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View Poll Results: Should we have a nationwide DNA database ?
Yes 16 53.33%
No 11 36.67%
Dont Know 3 10.00%
Voters: 30. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 23-02-2008, 06:13   #1
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The DNA database...

a nationwide DNA database - yay or nay?

i personally i'm all for it. if you got nothing to hide then why fear it? even now i think alot of murders etc could be solved if this was put into place...
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Old 23-02-2008, 07:06   #2
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Re: The DNA database...

seems to me after reading this BBC news report
BBC NEWS | UK | Mandatory DNA database rejected which states there is a database of 4.5 million allready on file that its a bit to late , considering that the 4.5m and by simple extension also includes the parents and any sibling (brother or sister) its a bit late to start worrying ...........kind of surprising considering all these controls have been instituted by a Labour Govt. and not by the 'right wing' fascist Conservatives , maybe 'nu-Labour' has more in common with Stalinist Russia than anyone thought.
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Old 23-02-2008, 09:12   #3

Boeing Guy's Avatar

Cool Re: The DNA database...

I could not see a 'Right Wing Fascist' Conservative government ever wanting to subject the general population to something like this.

However we have a Government that cannot be trusted with our personal details, two cd's anyone, our health (the PFI joke), Transport (Fuel prices, road tax etc), education (PFI again, and schools that can teach creationalism over evolution!), community services (post offices), monetary concerns, (Tax Credits, Northern Rock Farce). SO I would not trust them to post a letter in the right place.

Why do we need a ID card scheme, DNA database etc....Is it because of Terrorism? well sorry to upset the apple cart, but as I recall we have had our fair share of terrorism, the IRA being the most prominant. If we never needed a DNA, ID etc Database then why now?

The problem with a left wing government is that they want to control you as much as they can, we are already the most watched population on the planet, and now they want your DNA as well.

If I could trust them no problem, but consider this. What would happen if you were convicted of a crime you did not commit, you just happend to walk by the scene say 10 or 15 mins earlier, they found some of your DNA and got ya? Or what if they mix up your sample with someone else's.

Now don't think I am scaremongering your DNA is leaving your body all the time.
One final thing, the procedure our government use for analyzing DNA is not as stringent as other countries use.

Sorry but I have got nothing to hide, I already have my Fingerprints on the USA's Database, (all Pilot's training there, must give their prints) and have undergone very tight security screening for my Restricted Area Pass (Airside pass), I have no problem with that, but my personal DNA I must draw the line there.
Right off for a cup off coffee
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Old 23-02-2008, 09:57   #4
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Re: The DNA database...

I have put yes on the condition it is run properly .. I will do anything that will help lock up lowlifes who chose not to abide by the simple rules of life.
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Old 23-02-2008, 10:05   #5
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Re: The DNA database...

I have voted DK there are a lot of pluses for this, but with this governments record on losing data on a regular basis, puts doubt in my mind
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Old 23-02-2008, 10:10   #6
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Re: The DNA database...

It still takes years sometimes to find people even when they have thier dna, they find more people by accident with dna than anyhting else, they have even let people go who were on wanted lists because they didn't check the dna before they let them go for petty offences. Whatever you vote, they will do what they want, will mishandle the information, lose and mix up information, and there will of course be those in authority who abuse, or fix results for personal or professional gain.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 23-02-2008, 10:12   #7
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Re: The DNA database...

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I have voted DK there are a lot of pluses for this, but with this governments record on losing data on a regular basis, puts doubt in my mind
Is this site just about political digs.
.. "There is a forgotten, nay almost forbidden word, which means more to me than any other.
That word is 'ENGLAND.' 'Sir Winston Churchill'

.. "The more u see the less u know. The less u find out as u go." 'Sir Bono'

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Old 23-02-2008, 10:30   #8
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Re: The DNA database...

You never hear old people moaning about the identity cards that were issued to the whole country, as part of the 1939 National Registration Act.

(Departs, and waits for an old person to start moaning about what a flippin' liberty a national D.N.A base would be.)
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Old 23-02-2008, 10:38   #9
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Re: The DNA database...

dont forget it works both ways it could prove your innocence
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Old 23-02-2008, 10:41   #10
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Re: The DNA database...

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
dont forget it works both ways it could prove your innocence
Talking from experience..
.. "There is a forgotten, nay almost forbidden word, which means more to me than any other.
That word is 'ENGLAND.' 'Sir Winston Churchill'

.. "The more u see the less u know. The less u find out as u go." 'Sir Bono'

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Old 23-02-2008, 12:01   #11
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Re: The DNA database...

I voted no.

Our government simply cannot be trusted with more data after all the recent losses. We have no idea what subsequent governments will do with the data. Who knows, in 10 years time our DNA might be up for auction, I bet its quite valuable to criminals and genetic research companies.

DNA can easily convict the wrong person. It doesn't prove you did a crime, only that you were around that area at some point (even if it was before the crime even took place). It can easily lead to wrong convictions. There have been tons of cases of planted DNA, framing an innocent person.

They already have too much DNA. Taking DNA from innocent people even before they're charged? Not deleting it when its proved their innocent? What is this, a police state? We are the most watched country in Europe, have the biggest DNA database in the world (in proportion to our size), the government even want to invade our privacy in our own homes, getting internet providers to look into what we're doing on the internet whist having a massive ID database storing even more of our information, and for what? To prevent terrorism? Everyone already knows it won't do what its supposedly built for. Scare mongering government using peoples fears to restrict freedoms.

Welcome to 1984.
formerly cyfr

Last edited by andrewb; 23-02-2008 at 12:05.
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Old 23-02-2008, 12:40   #12
Rosencrantz's Avatar

Re: The DNA database...

On top of that, a DNA database is an important infringement of personal liberties; a sign that the government is being given too much power over our lives. The scope for abuse is incredible with such a core part of our beings on record. In 200 years when power inevitably goes to the heads of those with our DNA on file, our descendants will be cursing our names, wondering why the hell we ever consented to this.
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Old 23-02-2008, 13:10   #13
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Re: The DNA database...

its irrelavant at the moment in my view, cos the " Home Office" have rejected the idea, so to those taking "Cheap Political Shots"
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 23-02-2008, 13:22   #14

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Re: The DNA database...

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post
DNA can easily convict the wrong person. It doesn't prove you did a crime, only that you were around that area at some point
It does when it is taken from the inside of a rape victim found beaten to death at the side of the road.

I wonder how many lives would have been saved if our current DNA technology and a database had been available when the Yorkshire ripper was slicing open his dead victims and removing there insides?
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Old 23-02-2008, 13:37   #15
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Re: The DNA database...

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
It does when it is taken from the inside of a rape victim found beaten to death at the side of the road.

I wonder how many lives would have been saved if our current DNA technology and a database had been available when the Yorkshire ripper was slicing open his dead victims and removing there insides?
Really? How about the guy that planted someone elses DNA in a rape victim?
formerly cyfr
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