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11-04-2005, 07:35
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The Common Sense Party
In theabsence of any political party showing any CS what policies would you like to see. Please try and keep it sensible. I'll start off.
A block on immigration for 5 years to get a handle on those who are already here and to decide a sensible level of immigration, Let the rest of Europe look after their share. Any illegals are deported immediately back to their country of origin.
Removal of all the levels of middle management from the NHS that have been introduced in the last 20 years. Lets get back to giving teh people on the ground the power to make things right there and then. The money saved should go towards giving a decent salary to nurses and doctors.
I've quite a few more, but what do you want?
11-04-2005, 08:35
Re: The Common Sense Party
What about making people who do not work but claim benefits do something for the money ( those that can of course ).
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11-04-2005, 08:52
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Re: The Common Sense Party
That was one of mine as well, Unemployement benefit should be paid for a weeks 'community service' Painting council property, sweeping streets, tidying rubbish from roadsides, removing graffiti etc. Some will no doubt say this is removing council jobs I would say it is saving the council money to help keep our council tax down.
11-04-2005, 08:55
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Re: The Common Sense Party
A massive increase in the amount of government money put into research and development.
Tax incentives for support given to the arts or charities to reduce the level of government funding.
Scrap VAT on house restoration and repair.
Make all Builders responsible for installing systems which would make each new home energy independent and waste efficient.
Reduce the Foreign Aid budget.
Disestablish the Church of England and place all faiths on an equal footing.
Give Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland.
Disallow Scottish and Welsh MP's from voting on purely English matters. They have their own Parliaments, why should they be allowed two bites of the cherry?
Introduce a license and financial and parenting skills test for prospective parents to discourage incompetant or lazy parents and breeding-crazed females.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 11-04-2005 at 09:05.
11-04-2005, 09:06
Re: The Common Sense Party
Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
Scrap VAT on house restoration and repair.
I like that one, it might reduce the number of falling down houses.
Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
Disestablish the Church of England and place all faiths on an equal footing.
I would go a little farther than that. Remove religious prejudice from our education system altogether. That means no church schools and no teaching any one religion more than another. Schools should educate our children about all religions. It would help improve knowlege, understanging and hopefully tolerance of each others religions.
If you want your children to follow a certain faith teach it them at home - not brainwash them at school with it!
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11-04-2005, 09:17
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Re: The Common Sense Party
Scrap tax credits for parents.
Child allowance to be means tested.
Have an elected Head of State.
Make the BBC self funded, scrap the lisense fee.
Distinguish Incapacity Benefit claiments between those that have 'stress' or 'a bad back', and those of us that may have a degenerative, incurrable, progressive disease, so that we don't all get tarred with the same brush.
Outlaw tar brushes.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
11-04-2005, 09:33
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Re: The Common Sense Party
Scrap university tuition fees and reintroduce the mandatory grant.
Outlaw nonsense degrees eg: Sociology and Media Studies.
Reintroduce corporal punishment in schools.
Choose a National Curriculum and method of teaching it AND STICK WITH IT!
Make Voting Compulsory.
Causing death while driving should be treated as murder.
Driving while drunk should result in a lifetime ban.
The pedestrian should always have right of way over cars and other vehicles.
The state pension should be set at two thirds of national average income, should be index linked and should be available to all persons who have lived here at least ten years before retirement. National insurance contributions should be absorbed into income tax and company tax.
Pensioners should be encouraged to take part in Nursery and Primary Education. Every class, as well as having a school pet, should have a pair of grandparents.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 11-04-2005 at 09:41.
11-04-2005, 09:47
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Re: The Common Sense Party
Road fund license put onto fuel, those who use the most pay the most and those who choose gas guzzlers pay for the privilage.
A-B like the grandparents idea. We have such a wealth of talent and experience in our old folk and we just let it disappear.
11-04-2005, 10:03
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Re: The Common Sense Party
seal up our end of the channel tunnel and watch all the crap spill back into france
abolish mini roundabouts give way is easier , people just dont know how to use mini roundabouts once 3 or more cars are trying to use it
if caught littering make people pick up their dropped rubbish and an extra 50 pieces of litter
if children vandalise property their parents should foot the repair bill and if on benefits the bill can deducted directly from their giro until paid ( if you hit the parents pockets they may be more inclined to punish their kids )
greenbelt should mean greenbelt no matter how small a miniority you claim to be
any caravan parked on a non designated site shuold be crushed
stop blaming teachers for bad kids they are there to teach kids not bring them up
Last edited by chav1; 11-04-2005 at 10:12.
11-04-2005, 10:30
Re: The Common Sense Party
Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
The pedestrian should always have right of way over cars and other vehicles.
I can't agree with this one. You would get some Victor Meldrew type just crossing the road expecting the cars to stop. Just think of all the claims against drivers by people out to make danger money.
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11-04-2005, 10:47
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Re: The Common Sense Party
Re-introduce National Service, either in the Armed Forces or the Police Force.
Repeal the Human Rights Act.
Re-negotiate UK membership of the European Union.
Put Science, Art and Technology at the heart of Education and Business.
End economic migration and require prospective immigrants to demonstrate the benefit they will bring to the country.
Stop apologising for the "sins" of our ancestors and start celebrating what we have and what we are.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
11-04-2005, 10:58
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Re: The Common Sense Party
Flipping heck A-B I started one here for you! 
11-04-2005, 11:07
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Re: The Common Sense Party
1) Chewing gum to be sold only at chemists stores against Doctor's Prescription and to carry deposit per piece, repayable on return
2) Junk food (Macdonalds, KFC, Kebabs, Pizzas) to carry tax duty similar to tobacco and alcohol.
3) Junk Food wrappings to carry statutory deposit, say minimum 5 quid, repayable on return.
4) Dog license to be reintroduced in the form of a collar and extended to cats; any dog or cat found in public without license should be destroyed on sight.
5) Immeadiate withdrawal from the Common market.
6) Abandon plans for Hyndburn recycling centres and send all the sh*t down south to fill up the channel tunnel.
7) Disbar all lawyers and/or their "partners" from standing for parliament on the basis of a conflict of interest, i.e.you can't make the law and then profit from it.
8) Reintroduce both capital and corporal punishment, with every school having a disipline master and every morning assembly ending with a good public caning of every previous days' miscreants.
Last edited by Tealeaf; 11-04-2005 at 11:08.
11-04-2005, 11:16
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Re: The Common Sense Party
Hear hear, I agree with all of that Tea, particularly numbers two, three and seven!
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
11-04-2005, 11:24
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Re: The Common Sense Party
Originally Posted by entwisi
Flipping heck A-B I started one here for you! 
Hmmm, but isn't it a rather sad reflection on the state of the nation. This list of good ideas has taken us a couple of hours to put together, while all our political masters in London are capable of is making piddling changes to the tax system - "Iron Chancellor" my backside, I'll bet Bismarck is pi**ing himself.
Why should this be do you think, are they afraid or just bereft of imagination and common sense?
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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