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Old 07-12-2015, 14:30   #46
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: The C word

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
By the by ... and completely off topic ... if moose is on your Christmas menu, cook it in the crock pot with onion, garlic, celery root, and mushroom soup. Did a standing rib roast yesterday, and it was decent. Come to think of it, changing your menu at Christmas might make the holiday seem like less of a "conformity."
I haven't got a crock pot big enough for a whole moose, would it be permissible to take the antlers off and leave the celery root on the chopping board?

If so I might be able to fit a small one in.

Oh look here's one that's already been de-horned, that'll do.
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Old 07-12-2015, 15:13   #47
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Re: The C word

Originally Posted by Less View Post
I haven't got a crock pot big enough for a whole moose, would it be permissible to take the antlers off and leave the celery root on the chopping board?

If so I might be able to fit a small one in.

Oh look here's one that's already been de-horned, that'll do.
id say pop it in the microwave but TOO SOON i guess ?
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Old 07-12-2015, 15:51   #48
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Re: The C word

We don't do is far too big even if I give some to my neighbour and Ma.
One year the bird we were having hasn't thawed out properly so we had spud pie with red cabbage......we really really enjoyed it.
The bird was cooked the following day......and though it was passable the spud pie was what could have been a disaster was rescued by having a plan B.

I make Christmas cards......and while most of mine have very few religious connotations......other than the significance of the day, it is good to think that someone took the time to think about you......and think about you enough to send a card.

Margaret, it is lovely that you received a card from your Muslim carer......and while you might feel it is unwanted, it would be churlish to express that.
Be glad that someone thought of you.
I do not send cards to get cards.....I send them because winter is a miserable dark time......and these are a colourful reminder of friends and family. We may not see them often, but they are still there.
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Old 07-12-2015, 16:11   #49
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: The C word

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
One year the bird we were having hasn't thawed out properly
What a shame, had you cooked it that day, you would have been able to play that tradition Christmas game of 'last one in the bathroom doesn't get the bog', followed by that popular one for lovers of all things festive, 'Pass the toilet roll'.

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“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 07-12-2015, 16:15   #50
God Member

Re: The C word

i dont think that white beard would survive 12 days of Christmas
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Old 07-12-2015, 16:16   #51
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Re: The C word

Originally Posted by Less View Post
I haven't got a crock pot big enough for a whole moose, would it be permissible to take the antlers off and leave the celery root on the chopping board?

If so I might be able to fit a small one in.

Oh look here's one that's already been de-horned, that'll do.
Nah ... it's only a baby. Canadians don't kill them; they take them for coffee.
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Old 07-12-2015, 16:25   #52
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Re: The C word

Less, there was no way I was going to risk having the Turkey trots.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 07-12-2015, 16:35   #53
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: The C word

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
i dont think that white beard would survive 12 days of Christmas

Are you saying,


Perhaps this will explain why he got it wrong that year?

By the way if you are of a sensitive nature don't play the rest of his xmas songs the above is the cleanest, everyone else enjoy!

Last edited by Less; 07-12-2015 at 16:41.
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Old 07-12-2015, 16:52   #54
God Member

Re: The C word

chubby brown did a xmas song called santa wheres my bike

cant post that here though lol
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Old 08-12-2015, 07:45   #55
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Re: The C word

AccyX I actually feel sorry for you (there's a first time for everything!) having to 'tolerate' Christmas. If you feel like that just stay in bed for the day, I doubt you'd be good company with that attitude. I'm sure if you really put yourself out you would find some enjoyment - you reap what you sow.

However, I do think it has become much too commercialised and is far removed from when I was a child, many moons ago. In those days money was noticeable by its absence but somehow my mother always managed to fill the pillowcases we put out, would be nuts, fruit, sweets, etc., and a special present. I have wonderful memories of Christmas.
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Old 08-12-2015, 08:10   #56
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Re: The C word

thing is dotti34 the main reason why xmas was better when we were kids is because we wernt paying for it lol

i knew kids were gonna mess up my xmas celebrations when i spent my first xmas as a parent smashed out my tree from a works do wrapping presents at 4 am lol

1 hour to wrap a rattle
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 08-12-2015, 08:23   #57
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Re: The C word

No, I don't think that is quite right.....about Christmas not being as good because we have to pay for it.
I think that as parents we give the wrong message to our children.....we raise their expectations too high. We let them believe that the more gifts they get, the better Christmas it will be......and I think we sometimes try to outdo the gifts given by other people.
When we were children(yes it was a long time ago) we knew our parents had not got a lot of money. It wasn't the thing in those days to buy things on fact you couldn't do it easily. We did not expect a lot.....and were pleased with sweets, nuts, a tangerine wrapped in foil, a new coin and my favourite present was a large tin box of watercolour paints.
That is the difference. Children expect....their expectations fired by all the adverts on TV......and parents feel they have let their child down if they do not come up with the goods.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 09-12-2015, 19:56   #58
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Re: The C word

Considering my stance: Every year I buy chocolates for people at work. This year my niece friend worked with us temping and she leaves tomorrow so I have bought them early and we have, overall have had some good temps.

The reason... I don't like Christmas cards. I find it to be a waste of money and a waste of resources(and there is always someone I forget haha) so I take in chocolates instead. I just spent £24 on chocolates to go around... So... Anyway. I ain't religious, Don't particularly care anymore in xmas; but its a good time as any to be nice to those you care about and those around you.
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Old 09-12-2015, 22:16   #59
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Re: The C word

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post
AccyX I actually feel sorry for you (there's a first time for everything!) having to 'tolerate' Christmas. If you feel like that just stay in bed for the day, I doubt you'd be good company with that attitude. I'm sure if you really put yourself out you would find some enjoyment - you reap what you sow.

However, I do think it has become much too commercialised and is far removed from when I was a child, many moons ago. In those days money was noticeable by its absence but somehow my mother always managed to fill the pillowcases we put out, would be nuts, fruit, sweets, etc., and a special present. I have wonderful memories of Christmas.

I know full well,Christmas is what you make of it....its personal thing,you either get into the sprit and celebrate it or you don't.
I choose to opt out and not make a big song and dance about it but at the same time good luck to those who are gullible enough to fall for the BS.

Excluding the In laws, I'm lucky,I regularly spend time and socialise with family members and with homelessness the way it is and knowing there's folk with nobody at Christmas (the ones you should feel sorry for),I don't need a faux tree,sweater and few lights to remind me how lucky I am.

Don't get me started on consumerism,I know folk who start shopping mid year so they can afford everyone's presents and they still end up putting debt on their cards...utter madness.
Christmas is not just for kids it's for the corporations too (even more so).

What are you be having for Xmas lunch? Mrs E wants goose or Turkey with all the trimmings.... I'd be happy with chicken
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Old 09-12-2015, 22:55   #60
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Re: The C word

Would you like some nuts to go with your whine Jason?
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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