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Old 07-02-2019, 11:30   #16
God Member

Re: Thanks Accy Web

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Have to say i'm glad i cant drink so dont go down any more, its wall to wall scumbags these days.
plus why do people think they have to dress as scuffy as possible nowadays and it aint just the teenagers. feel out of place with no tatoos, piercings , jeans or a dirty jacket with a sodding obligatory hood on it.
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Old 07-02-2019, 11:31   #17
Senior Member+

Re: Thanks Accy Web

Grammarlad - I've sent you a private message
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Old 09-02-2019, 17:29   #18
Junior Member

Re: Thanks Accy Web

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
If your birthdate is recorded on your profile then(and if I have this wrong, I am sure someone will correct me) you should get an automatically generated Birthday greeting.
Anyway Grammar lad...happy 80 th for last year.

As for the improvements (!) you are spot on....there is nothing worth coming to see in Accrington....regardless of that publication 'Amazing Accrington'.
It used to be a very good place to come to.
Good market, some interesting independent shops....and people who were the salt of the earth.
Alas now all gone....well, there are still some salt of the earth folk about, but there are lots of the other kind too.
Hi Margaret,
We come from the same place but separated by many years (as you can tell by my age). I'm ex Factory Bottom, Woodnook St. Mary's, etc. etc. and stumbled across Accyweb when looking for my old friends Terry Gorman (47 Nuttal Street) and Ronnie Kenyon (Belfield Road). As far as Accrington today is concerned, at least the Town Hall and Market Hall have not (yet) been torn down, but the Con Club seems to have gone.
Like your enthusiasm. Send some to me if you have any spare!
My old friend Les Rooks lives in Clayton, although a youngster being still in his late 70s.
Keep going.....
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Old 09-02-2019, 20:41   #19
Beacon of light

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Re: Thanks Accy Web

Oh Grammarlad....that makes us almost related. I would imagine the the clough and the lodges were your playgrounds too.
I do not know the people you mention....other than Les Rooks and I only know him from being on here...we have never met.

You are just ten years older than me.....a generation.

I have no spare enthusiasm for the has not been well looked after.
Too much time and money has been spent on top dressing, rather than on the soil. Vanity projects rather than tackling the decline....and excusing inactivity by telling us it is the same everywhere.
What my dear old Ma would call 'fur coat and no knickers' kind of a town.
No....I can think of very little to recommend it(other than what was mentioned in my earlier post).
If I were younger, I would up sticks.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 10-02-2019, 12:09   #20
Senior Member

Re: Thanks Accy Web

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Where are the salt of the earth folk?
I looked forward to retirement, thoughts of days spent either in the local, enjoying the company of other retired folk or else taking a few trips out, I believe it's known as leisure time.
Instead the pubs of an afternoon are full of spoilt brats of all ages making the time seem like being in a school full of retards, as for travelling, it seems to be a disease spread throughout the bastard class, (can't call them unemployed they are too busy ensuring they are unemployable and making a long deserved rest intolerable).
If you know of a pub that opens in the afternoon and welcomes normal folk, please P.M. me it's name don't put it on here, the idiots might just get to know of it and ruin it.
P.M.for you fella
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Old 11-02-2019, 22:26   #21
Senior Member

Re: Thanks Accy Web

Here's wishing you a very happy birthday from the other day, Gremlin. Hope you had a brilliant time. Sorry it's belated but the best wishes I'm sending you are very sincere.
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