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Old 01-12-2005, 18:52   #16
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Re: The ice axe killers

Originally Posted by Bad-Wolf
Not very likely, even if they are given life they will be out in 15 years!
i think murder is 20 years but they will only do 10 for so called good behaviour and they could serve even less coz my spidy senses are tingleing and i sense a dogooder waiting to protest that they were beyond controling their own actions because of trauma suffered at age 8 when they didnt get their favourite barbi doll for xmas

expect them home for next xmas
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Old 01-12-2005, 19:20   #17
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Re: The ice axe killers

Could we jail the interfering dogooders?

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Old 01-12-2005, 19:27   #18
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: The ice axe killers

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Could we jail the interfering dogooders?
Only if we release all the prisoners now and increase the building of new prisons by 1,000%.

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Old 01-12-2005, 20:09   #19
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Re: The ice axe killers

i think the people who release criminals early should have to serve a prison sentence if the released prisoner comits a crime in the period of time that they would have origionaly been in jail

it may make them think twice about relasing prisoners early
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Old 01-12-2005, 21:26   #20
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Re: The ice axe killers

Im all for the death sentance in instances like this, the case of Sarah Payne, Sarah and Jessica,Jamie Bulger (ok, i know his killers were kids themselves, but at aged 11 you know right from they should have at least served 50 years and taken their childhood away).
When a case is proved without reasonable doubt that murder has been committed, and with forensics we have today then i think the leathal injection should be brought back.
Hindley and Brady should have had the injection, would have saved the government and tax payers many hundreads of thousands of pounds that could have been better spent on inventing newer and better forensic equipments.
These are just my opinions and everybody is entitled to one.
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Old 01-12-2005, 21:29   #21
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Re: The ice axe killers

At the time the death sentence was abolished I was glad. I had heard about the miscarriages of Justice (Derek Bentley, Timothy Evans etc.) and I thought it was wrong to execute people for this sort of crime.

In the intervening years I have changed my mind. I began to have doubts at the trial of Brady and Hindley, so obviously guilty and so vile, and the way crimes violence have escalated has made me even more in favour of the ultimate deterrent.

So, the life of a decent young man is worth nothing more than 23 years in prison - comfortable life, recreation and the chance to study? Where is the deterrent to anyone who takes it into his head to kill another human being? If I walk into your home and shoot you I can expect 20 years inside, less with remission. I don't face the hangman's noose so, what the hell? If I commit a robbery and kill a policewoman in the process, so what? She has no life - but I do.

The 2 people who killed Anthony did it in the secure knowledge that they had nothing to fear but the loss of their freedom for a few years. The threat of "the drop" might have made them think twice.
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Old 01-12-2005, 22:55   #22
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Re: The ice axe killers

I found it so sad that this happened at more or less the same time as the bombings in London, and the shooting of the Brazilian man on the tube, and yet no one bothered to comment on the story here at the time. Lots of strong opinions were posted on here about the one terrible tradgedy, and with hindsight what I feel were wholly misguided comments before we knew the facts, and yet none on this racist killing that was somewhat closer to home.

I think the dead boy's Mother showed great compassion when she commented about the letter one of her son's killers had written to her, saying he was sorry. Her comment that she thought his parents must have instilled some goodness in him, made me feel because of her attitude, perhaps we one day will be able to live in harmony. A true Christian lady.
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Old 01-12-2005, 23:08   #23
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Re: The ice axe killers

What I don't understand is why a racially motivated murder gets a longer sentence?A life is a life to me.Also it only takes one person to swing an axe so were they both charged with murder?If they were it's a farce.Unless there are details we don't know about or I'm oblivious to.
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Old 01-12-2005, 23:15   #24
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Re: The ice axe killers

The lady obviously wishes to see good in everyone. That young thug knew he was going to be found guilty of murder and, no doubt, he hoped expressing regret might mitigate his sentence. Of course he was sorry, he was sorry he got caught.

The victim's mother is a remarkable lady, she shows true Charity. The evil scum who murdered her son didn't think twice about burying an axe in the lad's head. Sorry? If it were not so tragic the concept would be laughable. Sadly, there are more of his kind in this world than there are those like her.
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Old 01-12-2005, 23:22   #25
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Re: The ice axe killers

I think the judges sentence was 'fair' but I wonder what it will be reduced to once these evil men have appealed. I too believe the death sentence should be brought back for scum like this. Why should tax payers foot the bill for food and luxuries such as degrees just so they can be released to commit more crime. I also think those who release them should be held responsible and punished if they reoffend.
Fair play to the Family for being able to forgive them, like others on here, I doubt very much that I could if it was one of my kids
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Old 01-12-2005, 23:36   #26
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Re: The ice axe killers

I don't seriously believe they can forgive.Not in a million years.It's almost saying that acts like this are acceptable if you forgive it.Bring back the death sentence.It might also deter the suicide bombers at least they won't get to see the almighty Allah if the are executed.
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Old 02-12-2005, 00:03   #27
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Re: The ice axe killers

why should it matter if it was racialy motivated, murder is murder racial is just a reason like killing somone for revenge is a reason

getting longer in prison for killing a black person for instance will only make people go and kill a white person or vice versa because as long as you kill somone with the same coloured skin its not deemed as bad
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Old 02-12-2005, 01:05   #28
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Re: The ice axe killers

Well, my opinion is, such as you might want to read it, that I would rather be dead than to be locked up somewhere and not be able to walk freely around the village I live in. Not to curl up in my own bed, spend time with 'im indoors, see my grandchildren and my own kids. I've never been to prison, but have worked in a police station with's not good. If they are dead, where is the punishment?
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Old 02-12-2005, 01:35   #29
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Re: The ice axe killers

if somone killed my child i wouldnt be to bothered about the satisfaction of the murderers future suffering , knowing he was dead and out of the way for ever preferably by my own hands or at the very least been allowed to pull the lever would do just fine
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Old 02-12-2005, 09:05   #30
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Re: The ice axe killers

Maybe we need Singapores attitude at times like this.

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