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28-09-2015, 23:55
Senior Member
The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
Ecky thump! Eee bai gum!!
How much more condescending can Cameron get? The Minister for the Northern Powerhouse!!!!!????
How come there isn’t a Minister for Soft Southern Nancies or a Minister for Bimbos from Essex. He could at least have given him the proper title of Minister for Sucking the Life out of everyone North of Watford Gap?
1700 jobs in the steel industry go…and this minister pretty much shrugs and says ‘que sera’..but we will set up a ‘task group’ to tell you that your jobs are gone, there are no other jobs available, you are all going on Employment Support Allowance and woe betide any of you with a mortgage or living in a council house with too many bedrooms. We can’t help because it would mean we would need to use taxpayers money, and we can’t justify that! This guy is a modern version of the Sheriff of Nottingham!
It doesn’t matter that you have worked all your life, you are now one of Iain Duncan Smiths overweight benefit claiming spongers who don’t want a job and would prefer to watch Jeremy Kyle whilst supping Newky Browns, smokin’ ‘iffy’ fags and dropping the F bomb every third word.
Strange isn’t it that when the ultra-rich southern nancie bankers screwed up….taxpayers money was thrown at them..and they still took their extravagant disgusting bonus payments from this money provided by……………… the taxpayers!!
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
29-09-2015, 05:07
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Re: The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
4 choices
1 vote and keep the sam ecrooks in
2 vote a new set of crook
3 revolution
4 hold your head up high knowing you havnt had sex with a dead pig
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
29-09-2015, 08:08
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Re: The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
The closure of the Redcar steel plant is a result of higher costs and reduction in the demand for steel globally.
29-09-2015, 08:21
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
The closure of the Redcar steel plant is a result of higher costs and reduction in the demand for steel globally.
Yeh so why weren't the banks dealt with? 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
29-09-2015, 14:51
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Re: The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
I think - not sure, but the owners of Redcar Steel are the Indian company Tata or some other Indian Company
29-09-2015, 15:00
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
And do they pay Tax or avoid it? makes little difference who owns it to those 1700 or so that will be unemployed.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
29-09-2015, 19:30
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Re: The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
There is such a shortage in demand for steel that we import railway lines from Italy, Bridge girders from Ireland and who knows what from India and China. It maybe that we making the wrong kind of steel but surely R&D should be looking into developing new materials for specific uses. The industrial revolution drove the creation of many of the materials we use today but we stopped developing things in favour of reusing what we already had. Successive governments seem to have done their best to discourage heavy industry in this country in favour of the softer options like insurance and banking.
29-09-2015, 19:48
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Re: The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
Originally Posted by Morecambe Ex Pat
There is such a shortage in demand for steel that we import railway lines from Italy,
There should be no need to import or buy any more rail track, theres 100's of miles of unused lines lying between tracks up and down the country, lying there just rusting,
29-09-2015, 19:54
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Re: The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
Originally Posted by Morecambe Ex Pat
The industrial revolution drove the creation of many of the materials we use today but we stopped developing things in favour of reusing what we already had.
This shiite began quite a while ago ... late nineteenth century. In any history of the development and improvement in heavy industry, particularly steel production, leading up to the First World War, one can see that Great Britain starts to lag behind Germany and the US. Not only that, investment in education, particularly in the sciences, lagged painfully in Britain. I have no idea what it's like today. The only sector that developed and thrived was the one which dominates your economy today ... I think you know the one I mean. The problem with the banks, for example, is that they have become TBF ... too big to fail ... and they have to be bailed ... even though many of the bankers should have been held without bail. Unfortunately for those workers who are about to lose their jobs, they are too small to save, especially in the eyes of a tory government.
30-09-2015, 06:48
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Re: The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
The country just doesn't seem to have the drive it once had. It is true that working in the large factories, ie. our own Howard and Bulloughs, or the many local cotton mills was nothing more than slave labour but there were plenty of jobs where people could earn money through honest toil.
