13-12-2009, 11:03
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Re: The Margaret syndrome
Originally Posted by jaysay
Can anybody remember a while back when Margaret had the problem with that noise she couldn't identify, now I sympathies.
I was away with the fairies last night when at about 3-45am I was wakened with this bleeping sound much like the alarm on a wrist watch, it also woke Joan, could we suss where it was coming from could we hell.
Thought it was the phone but it wasn't, then came to the conclusion it was the Warden alarm system, anyway it stopped so of I nodded again, only to be woken again an hour later, by this time John is not a happy bunny neither is Joan.
Anyway it stopped again and I managed to drop of again.
I wake up at 8-30am and start taking my meds when this bleeping started again, then it dawned on me it was an old thermometer which was in my med rack and was being activated every time my pillows moved. it is now safely stowed away 
Bet that got you worried lol
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