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Old 29-08-2006, 23:45   #31
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Re: Teenager banned from wearing a crucifix

This about rules Kash, and sticking to them .. the danger just an addition.
the whole point of the rules is to stop the danger. the danger isn't just an addition.
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Old 30-08-2006, 07:10   #32
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Re: Teenager banned from wearing a crucifix

Lets just get this clear, anyone bringing religion in to it is wrong to do so as it dosn't matter what was on the end of the necklace, it was a necklace which are not alowed by MANY schools. I had one and was always told to take it off if it was visable and there was no crucifix on.

However I do think there should be consistant rules. If what ploppysirploppy says is true where muslims were allowed to wear pants simply because they have to be covered up then its a shambles.

I think im against religion being an influene on the school/college also. Like "St Marys" and other ones for other faiths. Firstly it does cause segregation, I mean, if I had a choice between a Catholic college and an Islamic college I would choose the Catholic one every time, for many reasons, and im sure many of you would be the same.

It seems to be a massive waste of time to have assemblys based on religion UNLESS you are a strong believer, but its not optional for those of us who are not.
I'm sure the college do it simply because they do get extra money for making everyone do religious studies, but it seems pointless when people are not interested, its just going to put them off religion more.
formerly cyfr
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Old 30-08-2006, 08:53   #33
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Re: Teenager banned from wearing a crucifix

Originally Posted by Neil
That would be the end of her career and an assult charge if it happened to one of my children.
All it needed was an instruction to take them out or exclude her until she did, not causing her physical harm.
In this day and age yes...

At my school it was leather straps and some teachers had the one with multiple strips of leather... strange it was such mad school and kids today are far better behaved .. thus proving (in my opinion) that physical punishment doesn't work.

The media have chosen there wording in order to get a reaction and spice up the story... apart from morgan_whatsist you can all see that.. its what the papers do.. amazing that when the same thing happens on your own doorstep with your own local papers who do the same wording tricks to make you think believe everything you read ...
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