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Old 01-12-2005, 13:21   #1
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The ice axe killers

I was amazed to read Accy web and find no comment on these scumbags so I decided to put in my two-appence, how is it that these bullying scum actually are allowed to live amongst decent law abinding citizens, could we not find another Island that we could put them on, I don't belive in the death penalty but sometimes, when I read stories like this, I wonder if I surpport the wrong side.
Taylor had only just been been released from serving 8 months of a 21 month sentence for burglary. He teamed up with his cousin to resume a life of drugs, petty crime and violence.
KILLERS Michael Barton and Paul Taylor had a furious fight behind bars when one decided to admit the race murder of Anthony Walker.

Barton was infuriated Taylor changed his not guilty plea to guilty after they had concocted a pack of lies over Anthony’s death.
That meant Barton had to dream up another version of events — and led to him claiming he was not even there when Anthony was killed with an axe. They planned to tell the court there had been a general fight after Barton was threatened with a bottle by Anthony’s cousin Marcus Binns.
The pair were also going to say the attack was NOT racially motivated — and Anthony died from an accidental blow as Taylor tried to defend himself.
Do you think this is just a gut reaction and as it happened in Liverpool it won't happen in Accy or am I too far away from the facts and its not as bad as the papers make out.

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Old 01-12-2005, 13:56   #2
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Re: The ice axe killers

I quite agree, the whole thing is awfull.

However, I think it is worth pointing out that this was allowed to happen because the legal system in this country is seriously flawed.

We often hear about the corruption of the Police service, though compared to the inaction of the courts the state of the Police Force falls into insigificance!

For example, on many occasions the Police will arrest the likes of those mentioned above for whatever crime and will gain a good solid conviction. Yet this becomes a waste of time when all the courts do is let them back out again.

Had these thugs served a proper sentance for their last crimes this terrible act would probably never have happened.
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Old 01-12-2005, 14:37   #3
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Re: The ice axe killers

These 2 were a disaster waiting to happen, don't we profile these scumbags anymore? the more I read about it the more I see if it wasn't this kid they killed it would have been someone else, an old lady walking from the shops or someone else they had a grudge against like Gays or Asians. I just hope they go down for a long time.

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Old 01-12-2005, 15:00   #4
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Re: The ice axe killers

Originally Posted by Bazf
These 2 were a disaster waiting to happen, don't we profile these scumbags anymore? the more I read about it the more I see if it wasn't this kid they killed it would have been someone else, an old lady walking from the shops or someone else they had a grudge against like Gays or Asians. I just hope they go down for a long time.
Not very likely, even if they are given life they will be out in 15 years!
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Old 01-12-2005, 15:10   #5
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Re: The ice axe killers

I think Anthonys mum, is she called Gee was and is a true inspiration to others. To talk about her sons killers on TV and to proudly say she forgives them brought a tear to my eyes. I dont think i could forgive anybody who had killed my child.
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Old 01-12-2005, 15:19   #6
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Re: The ice axe killers

Why doesn't life mean life anymore? These two animals should be locked up in very spartan conditions until they die. The judiciary and government seem to put a very low value on human life these days. Anthony's mum is courageous, but she and the rest of her family are now sadly serving a REAL life sentence.
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Old 01-12-2005, 15:38   #7
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Re: The ice axe killers

Just seen that the judge sentenced Paul Taylor to serve a minimum of 23 years 8 months, and Michael Barton a minimum of 17 years 8 months.
Im not a fan of the justice system by any stretch of the imagination but i must say im pleasantly surprised at the judge's gumption here!
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Old 01-12-2005, 15:52   #8
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Re: The ice axe killers

So Taylor will be out when he's 43 and Barton when he's 34. The law should be changed so that life means life.
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Old 01-12-2005, 16:05   #9
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Re: The ice axe killers

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
So Taylor will be out when he's 43 and Barton when he's 34. The law should be changed so that life means life.
I quite agree!
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Old 01-12-2005, 16:17   #10
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Re: The ice axe killers

Times like this its a pity we did away with the death sentance.
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Old 01-12-2005, 18:12   #11
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Re: The ice axe killers

This whole carry on sends out the wrong message to killers.

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Old 01-12-2005, 18:20   #12
Resting in peace
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Re: The ice axe killers

Anthony isn't going to get a second chance. Why should his killers?
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Old 01-12-2005, 18:30   #13
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Re: The ice axe killers

Originally Posted by jimmi5bellies
Times like this its a pity we did away with the death sentance.
I have in many threads mentioned that I am in favour of the death penalty, and yet when crimes are finally shown to be as horrendous as this, (and sometimes even worse).
You, jimmi5bellies, have opened up the topic for those uncaring people that think a life isn't worth a life! They will now innundate us with reasons of doubt as to why we can't just 'snap a neck' and remove from society people that do not care enough about others.
We all hope this sort of crime doesn't happen to our nearest and dearest, however before these wonderfully tolerant people come on and tell us how wrong and dreadfully evil we are.
Let them just consider, the chanches of it happening are very remote, but I would rather have the criminal dead than he/she be allowed the chance of it happening again.
Crying into your hanky afterwards is nowhere near as good as not having to go through the pain of losing a loved one because society is too cowardly to give someone what they deserve.
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Old 01-12-2005, 18:30   #14
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Re: The ice axe killers

i completely agree with all of you but i suppose on the other side of the coin, to Barton and Taylor, its like spending their whole life time so far in prison, if that makes sense.
i dont think they will see it as an 'easy sentence' (then again what manc does see a sentence as easy?!)
anthonys mother is reportedly very pleased with the sentences.
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Old 01-12-2005, 18:33   #15
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Re: The ice axe killers

They shouldnt. Parole should not be an option but they will get it and protection etc. It stinks like pig ...........

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