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Old 15-01-2008, 08:34   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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The case against traffic lights

I was watching News Night last night and this topic was being discussed,

The case against traffic lights

At last someone has finally stated what most of we motorists have always known, traffic lights disrupt the actual flow of traffic.

When lights are out of action, do we start crashing into each other? Does traffic seize up?
No, we approach slowly and take it in turns. Courtesy thrives and congestion dissolves. Pedestrians are seen as fellow road-users rather than obstacles in the way of the next light.
The above is absolutely true.
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Old 15-01-2008, 09:21   #2

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Re: The case against traffic lights

Originally Posted by Less View Post
The above is absolutely true.
Can you imagine what happens in France when their traffic lights fail
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Old 15-01-2008, 09:59   #3
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Re: The case against traffic lights

Would anyone notice a difference as they don't seem to pay much attention to them anyway?

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Old 15-01-2008, 10:16   #4
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Re: The case against traffic lights

I agree certain ones are a waste of time but they are required in various places. The lights failed a couple of weeks ago at Henry St junction. I came through at 4.45pm and I must admit driving through Paris was a doddle in comparison
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Old 15-01-2008, 11:42   #5
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Re: The case against traffic lights

in some cases traffic flows much better n safer when lights are out of order,would definatly agree on that. would think certain places they are a must. must be room for another thread here. "The Case Against Pedestrians"
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Old 15-01-2008, 12:12   #6
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Re: The case against traffic lights

I watched it too Less and i agree,maybe they should still be in some places but watching those people just walking in the road and the calm flow of traffic i think its a good idea to get rid or at least like the guy said-give it a trial.

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Old 15-01-2008, 12:15   #7
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Re: The case against traffic lights

As a pedestrian I like the assurance of knowing that no vehicles will come at me from any direction when the little green man is lit. I've had enough experience of trying to get across busy roads at junctions (Hare & Hounds corner in Clayon being one) when there were no lights and it was 'yer takes yer life in yer hands' - even the lollypop many used to look frightened to death.

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Old 15-01-2008, 15:10   #8
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Re: The case against traffic lights

there is a couple of towns in denmark who have tacken a way traffic lights and most road markings and signes they call the scheme safety through danger they say it works well and as reduced accidents dramaticaly
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Old 15-01-2008, 15:37   #9
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Re: The case against traffic lights

if people used common sense and courtesy instead of driving like pillocks there would be no need for any traffic calming measures..

take whitebirk ra for instance !!! if people used it correctly instead of cutting accros lanes, not signaling etc then there wouldnt be all the disruption thats being caused now !!!

whilst there are drivers that think they own the road (mainly 4x4 drivers) there will always be need for traffic calming etc !!!
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Old 15-01-2008, 15:38   #10
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Re: The case against traffic lights

Originally Posted by davo69 View Post
there is a couple of towns in denmark who have tacken a way traffic lights and most road markings and signes they call the scheme safety through danger they say it works well and as reduced accidents dramaticaly

Do you know if they have a particular type of taxi driver in those towns
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Old 15-01-2008, 17:53   #11
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Re: The case against traffic lights

A few weeks back the Dill Hall traffic lights went out (Crossroads near HSC & Fire Station) in all directions at rush hour (around 4-5pm). I must say, its the quickest and easiest Ive ever got home!

The 60pmh zone from Dunkenhalgh Roundabout towards the crossroads was empty as the traffic was just flowing free & easy!
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Old 15-01-2008, 19:04   #12
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Re: The case against traffic lights

Originally Posted by thomas.lee View Post
A few weeks back the Dill Hall traffic lights went out (Crossroads near HSC & Fire Station) in all directions at rush hour (around 4-5pm). I must say, its the quickest and easiest Ive ever got home!

The 60pmh zone from Dunkenhalgh Roundabout towards the crossroads was empty as the traffic was just flowing free & easy!
I too came through there, and agree it was flowing better than ever, the main reason was people were waiting out of the box on all sides until the way was clear, if they adopted this attitude at all times, you wouldn't be waiting through 4 light changes because the yellow box is full preventing the traffic getting over when the lights change. I think some of the junctions would be better as roundabouts, but only if people use the correct lane, signal, and know the laws for them.
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Old 15-01-2008, 19:43   #13
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: The case against traffic lights

Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER View Post

(mainly 4x4 drivers)

Nah, wrong there, I've cut people up and all I was driving was an Austin Metro!

Most drivers, are sensible for the conditions they drive on, remove the frustration, you will then find them to be even better drivers.

After all the report does state that given the chanch, instead of looking on pedestrians as a nuisance, when we, (any of us using whatever vehicle ), are allowed to use common sense, we would treat all road users as people that have to be considered, instead of the, 'Oh my god woman with a pram move out of my way or I'll miss the lights!
If all junctions had the same priority the boy racer wouldn't be able to attempt a silly speed just because he is on a main road.

Q: Why do cyclists get called so much?

A: Mainly because they ignore the lights and just cut across as they feel needed (they survive because, well let's face it nowt' was coming).

But if we could all approach a junction in a similar fashion, each junction wherever you are has the same priority, side street, main street, dual carriage-way and so on, that would be traffic calming without those stupid humps, and if we all give way to the person that was first there, we won't actually be stopped we can keep going by slowing down to let them in, without chasing those silly Traffic lights.

It doesn't take much to make it law, just look at the daft stuff that has become legal/illegal over the last few years.
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Old 15-01-2008, 19:55   #14
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Re: The case against traffic lights

Seems a good deal for vehicle drivers is traffic lights are abandoned but on the pedestrian front - unless you are a pregnant woman or a parent with your young child, you aren't going to get across a road in a month of Sundays.
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Old 15-01-2008, 20:14   #15
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: The case against traffic lights

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
Seems a good deal for vehicle drivers is traffic lights are abandoned but on the pedestrian front - unless you are a pregnant woman or a parent with your young child, you aren't going to get across a road in a month of Sundays.
The short documentary that they showed of Sweden or perhaps Denmark, where not only had they removed the traffic lights but also the yellow box junctions, showed pedestrians walking amongst the traffic, (individuals not a protest march), and the drivers basically treated them as a round-about.

I understand, your misgivings, but if given the chance to think for ourselves, who knows how safe the roads could become? It is claimed from this 'experiment', that not only pedestrian but also vehicle accidents have reduced to almost nil.

let's face it courtesy is something that has disappeared from our roads, if we can bring it back, how many lives could we save? Not just pedestrians but motorists as well?
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