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View Poll Results: What's the problem with our pubs?
People are being careful with their money, that's all
1 |
5.26% |
It's the government raising taxes on beer and spirits, killing trade
3 |
15.79% |
The breweries are taking too much money, killing the pubs
6 |
31.58% |
I don't see a problem
0 |
0% |
cant smoke in pubs now
9 |
47.37% |
14-06-2010, 18:29
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
It's more like the price of drinks in pubs, rather than any smoking ban or 24hr laws.
Wetherspoons had a their own smoking ban before it was national law, but drinks are cheaper than most pubs... I've never heard of a Wetherspoons closing down.
14-06-2010, 18:47
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
Even guest beers are now limited by the breweries, unfortunately.
That really is a pity as that was half the fun !! Going to the local & trying something strange & exotic from the far flung reaches of the Empire "Brains" from Darkest Welshland, "Greene King" from them funny Fenlanders, frightening "Fullers", from that there London & all those strange brews from North o' the Border.  Sad, Sad, days ! tis' the passing of an age, that'll ner return !!
Last edited by DaveinGermany; 14-06-2010 at 18:49.
14-06-2010, 18:57
Resting in Peace
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
The greed of the breweries is killing off our local pubs. In five years' time all we'll have is a raft of gastropubs and town centre wine bars.
We could do much worse than have Wetherspoons take over the dying local pubs. They're a big chain but they know how to look after ale drinkers better than Enterprise Inns or Scottish and Newcastle.
It's a pity that there aren't more free houses, which is a prime example of how pubs that aren't tied to the crippling prices imposed by breweries are actually thriving.
I at one stage thought you were an Idiot now, you have removed all considerable doubt.
Stick to what you know - I look forward to a blank page.

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
15-06-2010, 06:01
Common Sense Member
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
Originally Posted by Benipete
I at one stage thought you were an Idiot now, you have removed all considerable doubt.
Stick to what you know - I look forward to a blank page.
Instead of the insults why not give us your assessment, o sage counsell?
I know what I see right in front of me and since I've been in the thick of it for over ten years and watched what's happened I speak as I find. Facts and figures placed in front of me in black and white tend to sway my opinion.
From your postings I assume you've got previous for being a landlord so how about your spin on things?
15-06-2010, 08:41
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
i think some people whould know the truth ive run a pub on two occasions and you cannot buy anything from outside (shop around) they have you tied to everything nowadays and its stupid the only thing you can buy out is snacks and food even down to soft drinks have to be bought from brewery
15-06-2010, 09:22
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
Originally Posted by Tickler
i think some people whould know the truth ive run a pub on two occasions and you cannot buy anything from outside (shop around) they have you tied to everything nowadays and its stupid the only thing you can buy out is snacks and food even down to soft drinks have to be bought from brewery
And there's hell to pay if they find out your buying outside the brewery 
15-06-2010, 18:37
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
Originally Posted by Tickler
i think some people whould know the truth ive run a pub on two occasions and you cannot buy anything from outside (shop around) they have you tied to everything nowadays and its stupid the only thing you can buy out is snacks and food even down to soft drinks have to be bought from brewery
Tickler that may be the case where you are ? I worked with & for S&N Germany, then for a German wholesaler while I was self employed for a couple of years all through the time period 1996-2005.
Deliveries, fittings, contracts, Import, line cleaning & repping, I even turned to at the pumps on numerous ocassions, so I covered a pretty broad spectrum in & around Beer, Breweries & Pubs, so I have a little bit of understanding of the workings of these things  . All I can say is maybe times & approaches have changed since I last properly ventured into the World of Beers & Brewing ........ or maybe it's just UK ?? 
15-06-2010, 19:36
Resting in Peace
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
Instead of the insults why not give us your assessment, o sage counsell?
I know what I see right in front of me and since I've been in the thick of it for over ten years and watched what's happened I speak as I find. Facts and figures placed in front of me in black and white tend to sway my opinion.
From your postings I assume you've got previous for being a landlord so how about your spin on things?
Sorry for the delay to your answer but not being a councilor or indeed a solicitor I find it hard to talk before I think.
Done a full days research and could not find a pub in Accrington that was owned or run by a brewery
Due to government regulations they were forced to sell off most of their outlets leading to the invention of Leisure Groups who now control the industry
Some are good and some not so good not allowed to name the bad ones but there is no show without him
I do, not like you have to jump on the band wagon of discontent To gain popularity nor do I have people pulling my strings.
Sometimes you sound quite sensible(Is that you talking) Other times you talk ABSOLUTE GARBAGE (is that you talking)
Before long you will be blaming oil company's for the price of petrol.
Thanks for the red square(that's were you should be) and do learn to spell council if you want to stay on it,Or buy a red jacket. 
Oh bye the way I had 39 years in the trade and was never refused help from the brewery.

