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25-07-2023, 07:36
Beacon of light
Re: The drive for net zero.
Originally Posted by Ryewolf90
These Just Oil Loonies are just virtue signaling, a number of the that were arrested had big 4x4 Land Rover Discoveries and they probably went back to their luxury 4 bedroom homes that have gas central heating and none solar powered electricity, all fossil fuel base.
The youngsters on these demos probably live with their parents who live in those big 4 bedroom houses with 4x4 SUV's, guzzling energy with the gas central heating and fossil fuel backed electricity. They've probably got iPhones and iPads built by the Chinese who don't give a stuff about the climate as long as they are producing products for the Just Stop Oil loonies..
How do they the ipad and iPhones get here, they don't just magical transport from the factory in China to the UK, they have to be transported in huge mega container ships that guzzle fuel like it's going out of fashion....
When I see the Just Stop Oil loonies being dragged off the roads, I cheer on the people doing it, because in the end the loonies are just creating traffic jams and slowing down traffic and actually contributing to more petrol or diesel use by their own actions.
And then of course we have the police idly standing by and doing nothing to prevent this from happening except for arresting those inconvenienced by the protesters because they took matters into their own hands.
Sorry for the rant...
Do not apologise for your opinion…is is well articulated and makes sense.
So Rant on.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
25-07-2023, 07:43
Beacon of light
Re: The drive for net zero.
Thank you Exile for your brilliant way of showing these things….but for some of us you might need to expand on your visuals with an explanation.
(I know the last slide has some very tiny writing underneath it but my old eyes struggled even enlarging it a bit….should I go to Specsavers?)
The first picture is clear, that the mining for the metals for those ‘green’ vehicles is mined by children in third world countries..putting their health at risk.
How reliable is the science? Being that there can (in the current situation) be only one opinion.
No opposing opinions are permitted in this groupthink world
And people running these green vehicles and looking smug, that they are part of the gang to save the planet…many of them do not realise that the electricity they re-charge with, is generated by fossil fuels (in the main).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 25-07-2023 at 07:50.
25-07-2023, 11:33
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Re: The drive for net zero.
Sorry, Margaret, if the third image is not clear. I never really know when including a photo how big or small (both physically and in terms of the number of pixels) it will be.
Anyway, attached below is the ‘small print’, which I hope is more legible.
Basically the entire graphic purports to show that our atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.93% argon, which leaves some 0.04% of carbon dioxide (the stuff that green plants need to survive) and other trace elements.
Of the 0.04% of carbon dioxide, that one dot in the bottom corner (0.01%), is the cumulative carbon dioxide claimed to be created from man-made activities and it is this 0.01% that is sending the entire globe into fiery hell (except in this part ofLancashire where global warming seems to have been switched off throughout July.)
25-07-2023, 12:41
Beacon of light
Re: The drive for net zero.
Thank you Exile, after I had posted that I got out my magnifying sheet and made it easier to read
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
25-07-2023, 15:52
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Re: The drive for net zero.
Just in case there’s anyone out there who still takes the ‘authorities’ on trust, take a look at this image (assuming it’s legible!  )
The chart on the left hand side of the image shows excess deaths in Europe attributable to cold ( blue) and heat ( red). This was how The Lancet, apparently still believed by some to be a reliable $cientific journal, presented it.
But if you look carefully, what they’ve done is to use different y axes (the horizontal scales) for the different types of deaths.
For ‘heat’ deaths, the increments are in tens (0-10, 10-20, etc).
But for ‘cold’ deaths, the increments are in fifties. Five times as great!
The chart on the right hand side of the image is how it actually is, using similar y axes.
This is exactly the kind of deliberate (it can only be that, unless The Lancet is run by statistical illiterates) lie that is constantly being pushed. Just like the latest scam of changing the colours on the weather maps from, say, yellow to red when the actual temperatures are exactly the same.
The net zero which our globalist masters want to achieve refers to our prosperity, not theirs.
25-07-2023, 19:10
Beacon of light
Re: The drive for net zero.
The thing is they (the fudgers and liars)know that the majority of people will take everything they spout to be gospel because it has been produced by scientists.
They think that scientists will report the FACTS accurately, but they do not think that these respectable people would be bamboozling the population.
I never believe what I am told. I ask myself why these experts want me to believe what they are telling me…what their agenda is…what will they gain by making me believe this stuff.
And while I am no expert is statistics…those figures are like comparing apples to bicycles.
Stats should use the same criteria for measuring outcomes.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
25-07-2023, 20:30
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Re: The drive for net zero.
I saw this on the BBC website:
The 13-week long campaign by Just Stop Oil (JSO) has cost the Met Police more than £7.7m, the cost of policing 515 protests carried out by JSO since April has amounted to the equivalent of 23,500 officer shifts. Over that time more than 270 people were arrested over the demonstrations.
Maybe if we fined those arrested £30,000 each they would all go and do something more sensible instead and the metropolitan Police could actually get back to their real jobs of doing what they are supposed to be doing instead of their time and money being wasted by a small minority of people.
The people that are paying for this are the taxpayers and the people actually losing out are not the JSO loonies, who probably don't live in Greater London, but are the people who do and call the police only to find they are spending huge amounts of time, in terms of hours, and money dealing with a very small percentage of people who just don't care because they are virtue signalling.
