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View Poll Results: What should happen?
Restore the monument, shelter and paths 49 90.74%
Remove the monument and shelter and leave it alone 5 9.26%
Voters: 54. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 15-11-2007, 09:31   #31
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Re: The Coppice

Residents and myself have worked hard to secure a renaissance of the Coppice, the paths, monument, protect the bio-diversity (largely through Arden Hall initially) etc... since 2003. It's been a long slog. I always believed the Coppice had potential to be better than it is now as a place to visit.

All the hard work over the years has payed dividends, REMADE at LCC have taken the project onboard and it's now the biggest project in Lancashire of its kind with £1.1m funding over 3 years. The plan is to transform it into a Local Nature Reserve and Regional Park for Lancashire.

There have been two preliminary meeting of stakeholders, environmental groups, councils, project managers etc... The team assembled to deliver the project are very enthisisatic and it's a very exciting project.

I have arranged a special Area Council meeting in January with REMADE and the team as part of the public consultation process to take on board the views of residents before any plans or ideas are set down.

For further info;
or contact myself or Huncoat Councillor Paul Gottt
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Old 15-11-2007, 19:20   #32
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Re: The Coppice

Don't change the monument, read the "vandalism". No ****** knows what the monument was originally put there for, however people from as far back as the 1950's have etched into it's surface. The childhood memories of dozens of "Accringtonians" are placed in sight of all and you are you to say they should be destroyed ?

Monument for the pals ? No statue will bring you closer than being in the same trenches they trained in. No plaque will say more than the etchings in St John's pews.

Ugly things can be beautiful. When you actually think about it.
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Old 15-11-2007, 20:17   #33
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Re: The Coppice

Originally Posted by SamF View Post
Don't change the monument, read the "vandalism". No ****** knows what the monument was originally put there for, however people from as far back as the 1950's have etched into it's surface. The childhood memories of dozens of "Accringtonians" are placed in sight of all and you are you to say they should be destroyed ?

Monument for the pals ? No statue will bring you closer than being in the same trenches they trained in. No plaque will say more than the etchings in St John's pews.

Ugly things can be beautiful. When you actually think about it.
Interesting ... never thought about it in this way. Maybe my name is on it. But I do wish that you had not said "as far back as the 1950s" as if it is ancient history. And I agree that ugly things can be beautiful. The thought crosses my mind every time I look in the mirror

But this is an original approach that deserves serious consideration.
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Old 15-11-2007, 20:17   #34
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Re: The Coppice

Interesting views SamF but the majority of the grafitti on the monument is anti-war - both CND from the 70s and Bush stuff.

The monument is nothing to do with any war. It was originally erected in 1909 and unveiled on 29th September 1909 - so it will be the 100 years anniversary in just over two years time. It was erected because the land, which was formerly owned by the Peel family had been handed over to the people of Accrington as common land - the monument was to recognise that.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 15-11-2007, 20:45   #35
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Re: The Coppice

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Interesting views SamF but the majority of the grafitti on the monument is anti-war - both CND from the 70s and Bush stuff.

The monument is nothing to do with any war. It was originally erected in 1909 and unveiled on 29th September 1909 - so it will be the 100 years anniversary in just over two years time. It was erected because the land, which was formerly owned by the Peel family had been handed over to the people of Accrington as common land - the monument was to recognise that.
So the monument is a sort of evolving time capsule. And if the land and the monument were handed over to the people of Accrington, then the people of Accrington should have the say in what to do with it. Of course, you can't please everyone, but some sort of consensus could be reached.

Oh, and don't forget the people of Clayton who also spent time up there
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Old 15-11-2007, 21:45   #36
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Re: The Coppice

Does anyone remember there being a map on it? My Dad used to tell me there was a map on it once.

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Old 15-11-2007, 21:55   #37
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Re: The Coppice

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Does anyone remember there being a map on it? My Dad used to tell me there was a map on it once.
vaugely remember some kind of metal plate on it, not sure if it was a map.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-11-2007, 22:13   #38
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Re: The Coppice

is the coppice the place with all the tree's, is it off burnley road?? sorry, still getting my bearings..... is this a good place to go walking? need somewhere for some excercise and somewhere for my lad to burn off some energy... he got loads!!
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Old 15-11-2007, 22:16   #39
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Re: The Coppice

If you stand at the bottom of Avenue Parade and look up to the top that's the Coppice.

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Old 15-11-2007, 22:17   #40
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Re: The Coppice

Originally Posted by emamum23 View Post
is the coppice the place with all the tree's, is it off burnley road?? sorry, still getting my bearings..... is this a good place to go walking? need somewhere for some excercise and somewhere for my lad to burn off some energy... he got loads!!
yep thats it emamum, lovely walk on a nice day, you can acess from Peel Park, Avenue Parade, easily on foot.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-11-2007, 22:19   #41
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Re: The Coppice

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy View Post
I'm as sure as i can be that it's heavily planted to stop land slippage, could well be wrong but it always seems wet an slippy up there.
But why THOSE trees? Why not something a bit more appropriate? A bit of natural looking deciduous woodland wouldn't look as out of place. They end too suddenly too. Perhaps if they just thinned out and dwindled off it wouldn't look so bad.

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Old 15-11-2007, 22:21   #42
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Re: The Coppice

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Does anyone remember there being a map on it? My Dad used to tell me there was a map on it once.
There used to be picnic table and benches up near the motorway and there was a stone built “thing” about 3 feet high ( sorry can’t think of how to describe it) and inlaid onto the top of that there was an etched plate of the horizon as seen from that viewpoint. Also etched into it was names of various focal points e.g. Gt. Harwood, Clitheroe, Pendle Hill…..stuff like that. I don’t recall seeing a map as such.
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Old 15-11-2007, 22:29   #43
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Re: The Coppice

No,this was long before the motorway.

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Old 15-11-2007, 22:30   #44
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Re: The Coppice

Originally Posted by emamum23 View Post
is the coppice the place with all the tree's, is it off burnley road?? sorry, still getting my bearings..... is this a good place to go walking? need somewhere for some excercise and somewhere for my lad to burn off some energy... he got loads!!

It can be a bit of a trudge up there when it's wet, but great on a nice day, as cashman said. But whatever the weather the view over the town is really impressive. It's a must do thing I would say.
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Old 15-11-2007, 22:41   #45
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Re: The Coppice

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Before we start, I would really appreciate this being a 'P' project free zone. Thanks.

The Coppice overlooks Accrington, it's a beautiful wild place with great views of the town but the monument is vandalised and a mess, as is the shelter and the paths are dangerous.

So, what should be done?
Sorry Gayle, I appreciate and understand why you should want this thread to be a "P" project free zone - but surely you realise by now that ANY project that is put up there is going to be vandalised?

I am for ANY eye-catching scheme including that "P" word ......... BUT ....... only with the guarantee from the council that it will be maintained and looked after!! I cannot vote on this issue purely on this basis.

Until you convince the councils to look after their investments, I cannot see any point in spending money on short-term improvements - - Why you? I think that your time on the accyweb has (hopefully) opened your eyes to the realists view of the attitudes of the youth today. Great ideas WILL be destroyed by moronic chavs, only constant surveillance and finance will secure future projects so ANY future project considered by the council MUST have future maintainance costs built in before it is announced to the public.

(For those newbies, search for "PANOPTICON" if you wonder what the "P" word is about)
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Last edited by Busman747; 15-11-2007 at 22:43. Reason: last comment....
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