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Old 05-10-2006, 17:28   #1
Apprentice Geriatric
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Question The Last Straw

Jack Straw MP has suggested that when any Muslim women come to his surgery, they should remove the face covering veil during the meeting with him. His reason – he cannot read a face that he cannot see.

Tricky one that because I can see and agree with both sides of the argument. However as the UK is not a Muslim country (yet) I think that Jack Straw MP has a point.

I would also ask, if a Muslim women was in court either as a witness or a defendant would she be allowed to retain the veil?
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Old 05-10-2006, 17:34   #2
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Re: The Last Straw

Sorry jambutty, I hope you don't mind me hijacking your thread but it's on the same subject, albeit a different question.

Does anyone know for sure why asian women wear these bhurkas, I have been told many different reasons (due to be married, hide themselves from the male eye, menstruating, brought shame on the family)?

Also why are there many more asian women wearing them now than ever before?
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Old 05-10-2006, 17:40   #3
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Re: The Last Straw

I often wondered why you have to take a crash helmet off in a bank, but the asain (pakistani, indian) women can still keep their faces covered.

Don't want to be called racist again. lol
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Old 05-10-2006, 17:46   #4
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Re: The Last Straw

This couples back to the crucifix at school. She wasn't allowed to wear it.
Either this country makes exceptions and exemptions based on religious belief or it doesn't.
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Old 05-10-2006, 17:47   #5
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Re: The Last Straw

How do they go on with passports too?

Are they allowed to drive with them on? In which case how about driving licences? Do they restrict vision?

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Old 05-10-2006, 17:48   #6
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Re: The Last Straw

I've seen them driving with them on.
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Old 05-10-2006, 18:30   #7
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Re: The Last Straw

I'm sure that Jack Straw would ask any member of the public to remove a crash helmet, balaclava, hoodie or any other facial covering at his surgeries. It is his surgery and he has every right to do so. I don't think that he is being racist, he is being sensible. I have asked women to remove their headgear during my clinics when there have been no men present, they have done so willingly. To be able to see a face is an important aspect of communication.......ask anyone who lip reads.
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Old 05-10-2006, 18:53   #8
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Re: The Last Straw

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
How do they go on with passports too?

Are they allowed to drive with them on? In which case how about driving licences? Do they restrict vision?

This sort of attire HAS to restrict vision. A drivers license here includes a photo ID. Muslim women who wear the full rig have refused to uncover their faces for the photograph. Frankly, I am surprised the males in their household even allow them to drive! But I say, no ID, no license.
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Old 05-10-2006, 18:53   #9
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Re: The Last Straw

What actually is the history of the burkha? I've wondered what the reason is too Tinks. I can't remember seeing them at all not long ago.

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Old 05-10-2006, 18:58   #10
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Re: The Last Straw

It doesn't matter to me what people want to wear, if it makes them happy. I do wonder, though, why so many Muslim women feel the need to cover up in a country whose laws don't demand it. I remember when the first generation of Asian immigrants arrived here. My in-laws lived in Bradford, which was one of the first areas to have an Asian community, and the women from that community used to wear beautiful saris and salwar kameez. Why do they now, 40 years later, have to be covered from head to toe?

I agree everyone should have to bare their faces, at least, in official situations. Too much can be hidden behind a veil.
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Old 05-10-2006, 19:29   #11
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Re: The Last Straw

Maybe Jack Straw should wear a mask during his surgeries, I`m sure the Asian women would appreciate it!!
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Old 05-10-2006, 19:29   #12
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Re: The Last Straw

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
How do they go on with passports too?

Are they allowed to drive with them on? In which case how about driving licences? Do they restrict vision?

I wondered that too willow, but if they drive with them is that allowed in this country because surely it cant be safe, from the way i see it there is only a small gap for their eyes .. I do agree though that they do wear them more often these days i think Jack straw is right to ask them to remove them ..
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Old 05-10-2006, 19:34   #13
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Re: The Last Straw

I dont know why they wear these and too have been told many reasons, I dont think it should be allowed especially for driving, how would you be able to identify the driver if they were wearing one of these? Or maybe thats why they wear it!
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Old 05-10-2006, 19:37   #14
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Re: The Last Straw

I think I'll try to find out. I shall ask some people and see what they say and then come back and let you all know.

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Old 05-10-2006, 19:50   #15
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Re: The Last Straw

Racist Post Alert !!!!

Q Why do they wear the headgear?

A 1 To annoy us.
2 Because they are ugly, in which case I thank them.
3 It's not really a women it's a male bomber in disguise.
4 Because an old man (who's also a bomber) beats her up if she doesn't.
5 Can't be recognised on CCTV

I'II get my coat

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Last edited by Bagpuss; 05-10-2006 at 19:54.
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