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Old 12-02-2008, 15:22   #31
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Re: Teenagers jailed

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
You can't put a price on justice. And, anyway, whose fault is it that it costs £40,000 per year? Successive governments and their do-gooder accomplices who care far more about the rights and comforts of criminals than they do about their victims. I would think that "bed and board" in a hard labour camp with the minimum of creature comforts would cost far less!
Hard labour camps could quickly escalade into concentration camps, hence why they are avoided.

If there wasn't as many people wanting revenge rather than justice then perhaps we would see hard labour camps still being used, but presently I think they would only cause problems.
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Old 12-02-2008, 15:34   #32
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Re: Teenagers jailed

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
If they cant pay it back then why spend more money keeping them in prison. I've already said that I think prisons are pointless, they obviously aren't doing what they're meant to do, so whats the point of the money being spent on prisons?

Would be cheaper to get them visa's to live abroad and pay for their one way ticket. Surprised nobody has suggested that yet instead.
i hope thats not the standard of applicant that gets into uni these days.
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Old 12-02-2008, 15:43   #33
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Re: Teenagers jailed

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i hope thats not the standard of applicant that gets into uni these days.
Well, I am wondering why people are saying prison is pointless but still wanting their money spent on keeping people in prison for life.

I'd find it more understandable if people where saying just hang them or whatever, quick, cheap and saves a lot of wasted time, but I dont quite understand why people want people in prison for life when it costs so much money.
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Old 12-02-2008, 15:47   #34
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Re: Teenagers jailed

please list those besides you that think prison is pointless, cos it beats the crap out of me.
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Old 12-02-2008, 15:53   #35
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Re: Teenagers jailed

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
please list those besides you that think prison is pointless, cos it beats the crap out of me.
I dont think its pointless, its job is to punish and rehabilitate criminals so they can come back to society. There's no point to it if people just want to lock people up forever just so they dont have to deal with them. There are much cheaper ways of removing people from society than that, which is all locking people up for their entire lives does...
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Old 12-02-2008, 16:05   #36
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Re: Teenagers jailed

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I dont think its pointless, its job is to punish and rehabilitate criminals so they can come back to society. There's no point to it if people just want to lock people up forever just so they dont have to deal with them. There are much cheaper ways of removing people from society than that, which is all locking people up for their entire lives does...
ok we established that, then WHO are these people? that say prison is pointless.
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Old 12-02-2008, 16:14   #37
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Re: Teenagers jailed

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
ok we established that, then WHO are these people? that say prison is pointless.
If prison isn't rehabilitating people to the point that people want criminals to spend their entire lives in their, technically those people are saying it's pointless.

As far as I am aware the governments main aims surrounding prisons isn't just to punish people, its to deter people, to rehabilitate. If its not doing those things then there is no point to it. The costs aren't worth the result.

I personally think it DOES rehabilitate people, hence why i'm saying don't lock people up for their entire lives.

I dont think I'm getting anywhere with this
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Old 12-02-2008, 16:18   #38
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Re: Teenagers jailed

[quote=blazey;why bother with prisons Surely it would just be wasting money if they weren't ever going to be released?[/quote]

My sentiments exactly .....Hang them
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Old 12-02-2008, 16:19   #39
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Re: Teenagers jailed

Originally Posted by MITZY View Post

My sentiments exactly .....Hang them
I knew there'd be one
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Old 12-02-2008, 16:21   #40
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Re: Teenagers jailed

No maybe I was a bit hasty just leave them in a locked room with the family of the poor guy they killed.
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Old 12-02-2008, 16:21   #41
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Re: Teenagers jailed

[Would be cheaper to get them visa's to live abroad and pay for their one way ticket. Surprised nobody has suggested that yet instead.[/quote]

Which country would want these murderous yobs?....and why should some other country take our scum?.......there would be a huge uproar if we were expected to accommodate the miscreants from some other country.
Blazey, that is one of the most senseless suggestions you have made to date.
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Old 12-02-2008, 16:23   #42
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Re: Teenagers jailed

And if prison really does rehabilitate people, why do so many end up back there?
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Old 12-02-2008, 16:45   #43
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Re: Teenagers jailed

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I personally think it DOES rehabilitate people, hence why i'm saying don't lock people up for their entire lives.
Have you got some information we can share why you think that way ?
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Old 12-02-2008, 17:08   #44
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Re: Teenagers jailed

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
[Would be cheaper to get them visa's to live abroad and pay for their one way ticket. Surprised nobody has suggested that yet instead.
Which country would want these murderous yobs?....and why should some other country take our scum?.......there would be a huge uproar if we were expected to accommodate the miscreants from some other country.
Blazey, that is one of the most senseless suggestions you have made to date.[/QUOTE] hence my comment on the standard of uni applicants.
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Old 12-02-2008, 18:59   #45
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Re: Teenagers jailed

I would hasten to add that I did not post about criminals being given visas and one way tickets to another country - that was Blazey's idea.......the rest of the post is mine, I also take responsibility for suggesting that this was one of the most senseless ideas to date......
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