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Old 12-10-2006, 13:02   #16
Junior Member+

Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

I personally agree with suspected Terroists haven there assets frozen..It may take years to get the required evidence to convict someone of such a serious offence, in that time he/she may have funded something that potentially harms innocent civilians.

The goverment is buggered what ever they do, take no steps and the public crucifies them, be tough and well, we live in a dictatorship now.
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Accrington Web
Old 13-10-2006, 19:37   #17
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Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

Originally Posted by jambutty
If the intelligent services (surely that’s a misnomer in some cases) have enough evidence to suspect someone of terrorist activities then that evidence should be presented in a court of law BEFORE taking any action against the suspect.

I realise that the chip in the arm is voluntary bullseyebarb but it is the fact that it can now be done that concerns me. How long before some government marries it to ID’s and makes it compulsory?

No question about it! Why aren't such actions being challenged in British courts?

I don't doubt that there are already prototypes of these ID cards. Sooner or later our respective governments are going to try and force same down our throats. As I wrote in my previous post......RESIST! Ya'll still know how to do that, don't you?
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Old 13-10-2006, 19:58   #18
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Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

Originally Posted by Who knows
I personally agree with suspected Terroists haven there assets frozen..It may take years to get the required evidence to convict someone of such a serious offence, in that time he/she may have funded something that potentially harms innocent civilians.

The goverment is buggered what ever they do, take no steps and the public crucifies them, be tough and well, we live in a dictatorship now.
It may also take years not to convict a person or an 'alleged' terrorist, does this persons whole family have to suffer no, are they denied a decent defence because the assets are frozen, lawyers will not gamble in criminal law cases, only cushy 'civil accident law'.
As I said earlier on in this thread it is very dangerous ground.
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