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Old 07-03-2016, 15:38   #76
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Television Licence

So having a wander around that nice free system called the internet I came across this:-

No long-term future for BBC licence fee, MPs say - BBC News

O.K. it's a year old however what peaked my interest was a little paragraph

The best alternative to the licence fee, the report concluded, would be a compulsory broadcasting levy paid by all households, regardless of whether they watch TV, or how they watch.
So, when they eventually get rid of the T.V. licence they intend to tax every household, regardless of whether they watch TV, or how they watch.

Isn't this putting a tax on the internet? Isn't this an unfair tax on anyone that not only doesn't watch T.V. but doesn't use the internet?

At the moment the internet is free to use everywhere, shouldn't it remain that way?

Along similar lines:-

BBC iPlayer loophole to be closed - but you can still legally watch TV and not pay the TV Licence fee

Strange isn't it? Over the years the BBC developed an excellent website at the cost of whom? Licence fee payers, now they want us to stop using it as a free service and start paying for it, maybe they shouldn't have used the licence fee to develop it in the first place?
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Last edited by Less; 07-03-2016 at 15:42.
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Old 07-03-2016, 19:48   #77
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Re: Television Licence

Less, they always come out on top.....regardless.
The best alternative would be to stop the BBC from broadcasting and tell them to make programs to sell to other broadcasters...That way if they failed to make any money it would be all down to them.
Many people already pay for TV......and much more than the current licence fee.
I do not believe that people who do not watch TV should have to pay a levy to support the BBC.
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Old 07-03-2016, 20:26   #78
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Television Licence

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Many people already pay for TV......and much more than the current licence fee.
Yes they do and they should be allowed the choice, pay for all the channels they are prepared to get from Sky or virgin or whomsoever and only IF they want the BBC should they have to contribute towards it's upkeep, not be forced by some archaic Licensing system to not be allowed to watch the rest if they don't want to pay for BBC.

However they will get the law changed, they will end up taxing the internet through the back door, they will put a finger up to the freedom to choose that should be allowed to us as a right.
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Old 08-03-2016, 00:10   #79
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Re: Television Licence

im pretty sure the man who invented the internet laid rules down before handing it over to the world for free that it had never to be charged for.Providing the service then fair enough but not the internet its self

memory is vague but im pretty sure bill gates got put in his place at one time by him because Microsoft were doing something against the terms of what he laid down and bill gates had to eat humble pie

wish i could remember the details but im sure a bunch of crooked MPs will find a way around anything if it means screwing the public
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Old 08-03-2016, 12:59   #80

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Re: Television Licence

After all the sex crime issues surrounding the BBC I wanted to withdraw my support and funding for them in the same way people did for the News of the World a few years ago. That caused the News of the World to shut down and I think the BBC would have as well if we weren't legally forced to support the BBC
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Old 08-03-2016, 14:09   #81
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Re: Television Licence

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
After all the sex crime issues surrounding the BBC I wanted to withdraw my support and funding for them in the same way people did for the News of the World a few years ago. That caused the News of the World to shut down and I think the BBC would have as well if we weren't legally forced to support the BBC
Think n apology is in order? yer talking sense.
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Old 08-03-2016, 14:20   #82

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Re: Television Licence

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Think n apology is in order? yer talking sense.
Don't strain yourself :P
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Old 08-03-2016, 14:34   #83
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Television Licence

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
After all the sex crime issues surrounding the BBC I wanted to withdraw my support and funding for them in the same way people did for the News of the World a few years ago. That caused the News of the World to shut down and I think the BBC would have as well if we weren't legally forced to support the BBC
If you read the first link it does cover what you say in one paragraph, however the whole system should be stripped down and replaced, not just where they have been caught out.
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Old 08-03-2016, 15:41   #84
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Re: Television Licence

Well I like the BBC,better than all those adverts on the other channel, and a better quality of programme too
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Old 09-03-2016, 16:03   #85
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Re: Television Licence

only in the UK can you be forced to fund the countries largest pedophile ring by a succession of governments that have their own fair share of sexual deviants
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Old 09-03-2016, 18:49   #86
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Re: Television Licence

I think these folk are going to be pretty busy ......

New BBC Complaints Site Launched to Hold Corporation's Pro-EU Bias to Account
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Old 09-03-2016, 20:03   #87
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Television Licence

I suspect they will deserve the complaints they get, when has the Beeb ever discussed the unfair licencing laws that pay their wages?
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Old 09-03-2016, 20:16   #88
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Re: Television Licence

The BBC have always been disgustingly biased, I do watch it, only when i have no other option.
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Old 09-03-2016, 20:27   #89
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Re: Television Licence

a few years ago the bbc tried to get an internet licence created but it was refused in parliament

i said at the time the bbc would wait a while and dress it up with a different name and just wait for an even more corrupt goverrnment to let them have it

lets see what happens next

how dare these criminals demand we pay for a service we dont want while going unpunished for their own mass acts of fraud
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Old 10-03-2016, 09:47   #90
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Re: Television Licence

All this hysteria is all about having to pay a licence fee.Get past 75 like me and it's free Free FREE.
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