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Old 31-05-2007, 16:37   #1
Yank in King Art's Court!
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The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

In another thread the alleged evils of eggs were discussed. I eat an average of 2 eggs a day for there health benefits. Does the following change any of your minds on eggs?

Brian "chicken farmer" Atkin

Secret Superfoods: Who Knew?

If I had a dollar for every time the conventional wisdom on nutrition has shifted gears, I'd be a rich woman. Remember butter? And how about eggs? First they're evil, now they're our best friends. I've watched the experts flip recommendations on so many foods I've lost count. Some of these foods suffered from bad reputations for years, but are now back on our buddy lists... others were unsung heroes, always good for us but never getting proper credit. I think it is a good idea to periodically revisit some of our cherished beliefs about foods and health, so I spoke with Jonny Bowden, whose recent book, The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth (Fair Winds Press) has some surprising entries -- and some surprising omissions.


Bowden believes whole eggs are among the finest sources of protein on the planet. "On three of the four methods used by scientists for rating protein quality, eggs score better than milk, beef, whey and soy," he told me. (All four -- milk, beef, whey and soy -- are tied on the other commonly used rating system.) "Whole eggs contain all nine essential amino acids, plus they're loaded with vitamins and nutrients that are excellent for your eyes, brain and heart." Bowden explained that the fear of saturated fat causes people to shun one of the healthiest parts of the egg -- the yolk. "The yolk contains lutein and zeaxanthin, two members of the carotenoid family that are emerging as superstars of eye nutrition. And the yolk is also one of the best sources of choline."
Choline, says Bowden, is a building block for important compounds in the body that help support the heart, brain and liver. "Choline creates betaine, which helps lower homocysteine, a risk factor for heart disease. It's part of a compound called phosphatidylcholine that helps prevent the accumulation of fat and cholesterol in the liver. It's also needed to make acetyl-choline, which is critical for memory and thought." Incidentally, he didn't perceive the amount of cholesterol in whole eggs as a problem. "Virtually every study has shown absolutely no link between eating eggs and heart disease," he told me.

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Old 31-05-2007, 16:52   #2
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Re: The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

yuck yuck how can anyone eat 2 eggs a day i hope youve got your own chickens. if not your giving those poor battery hens a hard time. the eggs cant be good comeing from them
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Old 31-05-2007, 16:56   #3
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

Yes Spinner, I do have my own eggs. They are free range and very rich. I guess that does make a big difference on the quality. I will either have a raw one in my afternoon coffee straight from the nest and a hard boilled one later on.


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Old 31-05-2007, 17:03   #4
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Re: The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

If you can chase it down and kill it it must be good ... and all the exercise you get!

I didn't know that hens ran on batteries ... in the US, they probably have the plug in kind.

The surgeon who bypassed my aorta said that one whole egg a day was beneficial, but that overindulgence (I don't think he was talking "2 a day") could lead to problems.
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Old 31-05-2007, 17:45   #5
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Re: The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

Boiled or scrambled is all I need for eggs or once in a while a bacon and egg decker. Food will allways be promoted demoted on the whim of the day and the latest diet fads. You can taste the difference between free range and convict hens eggs and i dont mind paying that little extra either fo em.

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Old 31-05-2007, 18:04   #6
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Re: The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

an eggs an egg!
it come from the same place,
and there good with soliders
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Old 31-05-2007, 19:07   #7
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Re: The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

I like those clarence court eggs, they are dearer but damn nice!! The yolks are so yellow and tasty....
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Old 31-05-2007, 19:14   #8
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Re: The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

ive never had different eggs apart from hen ones! am i missing summat ere?
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Old 31-05-2007, 19:19   #9
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Re: The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

Never give hens asparagus or cabbage, because you can taste it in your eggs the next morning.

You can also use egg white if you ever run out of glue, mixed with a little flour.

Washed and crushed egg shells, sprinkled around your plants, keeps slugs and snails away.
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Old 31-05-2007, 19:24   #10
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Re: The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

Originally Posted by panther View Post
ive never had different eggs apart from hen ones! am i missing summat ere?
Sorry I should have explained.The brand/producer is called Clarence Court, they are in a blue box and the eggs are pastel coloured. Free Range. I think there about £1.60 for six! Well worth it
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Old 31-05-2007, 19:25   #11
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Re: The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

And egg white makes a good face pack.

Thanks for that Brian, didn't know what to make for tea/dinner .. have some in fridge and got a little lion stamped on them Must be a year since I ate one .. is that a date stamp ? around March .. oh, whatever, if they don't smell when cracked, will have an omelette with baked potato and salad.
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Old 31-05-2007, 19:27   #12
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Re: The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Never give hens asparagus or cabbage, because you can taste it in your eggs the next morning.
Funny you should say that about asparagus. When I eat it strange things happen to my "waterworks", and im not just talking about the colour!
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Old 31-05-2007, 22:11   #13
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Re: The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

Ewwww Brian raw eggs. Yuk!
Love em boiled, poached or scrambled occasionally, but not fried.
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Old 31-05-2007, 22:13   #14
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Re: The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

eat at least 1 egg a day,love em had 2 today, boiled,fried,poached, in ommlette,bring em on. lol oh n scrambled.
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Old 31-05-2007, 22:56   #15
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Re: The Incredible, Edible Egg? Why not?

We are warned here not to consume raw eggs for fear of salmonella poisoning. It's different if you have your own chickens though.

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