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Old 04-04-2022, 07:55   #16
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: the NHS?

Originally Posted by StevenB View Post
The last time I had my ears hoovered out it was done free at the Acorn Medical Centre on Blackburn road.

My dad has recently had the same thing done. He needed new hearing aids and Royal Blackburn audiology said that he needed to get his ears checked for wax and cleared before he could have a hearing test. An appointment was made directly with Acorn for a check-up by the nurse who then said he needed de-waxing. Unfortunately it couldn't be done there and then and there was a month or so waiting list. An appointment was made and it still got done for free eventually at Acorn.

So it seems if you want it done now, you'll have to pay. If you want it done free, you can make an appointment at Acorn, but will have a to wait a few weeks.
i just had the same problem, the audiology at blackburn said the same last thursday so i went and asked receptionist at my docs cos usually have it done there he told me they were not allowed to do em anymore, but gave me 3 numbers to ring told me to ring them all.all are out of town and i have to go back to hospital for fitting an 19th april so i did but cannot have it done before MID MAY, so i will have to ring audiology up for different appointment up now.
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Old 04-04-2022, 08:26   #17
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: the NHS?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i just had the same problem, the audiology at blackburn said the same last thursday so i went and asked receptionist at my docs cos usually have it done there he told me they were not allowed to do em anymore, but gave me 3 numbers to ring told me to ring them all.all are out of town and i have to go back to hospital for fitting an 19th april so i did but cannot have it done before MID MAY, so i will have to ring audiology up for different appointment up now.
I have bought and tried one of these:-

It seemed to do the job for a short time, I am however considering this big boy:-

If I get one, I'll let you know the results It might just cure a few problems.
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Last edited by Less; 04-04-2022 at 08:30.
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Old 04-04-2022, 09:48   #18
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Re: the NHS?

I would urge caution with these devices Less.
Cashy has told us that he has a perforated eardrum so he needs to have the wax cleaned out by someone who can see what they are doing.( I know the second one has a camera, but you really need to know what you are looking at as well as being able to see what you are doing)

I have one of those screw type devices and it has not impressed me at all.
If I get a problem with ear wax I use Otex drops….there are two sorts….one of them is based on Bicarbonate of Soda and the other is Hydrogen Peroxide based….I prefer the second one.
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Old 04-04-2022, 09:56   #19
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: the NHS?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I would urge caution with these devices Less.
Cashy has told us that he has a perforated eardrum so he needs to have the wax cleaned out by someone who can see what they are doing.
I have one of those screw type devices and it has not impressed me at all.
If I get a problem with ear wax I use Otex drops….there are two sorts….one of them is based on Bicarbonate of Soda and the other is Hydrogen Peroxide based….I prefer the second one.
I've had good results, unfortunately only temporary with the screw type, drops just don't seem to work for me, as for caution well, of course, common sense says we should all be cautious, seek advice from a real professional, then ignore it and blunder our way through life.
The advantage of the second device could be, that it HAS a built in camera to let you know how badly you are poking about.

The advantage of the hydrogen peroxide drops would be to bleach the random hairs sprouting from my ears making them less visible.
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Last edited by Less; 04-04-2022 at 10:00.
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Old 04-04-2022, 10:57   #20
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: the NHS?

Of course, if Doctors and their surgeries were still doing simple things like cleaning out our ear wax then we (the public) wouldn't be considering poking about blindly applying weird and wonderful devices to our own ears just so that we can attend an appointment for being fitted with hearing aids.

I wonder, how much is being spent at A&E solving problems created by this? I bet it works out more than it would attending the Doctor in the first place.
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Old 04-04-2022, 17:51   #21
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Re: the NHS?

Because impacted wax causes dizziness and balance problems I am sure there will be a number of people who fall, break bones, wrench knees, get head injuries and all because GP
Practices cannot be bothered to deal with their patients wit earwax.
So yes…the financial impact on the NHS has to be considered.
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Old 05-04-2022, 08:30   #22
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Re: the NHS?

today its ear wax. what will be the next thing they stop doing. DIY blood testing.
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Old 05-04-2022, 08:39   #23
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: the NHS?

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
today its ear wax. what will be the next thing they stop doing. DIY blood testing.
Nope, according to Margaret the Doctors vampire will be doing that while he/she spends even more surgery time on the golf course:-

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
It seems that (according to MSM that is) GP’s receptionists are going to be trained to take blood.
So you have an even smaller chance of having your phone call picked up, or being able to book an appointment to see a health care professional…..getting to see a GP is looking like getting to see the pope.
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Old 05-04-2022, 11:10   #24
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Re: the NHS?

as far as im concerned the N.H.S at surgery level is becoming a JOKE.
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Old 05-04-2022, 11:28   #25
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Re: the NHS?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
as far as im concerned the N.H.S at surgery level is becoming a JOKE.
wait till they start asking you your prefered title to put up on the board when its your time to see someone. expecting a 4 page document any day now you,ll have to fill in regarding this.
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Old 05-04-2022, 12:01   #26
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: the NHS?

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
wait till they start asking you your prefered title to put up on the board when its your time to see someone. expecting a 4 page document any day now you,ll have to fill in regarding this.
That might just be the way to get to see a doctor, Putting on the form some obscure physical sex growth, bound to peek the Doctors curiosity and call you into the surgery for a looksee then when you get into the surgery and nothing abnormal is found, you just say, 'sorry my mistake, but seen as how I'm here you may as well syringe my ears I've an urgent appointment at the hospital to keep'.
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Old 07-04-2022, 17:59   #27
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Re: the NHS?

i have been putting oil in my ears for years to have them syringed, also when i put oil in i have been putting in cotton wool as instructed, yesterday i got info telling me to put oil in saying i MUST NOT put cotton wool in when i do as it can cause problems, last week i was at the hospital,and was told i have a perforated ear drum, the cotton wool is likely to have caused it. the audiologist told me,as if you put it in deep it can cause it,so what the hell is going on?
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Old 08-04-2022, 08:29   #28
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Re: the NHS?

[QUOTE=cashman;1265808]i have been putting oil in my ears for years to have them syringed, also when i put oil in i have been putting in cotton wool as instructed, yesterday i got info telling me to put oil in saying i MUST NOT put cotton wool in when i do as it can cause problems, last week i was at the hospital,and was told i have a perforated ear drum, the cotton wool is likely to have caused it. the audiologist told me,as if you put it in deep it can cause it,so what the hell is going on?

I was also told (by the practice nurse at my doctors surgery), to put cotton wool into my ears after the olive oil but not to shove it too far in, only to put it in to stop the oil running back out. read into that as you wish.
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Old 08-04-2022, 09:04   #29
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Re: the NHS?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i have been putting oil in my ears for years to have them syringed, also when i put oil in i have been putting in cotton wool as instructed, yesterday i got info telling me to put oil in saying i MUST NOT put cotton wool in when i do as it can cause problems, last week i was at the hospital,and was told i have a perforated ear drum, the cotton wool is likely to have caused it. the audiologist told me,as if you put it in deep it can cause it,so what the hell is going on?

I was also told (by the practice nurse at my doctors surgery), to put cotton wool into my ears after the olive oil but not to shove it too far in, only to put it in to stop the oil running back out. read into that as you wish.
must depend which nurse told yeh taddy never mentioned the depth to me.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 08-04-2022, 17:44   #30
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Re: the NHS?

Originally Posted by taddy View Post
must depend which nurse told yeh taddy never mentioned the depth to me.

Is this a "Size doesn't matter thing"?
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