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Old 27-06-2006, 08:55   #1
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The baby mind reader

What a complete load of twaddle that was, even I could have identified the problems that the family were having last night.

For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about - a man (can't remember his name) claims to be able to read babies minds, he says that babies lose the ability to 'connect' with him when they start to talk, probably because they'd be telling everyone that he was a big fake.

Anyway, last nights victims lived in a house that looked like it had been burgled, the mother was overweight and shouted a lot, the father looked exhausted and frightened and the kids shared a bed.

The mind reader said that the baby was telling him that she wanted some sort of order in her life (tidy up you messy people), that she wanted to eat grapes every now and then (stop feeding her the same junk that you stuff into your own face), that she wanted more calm (stop shouting at everyone) and her own bed (err, doh!).

The gullible victims said how spot on he'd been about tensions in the house and stuff even though he'd only just met him - dolts! Didn't they fill in an application form to appear on the show, didn't they talk to a researcher before hand about their problems, would they have been asked to be on the show if everything was hunky dory.

I sat there - yes, I stayed glued to the screen to see if any sense came out of it - and could not believe what I was seeing. I was shouting at the screen more than if England had been trailing 6 - 0 in the final.

Aaaarghhh! Oh, well, I've got it off my chest now.

OMG, OMG, OMG - am I morphing into Tealeaf?

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Old 03-07-2006, 20:58   #2
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Re: The baby mind reader

I'm a masochist but I can't help it I had to watch it again (in my defence it's only as bad as Tealeaf continually watching Big Brother).

Anyway, did anybody see it? It was the most ridiculous bit of tosh ever.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 03-07-2006, 21:07   #3
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Re: The baby mind reader

LOL no, I didn't but it sounds terrible. All that is sooo obvious. I bet tealeaf watched though.

TV is getting really bad now, to the point that I only watch lost and an hour of bb each day, and I only listen to bb, and glance at the tv. I rarely watch it watch it.
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Old 03-07-2006, 21:12   #4
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Re: The baby mind reader

I watch Lost as well but it's getting even more bizarre and I didn't think that was possible.

I don't actually watch TV, I'm always sat here with my laptop as well, but even I don't lower myself to BB.

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Old 03-07-2006, 21:36   #5

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Re: The baby mind reader

I saw a bit of it. That was enough. If i was that young mum I would have slapped him for talking to me like that
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Old 03-07-2006, 21:40   #6
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Re: The baby mind reader

it's funny, it's well worth listening to, I did used to sit and watch it, just to force myself to have a pc break but, I get bored. I could watch it if I had someone here to discuss it with as I watched it.
Lost, I've got this weeks and next weeks to watch tomorrow cos I didn't watch any last week.
I've never discussed lost because I don't want to know what happens in the end, and you can gaurantee some ass hole will say, thinking that they being clever, and ruining it for people who have watched it for weeks.
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Old 03-07-2006, 22:46   #7
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Re: The baby mind reader

I so this advertised and it looked so bad I was going to watch it.

Never mind slapping a new born baby he looks like he needs a right good slap!
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Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 03-07-2006, 23:36   #8
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Re: The baby mind reader

Are you drunk... again?
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Old 04-07-2006, 08:54   #9
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Re: The baby mind reader

Originally Posted by Madhatter
Are you drunk... again?
holy crap hatter you read my mind , how did u know i was drunk
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Old 04-07-2006, 10:52   #10
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Re: The baby mind reader

Originally Posted by Gayle
but even I don't lower myself to BB.
In the BB thread, you said that you usually resisted until week 5 and then watched the rest of the series.

Politicians, eh? Can't believe a word they say!
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Old 04-07-2006, 11:09   #11
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Re: The baby mind reader

these days all you need to get a tv show is teh ability to be full of sh1t

my show starts in august where i telepathicly tell my pet goldfish what symtoms somone is suffering from and it cures them, on the first show you will see how one patient after just one visit shows significant sighns of improvement and his tumour reduces in size by 50%

i am hoping to have a show start in december where i will be visiting the site where jesus was born and will be asking his spirit questions like why he has let us continue to celebrate his birthday on december teh 25th when he wasnt actualy born until later the following year?, has he tried walking on water since his crucifiction ? , how does he feel that now viagra has been invented everyone can have a second coming and many more questions .
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Old 04-07-2006, 11:15   #12
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Re: The baby mind reader

Saw the advert and thought what a load of twaddle, but must admit to being a tiny bit tempted to watch it just to see what crap the guy came out with anyway, I resisted the urge and decided to cut my toe nails instead
I enjoy long walks, especially when they're taken by people I don't like.
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