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Old 08-10-2006, 21:14   #91
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Re: The Last Straw

Originally Posted by Bagpuss
Its a nice Politically Correct word multiculturism that hides a multitude of sins. As for your other point don't question if I have balls because yes I also have a problem with a multi-racial society but more I have a problem with a multi-religious society in particular muslims.
Reading between the lines 'old boy' have you got a problem with next door Live and let live I say.:engsmil:
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Old 08-10-2006, 21:32   #92

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Re: The Last Straw

Originally Posted by shillelagh
Does this mean im classed as an immigrant? My mum & dad came from ireland roundabout 1950.
Yes, now shut up and peel those spuds for tea. While your at it pass me another Guinness :engsmil:
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Old 08-10-2006, 21:49   #93
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Re: The Last Straw

Originally Posted by Ianto.W.
Reading between the lines 'old boy' have you got a problem with next door Live and let live I say.:engsmil:
Don't try to read between the lines because you are a mile off course as usual, people who live and let live are doormats.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 08-10-2006, 22:36   #94
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Re: The Last Straw

Originally Posted by Bagpuss
Don't try to read between the lines because you are a mile off course as usual, people who live and let live are doormats.
I'm afraid that it was only by reading through the lines that we got you to admit your fear isn't of with multi-culturalism but multi-racialism.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 08-10-2006, 22:48   #95
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Re: The Last Straw

Originally Posted by Neil
Yes, now shut up and peel those spuds for tea. While your at it pass me another Guinness :engsmil:
Tea at 22.32? You must be joking
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Old 09-10-2006, 09:34   #96
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Re: The Last Straw

Originally Posted by garinda
Britain's first mosque actually opened, in what was then still Lancashire, one hundred and seventeen years ago, in 1889.

The first purpose built mosque opened in the same year in Woking, Surrey.
I wonder if it is any coincidence that only a few years later, H.G.Wells placed the initial Alien invaision in "War of the Worlds" in Woking?
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Old 09-10-2006, 11:20   #97
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Re: The Last Straw

Originally Posted by Bagpuss
Don't try to read between the lines because you are a mile off course as usual, people who live and let live are doormats.
:engsmil: All the huffing and puffing any of us does, is not going to alter the status quo, the die has been cast. We have to learn to live in
harmony with each other, or the best we can. :engsmil:
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Old 09-10-2006, 16:28   #98
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Re: The Last Straw

As poppy been on this thread yet you bunch of racists you lol
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Old 10-10-2006, 20:59   #99
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Re: The Last Straw

Originally Posted by silvermain
you bunch of racists you lol
Thank you I take that as a compliment kind Sir.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 15-10-2006, 13:24   #100
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Cool Re: The Last Straw

All Jack Straw MP did was make public that he would ask any Muslim woman wearing a veil over her face to remove it when in his consulting room. A simple request as in a one to one meeting it is important that each person can see the others face to judge the reaction during the discussion.

The media has twisted that simple request in to something much more sinister and the Muslim community has grabbed at the chance to confront non Muslims to further their cause. Over the weekend Muslims have picketed Jack Straw’s constituency office.

We have had the BBC tell Fiona Bruce not to wear a necklace with a cross on it whilst on air, as it might offend some viewers. Now BA has done the same with one of their employees. Yet they allow Sikhs to wear a turban, which declares to the world that the wearer is a Sikh. But you can see his face.

A Muslim assistant teacher has been told to remove her veil whilst actually teaching in a classroom and she has, quite rightly, been suspended for refusing. And now that particular issue looks like it will end up in an industrial tribunal.

This veil issue has got out of hand and the major reason (apart from newspapers wanting to sell more newspapers) is that the Muslim community is keeping it in focus by more Muslim women going out dressed with a veil covering all or part of the face, with the incumbents of this land fighting back. Yet they are being stabbed in the back by the BBC and BA.

In short the Muslim community is trying to FORCE us to accept their ways in OUR WAY OF LIFE. Make no mistake we, the anti veil lobby, HAVE TO WIN this difference of opinion. If we don’t then we may as well all go and buy a copy of the Koran and start studying.

I have often stated that if there is a culture/religion clash between the Muslim community and the incumbent residents of the UK, THEY HAVE TO BACK DOWN.

If Muslim women want to wear the veil in their own houses then that’s OK but once they step into our world they MUST conform to our way and that means no veils.
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Last edited by jambutty; 15-10-2006 at 16:06.
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Old 15-10-2006, 13:30   #101
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Re: The Last Straw

What worried me yesterday Jambutty that there was a very young girl (about 10-12 years) in Asda, Blackburn wearing the full outfit.

Ok, how did I know she was that young ? Without a doubt. Maybe it was the way she was skipping down the aisle. So what is that all about then ? Are we now going to get the school children insisting on these in the playground ?
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Old 15-10-2006, 14:21   #102
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Re: The Last Straw

The muslim women who choose to wear a veil that covers everything but their eyes have isolated themselves from society......there can be very little communication with cannot tell anything about them because their face is cannot tell if they are smiling or not. If you meet someone in the street, you smile at them......even people you do not know. If you bump into someone you apologise and smile to let them know you are not an enemy. The women who wear a burqa cannot do fact they almost become socially invisible...non-people. I don't think you need to cover yourself from head to foot to proclaim your devoutly religious faith.......I would assume that anyone wearing vaguely muslim clothes to be devout, unless I saw actions that procalimed otherwise.
I am dismayed that every instance of media publicity is pounced on by the muslim community as an affront to them. I am not allowed to be affronted by the women who dress in this manner, who, if I am honest I find intimidating.
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Old 15-10-2006, 16:11   #103
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Angry Re: The Last Straw

I’ve also seen a few very young girls or maybe they were very small women but I doubt it, fully veiled, also katex. There is a difference in the way young girls and women walk so they were young girls. But then they have been indoctrinated since they were old enough to utter a few words and some parents have a great deal of influence over their young, especially girls.

For me the Muslim community has taken the opportunity to push at the boundaries in the hope of gaining concessions.

We acquiesce at our peril.
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Old 15-10-2006, 18:42   #104
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Re: The Last Straw

This has gone beyond just the wearing of veils, the muslims are now just using this issue to try it on, to push us just an inch further.
Personally I have decided to join them I have purchased a balaclava with just eyeholes and a new scarf to wrap around my head.
If I meet any fellow head covers I will use an appropriate greeting to show my respect.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 15-10-2006, 21:49   #105
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Re: The Last Straw

Covering the face is not a religious edict. There is no such command in the Koran, nor does it say that women must dress in black. You will hear wearers say that men should not look at their "beauty" (are there no ugly ones then?). I think it's very insulting to men to infer that looking at a woman's features, or her hair, may provoke lustful thoughts or whatever it's supposed to do. No, that's merely an excuse, the real reason for the rapid increase in this practice is to enforce a separateness, you could say an apartheid, between cultures.
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