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Old 14-08-2014, 19:37   #1
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Telephone tormentors.

Just had a nuisance call from someone asking if I was being pestered by nuisance calls! Things are getting silly now, I've been very tempted to drop my phone down the toilet and become a recluse. I'm sick of the constant bombardment of rubbish from call centres, this last one was the icing on the cake!

Last edited by Neil; 15-08-2014 at 08:56. Reason: remove underline
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Old 14-08-2014, 20:03   #2
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Re: Telephone tormentors.

In this thread -
I said at post #253 -
"Incredible!!! - this company who allegedly exist to prevent nuisance phone calls have continued to make them to me

I have been roused from sleep every day for the past 5 days and the call ended before I reached the phone.

I have sent them yet another email, more strongly worded this time. I did not request 'call back' when I entered my number on their site.

If they don't stop I will report them to the (real) Telephone Preference Service"

Soon after that I read in the press that this firm were operating a 'scam'.

I had a nuisance call today which roused me from a nap. I asked the female (who had a yankee accent) why she could not find a better way of earning a living besides annoying people.

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Old 14-08-2014, 20:17   #3
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Re: Telephone tormentors.

Sorry, I don't remember seeing that post Margaret. Seems like things are just getting worse, my elderly mum and dad are plagued with these calls on their land line and mobiles. Its terrible how these companies are allowed to harass people at all times of the day and night, and I'd say a good amount of them are scammers too. (Or should I say scummers?).
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Old 14-08-2014, 20:56   #4
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Re: Telephone tormentors.

Tell your mum and dad to pick up the phone, but not to utter a single word.
I have found this to be effective.
Despite being on TPS many calls which originate far from these shores still get through.
I either say nothing or I pretend to be deaf......and keep asking them to repeat what they have just said.
They soon get fed up and put the phone down
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Old 14-08-2014, 21:15   #5
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Re: Telephone tormentors.

When my daughter gets these calls she demands (in a forceful voice) to know the colour of their underpants repeatedly until they give up. It knocks them right off the heir stride! (I don't think my mum and dad would use this tactic though!)
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Old 14-08-2014, 21:33   #6
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Re: Telephone tormentors.

personally i think all telesales or telemarketing or even tele information services shoudl be banned and made illigal

bt shoudl be forced to prevent these calls the technology is there they are just too lazy or paid well to allow it

if i want something i will go to a shop for it or look online for it as and when i want it

i am also annoyed that my accident in my car last year has led to my insurance compnay selling my details inclusing my home address and mobile number which has resulted in many phonecalls asking if i want to claim money i am not legally entitled to and would i pass on teh details of any passengers i had.They have even suggested i sue my insurance and myself for injuries my children never had yet were preppared to tell me in great detail how to defraud my insurance company to the tune of £3000 per passenger

while im at it...

if i want a piza or kebab i know where to get one or if i dont i know how to locate one so while im at it ban all leaflet drops as well its the old fashioned version of telemarketing and just as annoying

ok i think that covers it lol

just saying i buy a phone for MY convinience not some sod elses
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 14-08-2014, 22:04   #7
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Re: Telephone tormentors.

Well, I never give out my mobile phone number......if anyone asks I tell them I am an old biddy and do not have one.
My mobile phone is for my convenience......and is only switched on when I want to make a call......and that is very infrequent.
I do not have a smart phone.....I will not have one anytime soon.....well, that is unless the development chaps and chapesses at Apple make a phone that is so smart it can do the washing, ironing, put all the clothes away and then make my dinner.
Now, that would be a phone that would be worthy of the title ' smart phone'.
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Old 15-08-2014, 00:04   #8
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Re: Telephone tormentors.

some of the older phones that will take an old sized sim are fetching pretty good money for what they are on ebay with some more desirable models fetching up to £200 or more becuase people are fed up with constant interuptions from adverts, sociall media and email etc.

there has been a serious lack of protection for peoples information as social media and technology exploded.Things should have been sorted long ago but the law makers were and still remain very short sighted about making rules to protect peoples information.

i dont think of myself as old and im pretty much more clued up than most teenagers with tech but i dont half cringe at how easy teenagers especially those under 18 hand over so much personal information just so they can install an app that dosnt do anything of great importance or need

i think you have to agree your soul away just to use an i-phone their terms and conditions at one time took a week to read lol and that was just to start it up
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 15-08-2014, 00:55   #9
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Re: Telephone tormentors.

I hear these work well:

A friend use to get these type of calls at all hours of the day, now she rarely gets any. The odd one still sneaks through though.
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.

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Old 15-08-2014, 05:52   #10
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Re: Telephone tormentors.

I was getting a lot of calls to my mobile from Red Star in Manchester - some silent. I think they are PPI ambulance chasers. I've just saved their number & switched it to voicemail only. The phone no longer rings for their calls & they don't leave messages.
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Old 15-08-2014, 06:00   #11
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Re: Telephone tormentors.

I have found an easy way to stop them
when they phone just tell them that they have phoned an ex-directory number and if they phone again you will report them
the phone goes down so fast
ps only works on landline numbers
well it works for me not had a nuisance call for weeks now only annoying ones off less
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Last edited by Mick; 15-08-2014 at 06:05.
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Old 15-08-2014, 08:12   #12
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Re: Telephone tormentors.

Thanks Mick, I'll tell my mum and dad to have a go at that.
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Old 15-08-2014, 09:03   #13

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Re: Telephone tormentors.

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
some of the older phones that will take an old sized sim are fetching pretty good money for what they are on ebay with some more desirable models fetching up to £200 or more becuase people are fed up with constant interuptions from adverts, sociall media and email etc.
That just shows how stupid people really are. All those features can be turned off on an Android phone that costs less than what they are paying for an old phone with a naff screen. Some smaller basic Android phones even have batteries that last a couple of days.

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
i don't think of myself as old and im pretty much more clued up than most teenagers with tech but i don't half cringe at how easy teenagers especially those under 18 hand over so much personal information just so they can install an app that doesn't do anything of great importance or need
When I posted the pictures of the kids with the fire in the park a few weeks back I posted them visible to everyone, usually I post to just friends or maybe friends of friends. When they were named I was amazed how much stuff I could read about 3 out of the 4 kids on their facebook pages because they have their settings so open
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Old 15-08-2014, 10:02   #14
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Re: Telephone tormentors.

I like my 'naff' old phone.......the battery doesn't just last for days it lasts for weeks(OK, so maybe it is because for most of the time my phone is turned off) for the 'naff' screen.......I only want to see the number I have dialled or (very rarely) the text I am about to send......I have no problem with that at all...and this is from someone who has dubious eyesight.

I don't need a phone to take pictures, surf the internet....all I want to do is make a call or send a text.

In fact on consideration, I could probably do without a phone altogether.
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Old 15-08-2014, 10:08   #15
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Re: Telephone tormentors.

Thing is these calls are normally "No Number" if thats the case,i never answer just press off, very few apart from people i want have me number, so if no number rings just dont answer, that reduces this junk imho.
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