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Old 05-02-2006, 22:43   #46
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Re: tele licence

Originally Posted by Gayle

I suppose it can be broken down quite simply - what do you want - to pay a licence fee or to watch adverts.

hi Gayle ..i would rather have adverts... you can fast forward them off ,
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Old 05-02-2006, 23:08   #47
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Re: tele licence

I'd rather have sky plus
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Old 05-02-2006, 23:17   #48
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Re: tele licence

Originally Posted by Madhatter
I'd rather have sky plus
got that,,,,,beats b,b,c any day
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Old 06-02-2006, 00:20   #49
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Re: tele licence

good in it granny c
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Old 06-02-2006, 08:48   #50
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Re: tele licence

I too have Sky+ but i can't see how a piece of technology that records video can be compared to a broadcasters decision whether to have adverts or not?

there are other PVRs as well as Sky+

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Old 06-02-2006, 18:27   #51

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Re: tele licence

Originally Posted by entwisi
I too have Sky+ but i can't see how a piece of technology that records video can be compared to a broadcasters decision whether to have adverts or not?

there are other PVRs as well as Sky+
Don't start me on Sky. You pay Rupert £40 a month or whatever stupid amount it is now for 400ish channels and you can only watch one at once. Why charge extra for Sky+? You can only watch one at once still ( sort of ). The technology is in the Sky+ box so it cost's Sky nothing extra if you are recording a program. Rupert is not impressed that I am now able to put my sky card into my Dream Multimedia Dreambox and watch and record Sky programs that I pay for. It has benefits over the Sky+ as well, you can transfer the recorded programs to your PC and burn them to DVD, you can watch the programs on your PC by streaming them from the Dreambox, you can even watch them on the other side of the world over the internet (if your upload speed is fast enough ).
Don't get excited, Sky has not been hacked. I can just watch channels I pay for in a non Sky Satellite receiver. He is that pee'd off he has tried to force them to stop manufacturing the Dreambox.
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Last edited by Neil; 06-02-2006 at 18:31.
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Old 06-02-2006, 19:34   #52
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Re: tele licence

ive also just recieved my tv licence for end of feb!! cant believe the price!! where do they get it from, it will go up again in april to probably £131 cuz it always gos up a fiver
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Old 06-02-2006, 19:51   #53
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Re: tele licence

Robbing bar stewards they should deffo get some adverts on there if they want to make money, and not take the mickey by charging us for what is, mostly, drivel and repeats. Apart from Porridge and Top Gear I can't think of much else that I watch on BBC.

I pay by DD too but I'm a proper scrooge so will notice the few extra £s it's costing this year .......... bah humbug.
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Old 06-02-2006, 22:17   #54
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Re: tele licence

Mines due at the end of the month but I am only paying it to avoid a 12 x 6 bedroom.

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Old 06-02-2006, 22:25   #55
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Exclamation Re: tele licence

We buy a licence to view TV programmes by whatever means there are.
That licence money goes to the government.
The BBC is funded by the government from the proceeds of the licence fee. Whether the BBC gets the full amount or more or less is open to debate.

The Inland Revenue collects taxes and VAT on behalf of the government.
DVLA collects the Road Fund Licence on behalf of the government.
The manager of a newsagents, sells the goods, buys in stock and pays the staff wages on behalf of the shop owner.
The BBC collects the licence fee on behalf of the government. The BBC also has the authority to ensure that every household that has TV receiving apparatus installed in the house has a licence. If not they are empowered to taken the person to court. The BBC is very keen to get as much licence money as possible so that at the next round of funding negotiations they have a stronger case for increased funding.

Why is it so hard for people to understand that the TV licence fee has nothing to do with the BBC directly?

The BBC publishes that pie chart of how a typical licence fee is spent because it helps to establish that the BBC is independent of the government, which it is except for funding.

Even if the BBC goes down the advertising road we will still have to a pay a TV viewing licence fee. Read the back of the licence! It doesn’t matter which channel you watch you still have to buy a licence if you want to stay legit.
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Old 06-02-2006, 22:35   #56
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Re: tele licence

Originally Posted by jambutty
If there were no licence fee the government would have to get the money to run the BBC by increasing taxes or close the BBC down.

Like I posted earlier, the BBC should survive or fail on it's own merit, like every other company in the country.
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Old 06-02-2006, 22:54   #57
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Talking Re: tele licence

Like I posted earlier, the BBC should survive or fail on it's own merit, like every other company in the country.

OK! Fine! But you would still have to pay a licence fee.
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Old 06-02-2006, 22:56   #58
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Re: tele licence

Originally Posted by jambutty

OK! Fine! But you would still have to pay a licence fee.
No problem. I'm against unfair competition and monopolies.
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Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 06-02-2006, 22:57   #59

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Re: tele licence

Originally Posted by jambutty
OK! Fine! But you would still have to pay a licence fee.
Why if the BBC was self funding? The Government only charge the license so they can fund the BBC.
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Old 06-02-2006, 23:12   #60
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Re: tele licence

cos then they'd decide it's a good established form of income and the'yd carry on with it off course. You'll never get rid of the tv licence.
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