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21-03-2022, 17:44
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teenagers ..
what should we do with them?
im only asking because this is what happened today ...
me and the spugster .... yes he was down and went back home today .. well when we came down to the train station turned out his train was cancelled and not another one for an hour .. lack of train drivers due to covid .. so went and sorted his train ticket out .. and then went to tesco cafe for a brew to while away the hour .. anyway we got a brew and butty .. and 2 school/college girls sat down in the cafe started charging their phones up and talking a bit loudly .. they didnt buy anything .. the tesco staff asked them to leave politely .. they said why cant we sit here and charge our phones up its cold outside and our train isnt till 5past 3 ... they asked again politely and got its cold outside im not leaving here till my train comes at 5 past 3 ... she got the security guard .. and he got the same back .. it ended up the store manager came down .. he asked politely and got the same back .. and he rang the police .. as we were on the train station waiting for his train to go back home .. they didnt make that 3.05 pm train ... while we were waiting for the train ..we saw a police car pull up .. but why didnt they just buy a brew they didnt need to drink it .. they could have just left it .. but one of the cafe staff said this is going on all the time in tesco ... mainly at night but during the day sometimes when kids are on holidays ..
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
21-03-2022, 18:24
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Re: teenagers ..
Perhaps they had no money, think I would have just bought them a brew as long as they weren’t cheeky brats and told them to pay it forward one day.
21-03-2022, 19:02
Beacon of light
Re: teenagers ..
Shurm that is a really nice idea.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
22-03-2022, 02:09
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Re: teenagers ..
Shurm that was an extremely kind thought of yours but there are different ways to look at this. If it is happening on a regular basis at that café as it appears is the case, and depending on how the ones making use of this free service act, for instance if they are cheeky, if they are annoying other customers, if they are acting disrespectfully, then I can understand management’s frustrations. After all it is a business relying on paying customers, customers who need to feel comfortable in their surroundings.
That’s not to say that these two girls were acting that way though it sounds like they were from their attitude. Maybe they could not understand why they shouldn’t be allowed to use that facility to charge their phones as in their opinion they were not doing any harm. However, it does sound like they did not have respect for authority in this instance. If they had they would have left when asked. Perhaps if the teenagers had politely asked permission in the first place it might have produced a different scenario instead of them assuming they could do as they pleased.
When politely asked to leave in the first place perhaps negotiations could have taken place to the satisfaction of all concerned instead of arguing about it. After all, that place of business does not belong to them and they were exceeding their rights when refusing to leave.
Unfortunately it is the teenagers who act in this way that are noticed and get talked about, while the ones who are respectful and caring go unnoticed.
Bringing in the police might have been a bit heavy-handed but the manager’s patience had been well and truly tested by then.
Shurm you could be right in assuming these two might not have had any money, but I bet they had the latest in phones….
22-03-2022, 09:22
Beacon of light
Re: teenagers ..
Dorothy, you are right about them having the latest tech.
And I feel that much of what you say is true. A lot of teens seem to have a sense of entitlement….and to be honest they did not care much about the business being lost by the cafe…they were only interested in their own comfort….but I also think that the staff could perhaps have handled it better too.
Calling the Police…heck you can be burgled and it takes four days for a visit from the police for a crime number so you can claim on your insurance.
I am betting come Saturday night these two young lasses would be out in the teeth of a gale with short skirts, a bare midriff and no coat…..and they would not be bleating about being cold.
I will away now and get a new prescription for my anti-cynical meds.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
22-03-2022, 10:23
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: teenagers ..
The following is speculation & supposition because, I wasn't there.
Whose fault was it that these 'teenagers' were in the position of having to seek refuge in the café? It wasn't theirs, the train had been cancelled because of Covid (yeah, right, sounds much better than the driver didn't turn up for his shift because of a massive hangover). Perhaps their parents had taught them don't hang around the stations there are pervs and deviants ready to take advantage go somewhere where there is a crowd so that you are safe, so off they trot to the café, having had a grand day out in Accrington the girls had spent up buying souvenirs of the place and hadn't foreseen the extra expense of buying a brew but never mind at least they will be safe.
If they don't know that particular café has problems with people hanging about (perhaps there is an epidemic of cancelled trains?) they may have been surprised by the waitresses attitude and taken it as a personal insult after all they were only seeking refuge. Maybe either or both parties could have handled the situation with a bit more care?
Maybe we should go back to 'Ladies only' waiting rooms on stations if the P.C. and equality brigade will allow?
As for the latest tech, most teenagers have the hand me downs from their parents and older siblings (had their 'phones been the latest tech the batteries are much more efficient and would have lasted the day) though I don't see anything wrong with any teenager having the latest tech if they or their parents can afford it.