The closure of these factories was looked on as improving the lot of the population but what it actually did was undermine the very fabric of society and created a situation where we had to import far too much stuff, most of which is utter tat really. Having said that, we also produced our share of crap, particularly in the car market but at least most of the tat was produced by British workers.
30-09-2015, 23:09
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Re: The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
Originally Posted by Retlaw
There should be no need to import or buy any more rail track, theres 100's of miles of unused lines lying between tracks up and down the country, lying there just rusting,
aye but the cost of removing it would be astonishing
1 group of men in high viz to look at it
1 group of men to say take it away
1 group of men to say how removing it will effect the wild life
1 group of men to oversee the previous groups of men's findings
1 group of men to take it away ... oh hang on theres no money left to pay the men to take it away
Maybe instead of prison chain gangs laying down railway track we could use them to dig up railway track ?
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
04-10-2015, 12:05
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Re: The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
what we need is jobs with social cohesion money levied from the banks to pay for grants to keep manufacturing alive make Britain great give the people a sense of belonging instead of treating them like crap . we need an integrated transport system nationalizing the railways would start that . I would integrate all the railways into the national transport system ie take away powers from that joke parliament in Edinburgh.  . what people say would be left wing would actually promote true Britishness . hard working entrepreneurism welcoming sense of humour keep the population busy instead of getting brainwashed by the republican separatist reptile Murdoch.
21-10-2015, 12:14
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Re: The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
I'm really annoyed with the EU Commission and the British government.
We Brits are paying through our teeth for adhering to a "Green Policy", which includes Air Pollution and Clean Air Acts yet we allow IMPORTS from countries who clearly are not able to meet any conditions laid down. The Commission and successive governments have failed our Iron and Steel Industry.
How can goods made in China which has a pall of black smoke hanging over its citizens possibly manufacture goods that can pass expensive rigorous BSI (British Institute Standards) or the EU Standard to gain a kite mark?
Obviously the standards for each manufactured product is met in order to gain the kite mark but to safeguard our interests the British Government should insist that every product should have an accompanying Statement of Clean Air in the manufacture of the Good/product by the specific factory and not just n A,B,C,D code of how much pollution the product produces. Any product not meeting our own "Green Code", plus other Standards or course, should not be imported into our country.
I believe if that condition was placed on all imports we would not have had steel and iron plus other goods dumped on us.
Last edited by Lucysgirl; 21-10-2015 at 12:18.
01-11-2015, 15:51
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Re: The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
the green policy makes production more expensive for us so other countries can produce their stuff cheaper and undercut our manufacturers
been green is expensive and not proven to be effective in any way at saving the planet
if we must be green then government should make been green a cheaper option not more expensive
mind you the way our government makes things green isnt to improve the product or item it merely sticks a crap load of tax on it which achieves nothing but create extra revenue for the crooks in charge
While larger countries like china dont have a green policy the UKs efforts at saving the planet are the equivalent of turning up to an earthquake with a dustpan and brush and asking if we can help
if everyone turns up with a dustpan and brush then maybe something will change but dont hold your breath all the dustpans and brushes in the world wot change natures mind on global warming
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 01-11-2015 at 15:54.
01-11-2015, 19:28
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Re: The Minister for the Northern powerhouse
Originally Posted by accyman
the green policy makes production more expensive for us so other countries can produce their stuff cheaper and undercut our manufacturers
Of course, there is the argument that "Green" is no longer a word; it is a potent marketing strategy. And as a strategy it increases profits. Folks are becoming "green" and "environmentally savvy" enough to fall for AandW's ads promoting their additive free, hormone free burgers. Great idea! Obese burger chomping slobs fee happy 'cause they are helping to save the planet  Same thing with "Lite". ...... my fave is "Lite Beer"  So you pay the same buck for less bang  Imagine going to your dope dealer and asking for "Weed Lite"; I don't want any of that bud shiite; give me some leaf, stalk, and shake; and I wan't to pay the same price for it. ... Oh, and back on topic. Also, there is money to be made, and jobs to be created in developing and manufacturing "green" technology. The "ground floor" is here, and now. And I do believe that countries that invest in green technology will increase their exports and increase employment.
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