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
Last edited by Benipete; 15-06-2010 at 19:41.
15-06-2010, 20:07
Common Sense Member
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
Originally Posted by Benipete
Sorry for the delay to your answer but not being a councilor or indeed a solicitor I find it hard to talk before I think.
Done a full days research and could not find a pub in Accrington that was owned or run by a brewery
Due to government regulations they were forced to sell off most of their outlets leading to the invention of Leisure Groups who now control the industry
Some are good and some not so good not allowed to name the bad ones but there is no show without him
I do, not like you have to jump on the band wagon of discontent To gain popularity nor do I have people pulling my strings.
Sometimes you sound quite sensible(Is that you talking) Other times you talk ABSOLUTE GARBAGE (is that you talking)
Before long you will be blaming oil company's for the price of petrol.
Thanks for the red square(that's were you should be) and do learn to spell council if you want to stay on it,Or buy a red jacket. 
Oh bye the way I had 39 years in the trade and was never refused help from the brewery.
Firstly, counsell is quite different from a council, or indeed a councillor.
Secondly, I never mentioned Accrington as almost all my experience has been in the Preston area although I cannot believe that it is confined purely to one region. Scottish and Newcastle, Enterprise Inns and now Marstons have all helped to cripple perfectly healthy pubs that I have been involved with through pure greed. There is no getting around it, I have watched it happen and seen the tenancy agreements which have forced perfectly good landlords to up sticks because it simply isn't worth opening the doors under the new contract.
If, in 39 years, you've not had a bad experience with breweries then you've been very lucky. Trying to get anything out of them to improve a pub (even down to a glasswasher in one instance) is seemingly impossible as a team of reps barricade the lines of communication in order to justify their own miserable jobs. Being a publican in England doesn't look very much fun at the moment unless you run a free house.
There is no bandwagon to jump on and you have a very skewed view of what being a councillor actually means. Who on Earth is pulling my strings and to what ends?
This is a discussion forum - discuss.
15-06-2010, 22:27
Resting in Peace
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
Firstly, counsell is quite different from a council, or indeed a councillor.
Secondly, I never mentioned Accrington as almost all my experience has been in the Preston area although I cannot believe that it is confined purely to one region. Scottish and Newcastle, Enterprise Inns and now Marstons have all helped to cripple perfectly healthy pubs that I have been involved with through pure greed. There is no getting around it, I have watched it happen and seen the tenancy agreements which have forced perfectly good landlords to up sticks because it simply isn't worth opening the doors under the new contract.
If, in 39 years, you've not had a bad experience with breweries then you've been very lucky. Trying to get anything out of them to improve a pub (even down to a glasswasher in one instance) is seemingly impossible as a team of reps barricade the lines of communication in order to justify their own miserable jobs. Being a publican in England doesn't look very much fun at the moment unless you run a free house.
There is no bandwagon to jump on and you have a very skewed view of what being a councillor actually means. Who on Earth is pulling my strings and to what ends?
This is a discussion forum - discuss.
It is indeed a discussion forum but would it not pay off to know something about what you are talking about.
S&N is owned jointly by Heineken and Carlsberg as far as i know since about 2008.Not sure who sold our Geordie friends down the river.
Enterprise is a leisure company and as we are in Accrington the nearest Marston pub is I think the Hoghton Arms.The only one in Preston that I can think of is in the Docklands area
Still tell your friend he can get a glass washer for £10 - £12 a week.
And by the way luck never came into it with my involvement with the pub trade It was give and take on both sides  

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
15-06-2010, 22:35
Common Sense Member
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
Originally Posted by Benipete
It is indeed a discussion forum but would it not pay off to know something about what you are talking about.
S&N is owned jointly by Heineken and Carlsberg as far as i know since about 2008.Not sure who sold our Geordie friends down the river.
Enterprise is a leisure company and as we are in Accrington the nearest Marston pub is I think the Hoghton Arms.The only one in Preston that I can think of is in the Docklands area
Still tell your friend he can get a glass washer for £10 - £12 a week.
And by the way luck never came into it with my involvement with the pub trade It was give and take on both sides  
My mate was (until Sunday aft) at the Mill Tavern in Higher Walton and it will be a loss to the pub now that he's gone. Marstons' view was far more 'take' than 'give' once they saw profits rising and the new tenancy agreement saw prices not only hiked but previous deals on beer revoked. I spoke to someone at Marstons about it and rather than try and explain the situation they simply cut me off.
It will ultimately be their loss as the 70+ punters that regularly turn up for my games night on Thursday will now be drinking elsewhere.
The one on the docklands is the Ribble Pilot.
16-06-2010, 07:38
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
im sorry but i have to agree with ken here the breweries and they are all the same no different run thier pubs with high rents and stupidley high prices to their tennants i dont think apart from the Peel Park in accrington i can think of another free house in accrington (worth drinking in anyway) the Griffins head , Black Bull, Grey Horse Boars Head, Odd fellow, Bay Horse , amongst others all owned by thwiates and run by tennants who are now glorified managers as they have to buy everything and i mean everything from the brewerie i know this as i have tenanted one of there pubs on two occasions so where you get the facts from that no brewereies run pubs in accrington is wrong
16-06-2010, 09:19
Resting in Peace
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
Seeing this thread is on the pub trade (the mods can move it if they want) What are your thoughts on the possibility of drink driving limits being cut by half. For my part I actually think that the amount allowed for drinking and driving should be zero
16-06-2010, 10:28
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
Would appear that you hold a minority view Ken.
There are many factors why a pub closes down, a lot of them are interactive, location, facilities, staff attitude, quality of beer and service, availability of food, entertainment, local transport, cleanliness - I am sure that there are many other factors.
If I had the choice between a pub that had decent smoking facilities and one that didn't then I would always go for the former - why, because even though I no longer smoke, many of my friends and family do and going out for a drink is a social occasion to me.
Of course one must also consider that being friendly with any particular landlord may well colour one's judgement.
16-06-2010, 10:40
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Re: The Greed of the Breweries
i eould totally aggree zero tolerance on drink driving zero tolerance on drugs and driving and zero tolerance on smoking and driving
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