As I have already said I wasn't there so I hope the waitress gets over her traumatic experience of dealing with teenagers and I hope the teenagers got home safely, I wonder, will they return for another adventure in our wonderfully hospitable little town?
Typical! teenagers invading our space and not buying drinks.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Last edited by Less; 22-03-2022 at 10:26.
22-03-2022, 10:57
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Re: teenagers ..
think our parents could have said the same things about us when we were in our teens. really they are still only kids, but like us they thought they knew it all at that age.
22-03-2022, 14:42
Beacon of light
Re: teenagers ..
Well Less….I don’t know any teens who are happy to have their parents or older siblings tech cast offs….but of course there must be some.
And teens frequently forget to charge up their devices…..I have bern out with my daughters two and they have both run out of charge……asked for my charging cable to re-charge on the bus.
You are right Less..it is all conjecture and supposition and we will never really know as I can’t imagine either of these girls come on the forum.
It could though, have been managed better by the staff of the cafe.
However, hindsight is 20/20.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
22-03-2022, 15:03
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: teenagers ..
Oop's I'll try again later! 
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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22-03-2022, 15:31
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: teenagers ..
Originally Posted by shillelagh
what should we do with them? 
Give them a damn good thrashing to within an inch of their miserable lives, then lock 'em away in a "School" for further thrashings, education & the teaching of manners only to be released when they're 21, got a job & know their place on the social scale .......
Or is that a bit much? 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
23-03-2022, 01:32
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Re: teenagers ..
Les, while I agree it might have been that those teens needed shelter, a safe place, and so on, there was absolutely no excuse for their attitude. Maybe a request, politely asked, that they be allowed to sit there for a short time might have been a better way of doing things.
Like you I wasn’t there but the author of this thread was and I am sure you will agree that we can believe the scenario happened in the way that she said. A very reliable and truthful eye-witness.
From the manager’s side of things, if it is true that it happens often then I am sure most of us would get frustrated if it was our livelihood that was being affected.. How to handle it is another matter.
Yes, MH, we did our fair share of letting off steam but we were taught good manners and respect, and boy! were we in trouble if we didn’t abide by these. There is no excuse for rudeness and deliberate cheek…..
….though Dave, your suggestions might be a little bit too much.
Last edited by dotti34; 23-03-2022 at 01:35.
23-03-2022, 10:38
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: teenagers ..
Originally Posted by dotti34
Like you I wasn’t there but the author of this thread was and I am sure you will agree that we can believe the scenario happened in the way that she said. A very reliable and truthful eye-witness.
I believe that she, as would any of we the members of the old farts brigade heard what she expected to hear, teenagers grunting, for some reason kids from the moment they can talk until their 13th birthday always spoke in a manner we could understand, suddenly though, after passing this milestone they revert to Neanderthal speak (I have seen this happen with both my children AND my grand children, the only time we can understand them is when they ask for a fiver(and we're lucky these days if it's only a fiver!)).
Of course, we didn't go through this did we? We were perfect little adults.
Please note, I have been suffering quite a bit from tongue in cheek syndrome brought on by threads that my condition considers do not require
any serious thought, because ****e happens .
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
Last edited by Less; 23-03-2022 at 10:45.
23-03-2022, 11:00
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Re: teenagers ..
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Give them a damn good thrashing to within an inch of their miserable lives, then lock 'em away in a "School" for further thrashings, education & the teaching of manners only to be released when they're 21, got a job & know their place on the social scale .......
Or is that a bit much? 
or actually allow em to leave school earlier once they reach a certain educational standard. present woke schooling is possibly doing many more harm than good and they,ll only learn once they get into the big real world of work not woke.
23-03-2022, 13:33
Beacon of light
Re: teenagers ..
We all’ ow that ***** happens…..and maybe you consider it needs no serious thought…..so maybe if that is the case a comment is also superfluous…..but only you can decide that I guess.
I do not want to be seen to be discouraging posts….we need all we can get….and something light hearted in this bleak world would be more than welcome.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
24-03-2022, 00:41
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Re: teenagers ..
Less, I am very impressed with your apparent tolerance and understanding, though a person’s age is no excuse for them to show disrespect in any form, whether they are teenagers, adults, or those of us who are in our dotage. No excuse.
However, I am surprised that you apparently only hear grunts when teenagers speak as I find them to be very articulate, especially in public places.
I am sure you will happily practice this tolerance should you yourself ever be ‘cheeked’ or grunted at in a disrespectful manner - and yes, I still believe in the Easter bunny.
(By the way, I too am a member of the tongue-in-cheek club in case you haven’t guessed, though sometimes we could be referred to as sarcastic b*******, no disrespect intended).
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