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07-05-2021, 23:57
Senior Member
The red wall
Hey guys... been a while and felt like a rant...
Traditional Labour voters....So where are they? Are they...
Deterred by the activist, southern centric ‘woke’ left who believe that if you don’t agree with them you are either :- ‘white priviledged, ