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04-03-2016, 22:44
Senior Member
The day the earth stood still!
A bit of snow and the morons were out in force this morning…
Impatient charlie….even though his exit was blocked because of a stuck milk float he decided to turn right at the junction totally blocking the traffic flow when the lights changed..stuck for 25 minutes cos of this particular Darwin award winning Audi driver.
He-man the immortal master of the universe…happily cycling in poor visibility without lights, risking life and limb undertaking cars that could have lost traction at any moment.
Jay walking Jack…the one that thinks its a good idea to walk in the road instead of the pavement.
No lights Nora…..the one that thinks it costs extra money on her electricity bill if she turns her headlights on.
Lost count of the idiots who hadn’t even bothered to remove the snow off their roof and bonnet.
Only good thing was that the snow had filled in all the potholes and I had a relatively smooth ride for a change.
Don't even get me started on the number of people who rang in today cos of childcare problems because of school closures.....I may have a selective memory but I honestly can't recall school being closed because of snow when I was a kid....you know, when we had to walk to school, carrying big heavy satchels.
Couple of hours later..the roads were fine..go figure
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
04-03-2016, 23:02
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Re: The day the earth stood still!
It's the same over here in southern Ontario - especially for the first snowfall of the winter. Silly beggars doing silly things.
I don't remember schools being closed when I was a young lass either, and I lived in Accrington for the nasty winter of '62. Or was it '63?
With bare knees, wearing Wellington boots, we walked for miles to get to school 
04-03-2016, 23:19
Beacon of light
Re: The day the earth stood still!
I cannot remember missing school because of snow.
I also never ever missed work because of snow......I have walked it to QPH from Clayton le moors and I have walked it home in theatre wellies....because the public service vehicles weren't......a service that is.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
04-03-2016, 23:43
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: The day the earth stood still!
No school closures for me either even in the winter 0f 62/63, when all the pipes for the school boilers where frozen, as a special treat our teacher allowed us to wear gloves in the classroom. They weren't much use though they were already soaking from all the snowballs we'd make on the way to school. Oh, and it was Junior school so no long trousers allowed, I think there was something wrong back then with teachers allowing kids to get a chap on the legs. 
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
05-03-2016, 11:29
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The day the earth stood still!
Spot on, no school closures also had to sit with coats on in class cos heating was non functioning, ashamed to say we have produced a nation of wimps and do-gooders. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
05-03-2016, 12:14
Senior Member
Re: The day the earth stood still!
And today we have this gem from the County Council chairwoman Margaret Brindle....'I can understand why schools have to close for the day. Pupils travel from greater distances than they did in the past and no-one wants to see them put at risk'
Anyone would think that kids were coming in from the outback or the steppes.
Then again, she obviously does..'I was supposed to go to County Hall but I looked out of the window this morning and saw that my trip to Preston would be impossible'
Strange that, because many others, like nurses, carers, shopworkers, firemen, paramedics etc..etc.., didn't have the luxury of not trying to get to work. She should hang her head in shame!
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
05-03-2016, 12:57
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: The day the earth stood still!
Originally Posted by Guinness
Strange that, because many others, like nurses, carers, shopworkers, firemen, paramedics etc..etc.., didn't have the luxury of not trying to get to work.
The peons don't get the choice, because the pigs have decided it's so! (And a little thing known as personal integrity, something it appears our "Betters" have disregarded)
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
Last edited by DaveinGermany; 05-03-2016 at 13:00.
05-03-2016, 13:38
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: The day the earth stood still!
Originally Posted by Guinness
Then again, she obviously does..'I was supposed to go to County Hall but I looked out of the window this morning and saw that my trip to Preston would be impossible'
Strange that, because many others, like nurses, carers, shopworkers, firemen, paramedics etc..etc.., didn't have the luxury of not trying to get to work. She should hang her head in shame!
The difference is that,
nurses, carers, shopworkers, firemen, paramedics etc..etc.. all do essential work, she is a politician, Parliament proves that we can survive quite well for months in the summer when they are on holiday, so her not turning up for one day, no great loss.
Would have been better though, if instead of looking out of her window, she had at least attempted to make this so called impossible journey, at least she'd have got Brownie points for trying.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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05-03-2016, 13:39
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Re: The day the earth stood still!
Originally Posted by Guinness
Strange that, because many others, like nurses, carers, shopworkers, firemen, paramedics etc..etc.., didn't have the luxury of not trying to get to work. She should hang her head in shame!
And don't forget those brave men and women who deliver pizzas
Maybe you guys need some of these ... They were still in use as school buses in Saskatchewan in the late sixties. I actually got to drive one; and there are still lots of them left sitting in farm yards all over the west.
