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Old 11-10-2006, 09:32   #1
Apprentice Geriatric
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Angry Terrorist Assets Frozen.

The government has decreed that suspected terrorists could have their assets frozen. Suspected, mind you – not convicted.

So the security services keep tabs on a person whom they suspect is a terrorist but not having enough evidence to prosecute in a court of law they can do nothing other than keep on watching and waiting. Now they can freeze that person’s assets.

Just exactly when did we become a Police State?

Freeze the assets of a suspected terrorist upon arrest and being charged with an offence is fine with me but to do so just on suspicion is yet another step too far.

Little by sneaky little our civil rights are being eroded and the Orwellion scenario looms ever closer.
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Old 11-10-2006, 09:35   #2
Full Member

Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

Dont act like a terrorist and you will be fine. stop worrying People are trying to keep us all safe from harm. I applaud the efforts. Better safe than sorry I say.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
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Old 11-10-2006, 09:56   #3
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Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

I can see why the govenment wants to do this ie funding is not available to initiate terrorism. Question is what safeguards are in place to protect those that turn out to be innocent?

Ok seize n freeze them if guilty.

If they seize these assets of suspects and freeze bank accounts are the govenment going to pay for lost intrest etc when these people are proved innocent? It is feasible that any person suspected of terrorism then found innocent could sue the govenment and as taxpayers we suffer fo it.

Fine seize n freeze but only on conviction.

Maybe this is their way of affording the bonuses to the military.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 11-10-2006, 11:11   #4
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Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

Dangerous ground is being broken here, terrosist now who next?
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Old 11-10-2006, 11:29   #5
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Angry Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

How does a terrorist act Someone? Does he wander around with a notice across his back stating that he is a terrorist? No of course not. S/he keeps a low profile until it is time to strike. S/he goes out of the way not to attract attention to him/herself.

What if I started to buy a variety of electronic parts and someone in authority noticed. A suspicious act by a 69 years old who constantly attacks the government.

This government under the pretext of keeping us safe from terrorists is slowly but surely eroding our civil rights. The ID cards are coming in whether we like it or not. And now people, in the States I believe, are being micro-chipped in the upper arm instead of using a credit card. Put the ID card together with a micro-chip.
Originally Posted by Ianto.W.
Dangerous ground is being broken here, terrosist now who next?
Exactly Ianto.W.
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Old 11-10-2006, 12:24   #6
Resident Waffler

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Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

This is just not acceptable. Convicted terrorists yes, arrested terrorists possibly although they are still innocent until proven guilty, suspected terrorists - how do they define suspicion? "Oh he looks a bit dodgy, lets freeze his assets"?

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Old 11-10-2006, 14:47   #7
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Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

Is this a new story?

All the searches I've done, show this has happened for at least the past five years.,00.html

I can't find any stories in today's news.
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Old 11-10-2006, 14:50   #8
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Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

There is nowt to be believed in the Guardian. It is no more than a crock of lying, pinko, commie, terrorist-sympathising sh*t.
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Old 11-10-2006, 14:51   #9
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Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

i was wondering when somone else was going to catch on to how tony blair is stripping our rights away bit by bit under the threat of terrorism

they will use this law to freeze suspected terroists assets and then slowly you will see joe bloggs down teh road gettin his assets frozen under this law as well even though he will probably be the least unlikely suspect for a terroist
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Old 11-10-2006, 14:56   #10
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Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
There is nowt to be believed in the Guardian. It is no more than a crock of lying, pinko, commie, terrorist-sympathising sh*t.
Still fuming at the bad review of 'My life as a Teabagger'?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 11-10-2006, 17:03   #11
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Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

Jambo , I would be more concerned about the reports that your Govt. is thinking about giving funds to groups who "just say no' to extremism.......
see report ....
to me this seems more like bribe than anything to do with good citizenship
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Old 11-10-2006, 20:44   #12
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Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

I have just read in the Daily Mail that Abu "Hookman" Hamza purchased a house for 220,000 pounds, cash on the barrel, whilst he was in chokey - and running up a legal aid bill of some 250,000 pounds. His assets are supposed to have been frozen and this should have prevented him from buying and selling property. I understand that his wife and eight kids live in a 600,000 pound, 5 bedroom home at taxpayers' expense and also collect 680 pounds weekly in benefits. Something is definitely wrong with this picture!

Freezing the assets of suspected terrorists is, I agree, a fine line. Presumably the intelligence services know a whole lot more about these suspects than we do. On the one hand, I certainly don't want innocent people to have their lives turned upside down. But on the other - aren't we trying to prevent terrorists from harming us by drying up their funding? It's tricky.

On the chip business. The people who have had them inserted into their arms have done so voluntarily. I would never do that myself - but if that is their choice, O.K. The national ID card is another matter entirely. I would resist that.
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Old 11-10-2006, 22:37   #13
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Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

Originally Posted by steeljack
Jambo , I would be more concerned about the reports that your Govt. is thinking about giving funds to groups who "just say no' to extremism.......
see report ....
to me this seems more like bribe than anything to do with good citizenship
Oh dear.

Please re-edit this before he gets up, or 'Jambo' will be spitting feathers tomorrow.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 12-10-2006, 07:22   #14
Apprentice Geriatric
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Question Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

If the intelligent services (surely that’s a misnomer in some cases) have enough evidence to suspect someone of terrorist activities then that evidence should be presented in a court of law BEFORE taking any action against the suspect.

I realise that the chip in the arm is voluntary bullseyebarb but it is the fact that it can now be done that concerns me. How long before some government marries it to ID’s and makes it compulsory?

When I heard about Ruth Kelly’s suggestion I could hardly believe my ears garinda but then I realised that it was another crass idea of the current government to appease the Muslim community.

I’m a one-man organisation and I speak out against Muslim extremists. Where is my state funding?
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Old 12-10-2006, 12:01   #15
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Re: Terrorist Assets Frozen.

this is just another example of a dictatorship to me,whilst i have no truck with terrorists,lets catch them first.NOT suspect them.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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