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Old 04-11-2005, 14:00   #1
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The Great Lancastrian Cause

I was at a Church in Barrow on Sunday. At the Church was a priest who had just been appointed to the parish. However, the priest whilst new to this particular Church was and is very much a local boy from Barrow. In his introductory sermon said he was glad to be back in this wonderful part of the Great County of Lancashire, for this he recieved a round of applause. Of course as most will know Barrow has not been a part of Lancashire (officailly speaking) for almost 30 years, along with Liverpool Manchester and others to name but a few. Yet it was quite clear to me and anyone else there that the inahbitants still consider themselves to be Lancastrian! The point being that the government (which incidentally still wish to scrap the entire county of Lancashire in the proposals for a northern Assembley. Oh and for the record, these plans as yet have merely been put back not scrapped!) still insist on walking over peoples identity. Firstly, we are not allowed to call ourselves English but nor do they intend to even allow us to keep our local identity. I for one not only think that the local identity is important and worth preserving, I also strongly believe that the County of Lancahire should be returned to its original pre government interference state, aboloshing both Merseyside and Greater Manchester. Long live the County of Lancashire.
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Old 04-11-2005, 14:13   #2


Re: The Great Lancastrian Cause

If you want to control the people and ensure domination over your dominions you must first strip them of Identity, abolish their culture through the effects of integration and make them believe that it’s for the common good. The result…………..death of a Nation.

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Old 04-11-2005, 15:25   #3
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Re: The Great Lancastrian Cause

I totally agree Bad Wolf. Although born in Baxenden, I spent much of my young life after the age of 10 in Southport and I regularly visit two chatsites there. Most of the posters still consider themselves Lancastrians even though Southport is part of Sefton which is part of Merseyside. Some even refuse to put Merseyside down as their address and still tell people to send their letters to Southport, Lancashire. Moving boundries and renaming places is a costly and pointless exercise as far as I am concerned.
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Old 04-11-2005, 15:52   #4
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Re: The Great Lancastrian Cause

When the govenment in 74 scrapped the shire councils in scotland and made them regional one it wasent to bad as I came under Central which was the whole of Stirlingshire. Then in there wisdom several years back the scrapped them along with district councils and split Central into 3 councils with the powers of the regional and districts combined.

Now its Falkirk Stirling and Clackmanen. the county of Stirlingshire does not really exist any more and is made up of Stirling and Falkirk and classed as Forth valley. Yet the irony is that Clackman was a county until it became part of Central but is now the same as Falkirk and Stirling but covers the whole of the old county of Clackmananshire. Bit of an irony but shows regional assemblies did not work yet its still in the wings down there.

Will govenment ever learn from past mistakes? Devolving power to regional assemblies failed her in Scotland but they want to try again it wont work.
It will be too big too beaurocratic and slower than a constipated rocking horse. The quicker this idea is scrapped the better because if it isnt brocken why try and fix it? To President Bair and his cronies "hands of Lancashire and leave us alone go and muck up something else or do something worthwhile"


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Old 04-11-2005, 16:45   #5
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Re: The Great Lancastrian Cause

can't argue with that veiwpoint badwolf, i still regard this as accrington NOT hyndburn, and always will,local heritage does for me.
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Old 04-11-2005, 16:56   #6
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Re: The Great Lancastrian Cause

This county was at the centre of the industrial revolution, which as was pointed out, included Liverpool and Manchester.

We even had a bit of Lake Windermere, until they decided to create Cumbria, as well as the Metropolitan counties of Greater Manchester and Merseyside.

Everyone I know in Southport, like John said, still puts Lancashire as their address.

Mind you Southport has always had more than it's fair share of snobs, or as I prefer to call them, the fur coat and no knickers set.
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Old 04-11-2005, 22:44   #7
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Re: The Great Lancastrian Cause

I live 6 miles south of Warrington. Our village was always in Cheshire and used to be part of Altrincham's administration.

In 1974, Warrington, Lancs., suddenly found itself in Cheshire and acquired our village for administrative purposes, though our postal address is not Warrington. The "natural" dividing line between the 2 counties, the river Mersey and the Manchester Ship Canal, didn't count any more. I know a lot of people from St Helens. Tell them that they're not Lancastrians and they'll give you an "earful" but St Helens is now in Merseyside. Widnes and Runcorn, either side of the Mersey, were Lancs and Cheshire respectively. Now they're both in Merseyside - shame! - and my son, who lives near Oldham, is in Greater Manchester.

I don't know what the reorganisation was supposed to achieve. I'm just glad I can say, truly, I am a Lancastrian born and bred.
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Old 05-11-2005, 16:54   #8
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Re: The Great Lancastrian Cause

Even Manchester hospitals consider Manchester to be in Lancashire. The address labels on patient casenotes with Manchester addresses always say Manchester, Lancashire...
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Old 05-11-2005, 17:40   #9
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Re: The Great Lancastrian Cause

Originally Posted by lettie
Even Manchester hospitals consider Manchester to be in Lancashire. The address labels on patient casenotes with Manchester addresses always say Manchester, Lancashire...
Well thats blown my belief that Manchester was so full of its self it was glad not to be part of Lancashire.

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Old 14-11-2005, 20:40   #10
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Re: The Great Lancastrian Cause

Lancashire Palatine still exists it did not go away!
Look at the following web sites and remember we are still in Lancashire even if we are in Barrow Manchester or Liverpool
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Old 14-11-2005, 21:05   #11
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Re: The Great Lancastrian Cause

Same theme different thread.

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