent an influenza pandemic
took on a more academic look Monday when it selected six universities and
medical centers to help lead research efforts.
The Department of Health and Human Services will spend $23 million a year
for the next seven years to establish six Centers of Excellence for Influenza
Research and Surveillance.
The centers will research how flu viruses evolve and adapt. They'll also
identify factors that determine whether a virus causes mild illness or death,
and they'll determine the prevalence of bird flu in animals that come in close
contact with people.
"The threat of an influenza pandemic is a major source of concern for the
public health community," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Fauci said the centers will help the federal government's efforts in
monitoring the virus and generating the tools necessary to prepare and respond
to a pandemic.
The six new centers are: St Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis,
the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of Minnesota, Emory
University, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, and the University of
Rochester in Rochester, N.Y.
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Old 02-04-2007, 20:14   #53
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Sorry but I didn't know that Hyndburn had a research centre in which to channel all of the funding - what relevance is your post to this topic?

Also, you don't appear to have answered my question in post 45!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 02-04-2007, 20:36   #54
I am Banned

Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Re Post 45 - the answer was in my previous post. For your benefit I submit it again and say as follows:
‘’Posing a question is an entirely different prospect to making an assertion’’. I hope that clarifies the matter.

In relation to whether or not the funding of projects such as those seeking to prevent pandemics is germane to the people of Hyndburn, I am firmly of the view it is. If such projects were funded, then there is a distinct possibility that such outbreaks could be prevented. Thus communities up and down the country would benefit. I am not saying Hyndburn alone should shoulder responsibility for such a colossal project, merely suggesting that this is a better cause than for example, a local community leader setting up a ‘community health awareness worker’ or some such. In the case of the latter, surely the GP would be better positioned to both diagnose and alleviate problems such as poor diet and importance of lower cholesterol etc.
At a time when the Government is struggling with it’s finances, I think that projects such as the Olympics and initiatives similar to the above are far better causes to provide money to from the lottery and other sources of funding, than those which are currently receiving them under the umbrella of ‘integration’ or ‘celebration’ or some such.
Since I suggested yesterday a way of promoting integration (see post in bold/italics below), then perhaps I too ought to apply for some funds to enable such an event to be carried out. How about this as a proposal to HCN:
Gondola’s sport club - the binding thread for kids of all backgrounds

My view is this. It does not need vast amounts of funding to promote integration between different communities. Perhaps the next chap deciding on opening a community celebration centre would pause for a moment or two and consider that he may achieve just as much if not more community integration by taking a group of white and non white children for a game of cricket or football in the local park. That won't cost a cent and I suspect will do a lot of good to promoting harmony and understanding amongst the next generation of adults.

Let me know how I get on with my application!
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Old 02-04-2007, 20:43   #55
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Then I will repeat that you seem to be asking questions in the hope that someone will answer them. Why would you ask the question in the first place if you did not believe that the response that you got would be of interest? Otherwise, you are asking pointless questions.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 02-04-2007, 20:43   #56
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Just a digression, how did those quote marks of Gondolas get slanted like that ? Bit unusual.
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Old 02-04-2007, 20:49   #57
I am Banned

Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Gondola’s sport club - the binding thread for kids of all backgrounds
I submit my proposal again. Is it successful?!!

My view is this. It does not need vast amounts of funding to promote integration between different communities. Perhaps the next chap deciding on opening a community celebration centre would pause for a moment or two and consider that he may achieve just as much if not more community integration by taking a group of white and non white children for a game of cricket or football in the local park. That won't cost a cent and I suspect will do a lot of good to promoting harmony and understanding amongst the next generation of adults.

Let me know how I get on with my application!
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Old 02-04-2007, 20:57   #58
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

I am at a loss of how to answer you. I'm sure your idea would be a wonderful one, if you're so interested in community relations why don't you try it?

Once again, though, I will return to the point that you seem to struggle to be answering. If you are so sure that you don't need the money to work on community cohesion and yet you seem to believe that a lot of money has been given to the wrong projects and community centres, could you please identify which groups - in your mind - have been wrongly gaining funding?

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 02-04-2007, 23:45   #59
I am Banned

Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
I am at a loss of how to answer you. I'm sure your idea would be a wonderful one, if you're so interested in community relations why don't you try it?

Once again, though, I will return to the point that you seem to struggle to be answering. If you are so sure that you don't need the money to work on community cohesion and yet you seem to believe that a lot of money has been given to the wrong projects and community centres, could you please identify which groups - in your mind - have been wrongly gaining funding?
I’m glad you think my idea a ‘wonderful one’. Hence I am sure you will earmark some funding for myself and those that shall benefit from such an exercise to ‘celebrate’ such a wonderful idea.
In relation to your other question, it is becoming akin to an echo. I have answered it several times yet you insist on asking the same but with a different tilt. However, being such a magnanimous fellow, I shall answer it yet again. My view is that integration or community cohesion or whatever phrase you wish to apply to such a concept, requires little in terms of funding but a lot in terms of desire. All the funds in the world without the necessary desire to support them will not yield an integrated society. On the other hand, thinly spread funds coupled with a strong commitment to make a good society into a better one would, in my considered view, generate tremendous impact in terms of a more integrated, harmonious society . The net import of this is that there is not a great need for funds to assist community cohesion. There is a far greater need for a change of mindset. On this basis, therefore, it is my view that a lot of money has been inappropriately directed to futile projects and irrelevant centres.
This is not specific to Hyndburn but part of a more significant trend. Hyndburn is, broadly speaking, a microcosm of a macrocosm. In fact most of the ideas thought up by ‘community leaders’ in Hyndburn in terms of types of projects, initiatives, community centres etc have at one stage been tried elsewhere, in places like Oldham and Bradford. Thus the anticipated outcomes hoped for from such initiatives are not even localised, and thus their chance of yielding dividends for the community in it’s broadest sense are limited. Hence I think these types of projects and initiatives ought to become increasingly moribund, whilst projects like the Olympics, or the other alternatives I proposed on here earlier ought to be the desired destination for such funds.
By way of example, I submit an actual example of where funds are going at the moment and there are an untold number of such outfits in Hyndburn (and most other places up and down the country too, the cumulative cost for which must be colossal and far outstrips the 10 million sterling in the article I pasted earlier about tackling the pandemics):
‘’The project aims to improve volunteering opportunities for women of Asian heritage
The volunteers will also be assisted in CV preparation, job searching and investing in their personal development’’.
This is just from one community centre in Hyndburn, assisted by the Lancashire County Council Grants for Growth. I reiterate there are numerous such outfits, doing exactly the same and all funded by the LCC. My question is this. Why is the Job centre not sufficient for such a purpose? Is it the case then that those of Non Asian Heritage also ought not to refer to the Job Centre and instead set up numerous centres sourcing funding from the LCC top enable CV preparation and job searching.
I would far rather see the money go to the Olympics or tackling pandemics than such a cause. Others may see it differently, hence why it takes two to make a market.
Over to you.
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Old 03-04-2007, 00:47   #60
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Re: Teen clash in race brawl!

Even though he/she (Gondola) sometimes tends to waffle on a bit , I'm starting to like how this person thinks ,
Gondola, just hope in one of your future postings you can give us an assurance that you are playing a 'straight' game and not acting as some agent provocateur for the BNP.

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