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15-10-2006, 07:03
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The obligatory x-factor thread!
Well, it started properly last night - what did everyone think?
I really thought the MacDonald Bros would be out - they're soooooo dull. Very surprised the Unconventionals went - I thought they'd appeal to a lot of people, perhaps they're just a bit too unconventional.
My favourites to win are either Ben or Ashley. It's Rod Stewart week next week so suspect that Ben will be in his element.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
15-10-2006, 08:27
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Re: The obligatory x-factor thread!
Erm.. Okay..
15-10-2006, 08:39
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Re: The obligatory x-factor thread!
"Very surprised the Unconventionals went - I thought they'd appeal to a lot of people "....yeah but only to people whos volume was broke on their tellys thus not being able to hear them ! - they were like a bad group of buskers...and I cannot believe they got that far....if they were part of the best of what the british have to offer by way of entertainment then its a bad day..my list for the final is..the little guy who looks about 13, the guy who looks like sideshow bob from the simpsons, the good looking scottish girl ( not the wheelchair one) and the young coloured girl..dunno her name..I fell asleep watching it if I am honest..but I was was woken up by someone singing on the show and whilst I was wakening up I was thinking 'god this guys sound excellent he will go through..' - but when I opened my eyes properly it was Lionel Ritchie !...no wonder he sounded good !!
15-10-2006, 10:21
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Re: The obligatory x-factor thread!
A lot of the sound seemed bad last night, with the backing singers louder than the contestants.
Liked Ben, but my favourite was the girl who went last. (Leonie?) Her voice was amazing, shivers up your spine good.
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15-10-2006, 12:19
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Re: The obligatory x-factor thread!
I may be a sad dude but will not lower myself to that level. Only the judges make any money out of this farse.
15-10-2006, 12:54
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Re: The obligatory x-factor thread!
I hope Ben wins to.  You can call me an owd sceptic I don't care, but I think it will be lass in the wheel chair that will win it.  Just the way those things go isn't it, makes it all a bit of a farse really
Ben has a lovely voice to listen to and I'm quite warming to Ashley's distinctive voice. Have to agree Gayle Mcdonalds bros. were very boring and I thought they should have gone first. The Unconventionals never really did anything for me either, I thought they were very miss-matched and really quite bland, I was surprised they even got as far as the final.
15-10-2006, 12:57
Re: The obligatory x-factor thread!
Dr Roy,
If the forum evers gets it's rules back please can you add the one below.
Rule 12. There shall be no mention of X-Factor, Come Dancing, Big Brother or any other (alternate) reality TV show.
Many Thanks,
Site Forum Rules/ Site Disclaimer can be seen from this link
15-10-2006, 13:00
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Re: The obligatory x-factor thread!
Originally Posted by Neil
There shall be no mention of X-Factor, Come Dancing, Big Brother or any other (alternate) reality TV show.
You don't have to read these threads you miserable sod !! 
15-10-2006, 13:04
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Re: The obligatory x-factor thread!
i hope liona wins she was about the best
15-10-2006, 14:10
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Re: The obligatory x-factor thread!
well im so pleased the unconventionals went first , saves us having to listen to that garbage next week, god knows what lou walsh was thinking of when he put them through , BEN to win but like you say tinks think the girl in wheelchair is in with a good chance , must admit though she does have a really good voice.
15-10-2006, 14:31
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Re: The obligatory x-factor thread!
Honestly thought the only good singer was that Ben.
Can someone tell me why all the birds on the show are trying to be Mariah Carey? She's an awful singer.
The thing that annoys me about these shows is that they advertise the search for 'raw talent'. Ok, but if they were doing that, surely the 'talented' should write their own stuff? Or at least play an instrument?
Backing tracks should be outlawed. It's blatantly ripping people off.
15-10-2006, 16:40
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Re: The obligatory x-factor thread!
Ben has to win it, if they are looking for the Xfactor as they always say they are then he has it in bucketloads, everyone else you can compare them to. Not saying they werent bad tho. I liked Eton Rd to i think they are different from any other boyband (although only because of Anthony - The odd one - who should go solo) There was definately some sound problems though.
15-10-2006, 16:42
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Re: The obligatory x-factor thread!
Originally Posted by Lolly
everyone else you can compare them to.
didnt finish typing that sentence did I? I meant u can compare them to somebody else famous in the charts at the moment.
16-10-2006, 13:23
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Re: The obligatory x-factor thread!
if it is decided on what the music industry needs then its Ben, cos there is nowt quite like him at the moment and he has got a good voice.
If its purely on singing talent then Leona or whatever was the best by a country mile! Louis told her to beware of over-singing, eh? how is over singing possible? Its not like acting where you could ham it up. The song either needs a note delivering or it doesn't.
If its purely on cynicism then the wheelchair lady wins. I didn't think she had that good of a voice. Yes she can sing, but it aint any better than your average good singer. The tall bloke who cried when he was booted out last week was far better. How can you vote out a woman in a wheelchair? easy. She aint good enough, and in this day and age of equality etc then she can hit the road with Eton Road, the Scottish girl, the Scottish brothers (how come nobody sings with a Scottish accent?), little Ray, the Harmony brothers or whatever they called and no teeth Dionne.
final ones should be Gentle Ben, crying games Robert, Mariah Leona, and Sideshow Bob.
crap programme, I dont watch it. Just picking up on what someone told me!
16-10-2006, 13:27
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Re: The obligatory x-factor thread!
Originally Posted by Neil
Dr Roy,
If the forum evers gets it's rules back please can you add the one below.
Rule 12. There shall be no mention of X-Factor, Come Dancing, Big Brother or any other (alternate) reality TV show.
Many Thanks,
'Come Dancing' finished broadcasting over ten years ago.
Get with the programme Grandad. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
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