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07-10-2006, 16:35
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Re: The Last Straw
Eating out in public was quite difficult. I had to slightly lift the veil, quickly sip the coffee and then put the cup down.
It's near the bottom of the 2nd link.
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07-10-2006, 16:37
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Re: The Last Straw
lol I've just read that link now! That answers Busman's question about the woman with the icecream cone too.
07-10-2006, 16:39
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Re: The Last Straw
It was interesting to read about the way people's views changed, due to what she was wearing.
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07-10-2006, 16:42
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Re: The Last Straw
It was interesting seeing it from the inside so to speak. Also interesting that she was glad to get it off and won't be putting it back on again in a hurry. I don't think I could handle trying to breath through one.
07-10-2006, 16:48
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Re: The Last Straw
It made me realise how difficult it must be for them. There's enough rascist idiots out there, & to bring more attention to themselves must be really difficult. Fair Play, loads of respect for that.
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07-10-2006, 16:56
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Re: The Last Straw
Mind you, one report said Jack Straw probably wouldn't ask a nun to remove her wimple or a tikini(?) wearer to cover up. Well he can see a nun's face so I don't suppose that would bother him but maybe he would be uncomfortable in the presence of a very scantily clad woman. However, whatt about a biker in full helmet? Would he be asked to remove he helmet before speaking to Jack Straw? I think he probably would.
I am appalled and disgusted at the people who threw alcohol over a women wearing the full outfit.
Last edited by WillowTheWhisp; 07-10-2006 at 17:39.
07-10-2006, 17:20
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Re: The Last Straw
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I am appalled and disgusted at the people who threw alcohol over a women wearing the full outfit.
If you think that was bad, have a look at this .............
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07-10-2006, 17:51
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Re: The Last Straw
That is physical assault and sould be punished accordingley. The funny thing is that she would be able to descibe him and apparently has done, but had a burkha wearing woman done something violent in retaliation who would have been able to describe her?
I know people will say that a woman devout enough to wear the burkha would never be violent but that doesn't mean that a violent person couldn't hide under a burkha in the guise of being a devout woman. It's a minefield.
07-10-2006, 18:17
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Re: The Last Straw
Why is anyone saying that Jack Straw is to blame? To blame for what, exactly? He said he asks, politely, if the woman he is talking to would like to remove her veil. That is all. The attack illustrated in the article stems from a deep-rooted dislike of veiled women, possibly from Islamaphobia, not from Jack Straw.
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07-10-2006, 20:27
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Re: The Last Straw
50 years ago if there were any Muslims in the UK they kept a low profile and there were no mosques. As Muslims arrived in the UK they used someone’s front room as a place for prayers.
Today 50 years on there are some 1.5 million Muslims (about 2.5% of the population) with mosques all over the place. Areas of towns like Blackburn, Burnley, Bradford, Manchester and London to name just a few, now have at least one Muslim enclave, which just happen to coincide with a local authority ward for that town/city. So the Muslims now have Councillors and one or two have become mayors of a town. Some have also been charged for rigging local election results.
Officialdom has bent over backwards to accommodate the Muslim immigrants and they have taken advantage of this by pushing for more and more. Officialdom has obliged and now is fearful of upsetting Muslims at every turn so they pander to their whims.
Every town or city with a large Muslim population seems to have a Muslim Leader to represent them. There is even a Muslim federation to represent Muslim policemen.
The point that I am making is that the Muslims only pay lip service to integration. Their agenda is to take over and we are allowing it to happen. Nay! In some cases we are actually encouraging it and helping them. There are even Muslim TV channels now.
Jack Straw was right to ask a Muslim woman attending his surgery to remove her veil so that a face to face consultation can be just that – face to face not face to covered face.
Question from Tinkerbelle
Also why are there many more asian women wearing them now than ever before?
Answer - to rub our faces in it. They are making a public statement that it is their choice to go around veiled up and if we don’t like it in certain situations we can lump it. In other words they are being confrontational.
The other day Fiona Bruce, a BBC newsreader, was told that she could not wear a crucifix necklace on air. That's how far we have gone to pander to the Muslims.
Those women that wore beautiful saris that you refer to West Ender were Indian Hindus not Pakistani Muslims. They also had a red dot on the forehead and contrary to popular belief it wasn’t the result of some council official tapping the forehead with a finger whilst saying, “No you can’t have a Council house.”
The Muslim community are out breeding us and I will warrant that in 20 years time whole towns will be Muslim enclaves not just a couple of wards in them.
50 years from now we will either have been pushed out of our own country or converted to Islam.
07-10-2006, 21:13
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Re: The Last Straw
I think you have a valid point, Jambutty, but the women I used to see were not all Hindus. Muslim women were not all covered like they are now and they admit, themselves, it has become more prevalent since 9/11.
There is nothing in the Qu'ran that dictates that a woman must be hidden from view. The practice is male and culturally driven but, in this country, it is a statement of religious identity and a denial of integration. Though I am in favour of religious tolerance we must not allow ourselves to be dictated to by the religious minority.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. That's not a bad concept.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
07-10-2006, 21:59
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Re: The Last Straw
anyone over 50 years of age remembers student uprest during the 60's , protest this , protest that , ban this , ban that ......usually led by a bunch of extreme left wing radicals from the LSE, seem to remember that amongst the more vocal of these young turks were .....Mr Tariq Ali, Mr Jack Straw and a certain Mr Peter Hain, seems the chickens he protested so much for have come home to roost and are now pecking him on his a**e
07-10-2006, 22:43
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Re: The Last Straw
Originally Posted by jambutty
50 years ago if there were any Muslims in the UK they kept a low profile and there were no mosques.
Britain's first mosque actually opened, in what was then still Lancashire, one hundred and seventeen years ago, in 1889.
The first purpose built mosque opened in the same year in Woking, Surrey.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
Last edited by garinda; 07-10-2006 at 22:46.
07-10-2006, 23:41
Accy Red
Re: The Last Straw
Originally Posted by jambutty
The point that I am making is that the Muslims only pay lip service to integration. Their agenda is to take over and we are allowing it to happen. Nay! In some cases we are actually encouraging it and helping them. There are even Muslim TV channels now.
And we even allow them on accyweb, how did we allow this to happen? 
"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
07-10-2006, 23:57
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Re: The Last Straw
A few years ago when I was on AOL and used to enjoy the quiz rooms I was quite surprised and shocked when members "outed" certain quiz hosts as being muslim. What flippin difference did it make to taking part in or hosting general knowledge quizzes? Yet some people would actually boycot quizzes run by a muslim host - or one percieved to be muslim. Absolutely barmy.
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