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Old 11-10-2006, 09:04   #16
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: The Gas man Cometh! But not no more he don't.

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp

They also persuaded me add two gas fires (which we rarely use) to the contract at an additional cost of about fifty quid and they'd service each one on alternate years. I said OK. They said they'd do the front room fire this year and the dining room fire next year. I said OK.

A proper contractor that wasn't just adding the cost of maintenance to your bill would have said, something along the lines of, "because we haven't checked these fires before, the first year we will check both fires to make sure they are working correctly".

After all, suppose they had checked the front room fire found it safe, but in actual fact the back room fire was unsafe and unchecked? You would have been left with a faulty fire on contract to them what sort of safety regime is that?

What if, (there you go Gayle a 'what if' moment), the garages take on this style? Oh yes, thank you for bringing your car to us, this year we'll check the front brakes, then next year we'll check the rear brakes, whats that? oh yes, if either front or back brakes are faulty it does make the whole vehicle a potential killer, but I don't see any reason to change our policy do you?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Accrington Web
Old 11-10-2006, 12:06   #17
Apprentice Geriatric
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Cool Re: The Gas man Cometh! But not no more he don't.

Congratulations for sticking to your guns WillowTheWhisp.

However it sounds like you ‘engineer’, although I use the terms loosely was angling for selling you a new boiler, gas fires etc. and getting the commission for doing so.

Have some Karma.
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Old 11-10-2006, 12:14   #18
Resident Waffler

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Re: The Gas man Cometh! But not no more he don't.

I just don't get it though Jambutty because he wasn't tryng to sell me anything. In fact he suggested I get them from Viva! If he'd said, "We can do you a nice little deal on fires this week." I might have understood it. Thanks for the karma.

I see what you're saying Less. It just doesn't make sense does it? Anyway I've been and gone and cancelled my DD with the bank this morning.

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Old 14-10-2006, 23:19   #19
Resident Waffler

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Re: The Gas man Cometh! But not no more he don't.

You couldn't make it up..............

Today a letter arrived from British Gas. It says:

Unfortunately we have had to cancel your British Gas Homecare agreement.
Oh really? I was under the impression that I was the one who had done the cancelling.

But wait for it - it gets better.

At a recent visit to your property our engineer established that your heating system does not meet current safety standards
Well, no actually it was the water heater he condemned but we won't bother splitting hairs because this is the pičce de résistance:

If you wish to improve or replace your central heating/gas appliances please call us on **** * *** *** and we will provide you with a personalised no obligation quotation.
Go on all those who said he was on commisssion to sell new stuff you can give yourselves a pat on the back now and assume the smug grin.

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Old 15-10-2006, 07:34   #20
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: The Gas man Cometh! But not no more he don't.

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Go on all those who said he was on commisssion to sell new stuff you can give yourselves a pat on the back now and assume the smug grin.
So now that they've smooth talked you into it when will they be turning up to give you this 'no obligation quote', it would be worth having their saleman turn up just so you can give him a piece of your mind.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall if you do.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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