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Old 01-11-2006, 10:37   #166
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Re: The Last Straw

Originally Posted by jambutty
Of course the Muslim women that you have spoken to will not denounce the wearing of the veil kash – not to a Muslim male. There is a well documented and established syndrome where the ‘victim’ will agree with and even defend the ‘oppressor’. Battered wives, husbands and even children do just that and are in denial when challenged. Long term abductees, male or female have often displayed an affinity for the abductor and pleaded on his/her behalf when released. In short they have been bullied into total submission.

No I have not spoken to a Muslim woman wearing the veil kash. If I did I would need to see her face when she answers my question to try and establish how much truth is behind her claim that it is her free choice to cover her face in public.

What a Muslim woman wears in public is up to her. But as katex has stated, it is a matter of plain good manners to show your face to people when you speak to them and not hide behind some sort of mask. In this day and age it is also a question of security. I’m not saying that all Muslims are terrorists, because they are not. Far from it! What I am saying is that today most, but not all, terrorists are Muslims.

It’s not just in the UK WillowTheWhisp. Criminals the world over have covered their faces when executing their crimes. It’s a ploy to prevent recognition in the belief that they will get away with their crime.
So if you were a blind man, you'd never trust anyone at all, because you couldn't see them?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 01-11-2006, 13:37   #167
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Cool Re: The Last Straw

I never said anything about not trusting anyone garinda and you know it. I stated that if I can see the face I could then try and judge if the person is being truthful or not. With a veil in place that option is taken away from me.

People always play the ‘blind’ card in such debates but forget that unless the person has recently been blinded, their other senses develop to try and compensate. A blind person is more attuned to the voice/speech and the voice/speech is another give away.

I suppose that now you will come back with, “what if a person is blind and deaf?” Hairs and splitting are two words that come to mind.
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Old 01-11-2006, 15:25   #168
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Re: The Last Straw

Originally Posted by jambutty
Hairs and splitting are two words that come to mind.

Similar to calling a woman that wants to wear a burkha a 'victim', as well as comparing them to battered wives?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 01-11-2006, 16:56   #169
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Re: The Last Straw

I have actually discussed this with a veil wearing muslim woman who chose to wear the veil of her own accord because she feels it means something to her. Now I'm neither male nor muslim so I tend to think your argument about her not wanting to admit to one of her opressors that she was being opressed doesn't hold water.

Having said that though, I do prefer to be able to see someone's face. I was also thinking about the poor shopkeeper who was attacked by people wearing hallowe'en masks. How soon before would be robbers and attackers opt for the niqab as an alternative? It would lull people into a false sene of security too, more so than a hallowe'en mask.

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