Bombardier B-12
05-03-2016, 13:40
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Re: The day the earth stood still!
What...no mention how winters were colder for folk of past era's or how kids these days don't know their born?
I don't wish to encourage it,but Im guilty of being a "jay walking Jack".
I find walking on the road in bad conditions is sometimes safer because the snow on the pavement tends to be compacted into a desth trap.
When it comes to the safety of our children I don't believe it should be put at risk and so agree with schools shutting for the day.
It certainly shouldn't be put at risk because folk in the 'I remember when' days walked to (and from) school in skin blistering conditions.Plus the recommended minimum temp for the workplace is 16degrees....
...Besides,kids can enjoy a extra day off and they get to play in the snow (every cloud).
05-03-2016, 16:08
Beacon of light
Re: The day the earth stood still!
So you don't believe in putting children at risk?
Risk is about being able to recognise what is dangerous and what is not......and if we do not subject children to the opportunities of finding out what is risky for them, they will never be able to risk assess and cope with risk.
When councils talk about risk, what they are actually saying is ' we don t want anyone to have the chance of suing us' whether that be a teacher or a pupil.
I walked from Woodnook to Peel Park every schoolday....come rain hail snow or shine.....was I at risk?
Has this harmed me? No of course it hasn't.
We are breeding a nation of milk sops, wimps and whingers with the help of the authorities who should be making sure the roads and pavements are suitable for purpose......NOT stopping services and closing schools.
Try getting the school to give your child an extra day off to enable them to go on a family holiday....See what their reaction to that is......because everyone knows that even a day makes a difference to a child's education!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
05-03-2016, 16:50
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: The day the earth stood still!
Originally Posted by Accyexplorer
What...no mention how winters were colder for folk of past era's or how kids these days don't know their born?
It certainly shouldn't be put at risk because folk in the 'I remember when' days walked to (and from) school in skin blistering conditions.Plus the recommended minimum temp for the workplace is 16degrees....
...Besides,kids can enjoy a extra day off and they get to play in the snow (every cloud).
As usual you are in contrary mode, however nothing to do with winters being colder back then, nothing to do with kids not knowing they are born.
A great deal to be because of the attitude of those in secure jobs and folk like you.
The attitude of today is:-
I don't need to be responsible and turn up, my life is good, stuff the kids and parents that will get to the school, I'm not taking my 4x4 out of the garage, I'VE got an excuse to stay home.
As for kids at risk? Obviously, back then we would (as kids) have enjoyed a day off school to spend in the snow, but, by example the teachers went to work, our parent's faught their way through blizzards to work, it was an example of being responsible and not letting others down (or expecting others to cover for your lack of responsibility) that seems to have skipped several generations, you seem to go out of your way to prove it...
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
05-03-2016, 17:04
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The day the earth stood still!
Why ? i could answer that but i prefer to stay on the forum. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
05-03-2016, 17:07
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Re: The day the earth stood still!
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
So you don't believe in putting children at risk?
Risk is about being able to recognise what is dangerous and what is not......and if we do not subject children to the opportunities of finding out what is risky for them, they will never be able to risk assess and cope with risk.
When councils talk about risk, what they are actually saying is ' we don t want anyone to have the chance of suing us' whether that be a teacher or a pupil.
I walked from Woodnook to Peel Park every schoolday....come rain hail snow or shine.....was I at risk?
Has this harmed me? No of course it hasn't.
We are breeding a nation of milk sops, wimps and whingers with the help of the authorities who should be making sure the roads and pavements are suitable for purpose......NOT stopping services and closing schools.
Try getting the school to give your child an extra day off to enable them to go on a family holiday....See what their reaction to that is......because everyone knows that even a day makes a difference to a child's education!
I had to walk from Huncoat village to Woodnook school on Hudson Street and back, probably six or seven miles in total more times than I care to think about and as you rightly say it has done me no harm at all, in fact the walk, although I did not think so at the time did me more good than harm.
With the demise of p.e. in our schools and the selling off of the school playing fields, also the latest load of rubbish about stopping lads being able to tackle one another in a game of rugby fills me with dread for our future generations, life itself is hard, if our our grandchildren are brought up to believe that they should not attain to be the best that they can be then what is the point in trying to teach them anything.
P.S. Marge; Please have a look on the post under Accringtons oldest supermarket, there is a question from me about someone you me remember.
Yours as always, stay happy, Taddy.
05-03-2016, 17:17
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Re: The day the earth stood still!
Sorry, the last line should have said, (may remember).
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