An Oxymoron is but an Onomatopoeia isn’t. I shall leave you to ponder that one.
26-07-2023, 04:26
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Re: The drive for net zero.
This thread has thought-provokingly mentioned the hypocrites, those who do a lot of talking and protesting about carbon emissions but are users of manufactured goods, etc. However, how’s this for being hypocritical, the Australian government talk a lot about carbon emissions telling us what we should do and what we should not do, what should be done, and what shouldn’t be done, while at the same time Australia is exporting huge amounts of coal to places like China and any country who will buy it from them to use. This all reminds me of that saying ‘don’t do as I do, do as I say.’.
26-07-2023, 08:07
Beacon of light
Re: The drive for net zero.
Originally Posted by Ryewolf90
I saw this on the BBC website:
The 13-week long campaign by Just Stop Oil (JSO) has cost the Met Police more than £7.7m, the cost of policing 515 protests carried out by JSO since April has amounted to the equivalent of 23,500 officer shifts. Over that time more than 270 people were arrested over the demonstrations.
Maybe if we fined those arrested £30,000 each they would all go and do something more sensible instead and the metropolitan Police could actually get back to their real jobs of doing what they are supposed to be doing instead of their time and money being wasted by a small minority of people.
The people that are paying for this are the taxpayers and the people actually losing out are not the JSO loonies, who probably don't live in Greater London, but are the people who do and call the police only to find they are spending huge amounts of time, in terms of hours, and money dealing with a very small percentage of people who just don't care because they are virtue signalling.
I also read this but I read that this was the second huge sum of money that it had cost us…the taxpayer and the total exceed 15 million quid. The 7.7. Million is the cost to the met police and is only from April.
So yes I endorse the idea of fining those who are taking part in these protests and £30,000 seem a bit on the light side.
Many of the protesters seem to be middle aged middle class chumps.
Make them have to remortgage their homes….these people need to be pulled up short.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 26-07-2023 at 08:12.
28-07-2023, 08:51
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Re: The drive for net zero.
There’s a web site (Gridwatch) that provides very good up-to-date information on where our energy comes from.
Attached is a screen shot from a few minutes ago.
This is for a day in the British summer, albeit one not conforming to the hysterical ‘global burning’ rhetoric.
For some reason, maybe annual maintenance, the amount coming from nuclear this week is down at 9%, although usually it’s constantly around 14%.
So what making up the difference?
Not wind or solar, which can occasionally be as high as 20+% but is a measly 4% and 8%.
Oh, yes, it must be Ccgt so called, perhaps, because they don’t want to admit it’s gas.
Even coal is being used!
28-07-2023, 10:41
Beacon of light
Re: The drive for net zero.
Those green Electric vehicles are being charged using electricity generated by guess what…..fossil fuels. Green eh?
And there was very little reported about an 18,500 tonne cargo ship leaving the Nederlands filled with 3000 cars….(prestige marques)that set on fire…due to the battery of one of these electric cars going off like a rocket.
One crew member killed and the remaining 23 evacuated and the ship left to burn.
This cargo was bound fo Kuwait and Saudi.
I did not see any report on the TV news channels.
Another thing that has had very little coverage is that many of these fires that are being put down to ‘global boiling’ (hyperbole at its very best) have been started by arsonists.
Drone footage in Italy shows a man setting two fires in woodland.
When he sees that he has been captured on the drone camera, he throws stones at the drone to try to bring it down.
Greece and Portugal frequently have summer first fires….but this year it plays right into the hands of the Climate activists.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
28-07-2023, 10:48
Beacon of light
Re: The drive for net zero.
Oh Yes, and another thing.
That hated man, Tony Blair(I hate him as much as Cashy hates Margaret Thatcher) is the only left wing political figure who is speaking sense about the obsession with Net Zero.
I never ever thought I would applaud anything that forked tongued, snake oil salesman said.
But I have to agree with what he is saying in the Daily Telegraph today.
We are being asked to do too much even though our emissions are paltry and will make no appreciable difference.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
16-08-2023, 16:25
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Re: The drive for net zero.
I read this snippet in an article today on Unherd about how Biden’s policies are doing little, nothing, or the complete opposite of helping to readdress the balance between US and China economies…
“While 13 countries control only 40% of global oil, China is virtually a green energy OPEC by itself: today, more than 60% of the world’s wind turbines and 80% of solar panels and batteries are made in China, which also controls an estimated 90% of the production of rare-earth metals essential in batteries and other green technology.”
16-08-2023, 20:18
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Re: The drive for net zero.
IMO it's all a load of tosh!
We in the UK are expected to stop using oils etc. to cut down on the power we use, not have our tv's on standby using very little power.
Yet places like the US and china still do more in 1 day than we do in a whole year.
It's a joke!.
16-08-2023, 21:14
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: The drive for net zero.
Originally Posted by Ryewolf90
These Just Oil Loonies are just virtue signaling, a number of the that were arrested had big 4x4 Land Rover Discoveries and they probably went back to their luxury 4 bedroom homes that have gas central heating and none solar powered electricity, all fossil fuel base.
I'v been seriously considering joining these Just Stop Oil Loonies. After all, they don't seem to have a problem getting tickets to all of the major events.   
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