Yesterday my landlord came and concreted my back yard
now i had a load of plants and a new compost bin in the yard which had to be moved.
the plants where no problem they got brought inside but the compost bin was another matter as it was three-quarters full and they don't have a bottom on them anyway the landlord said he would sort it and got it into the back ally after removing the gate so no problem.
they laid the concrete left it a few hours then came back and put the back gate back on.
but had to leave the compost bin and wheelie bin in the back ally
so i got up this morning and went out to bring them in lo and behold some scum had emptied the compost bin into the wheelie bin and nicked the compost bin.
so i thought well the compost can stay in the wheelie bin and went to bring it in there was a loud crack and i was on the floor in agony my back had gone i felt like i was going to pass out with all the pain and clammy skin shouted for help as i could not move but nobody could hear me it was 6-30am so laid there for half hour till i felt a little better and half walked half crawled into the kitchen and shouted Anne who came down stairs and said "what have you done now?"
my back i think still in loads of pain you better get to hospital so thanks to Benipete who came to my rescue and took me to Accyvic they injected the spine and said you have damaged your lower back (state the obvious)
so i am sat here typing this still in loads of pain as the injection has not taken effect much yet
Thank-you to the scum that nicked my compost bin i don't know what use it will be to you and they are free but as it was not nailed down it was far game i supose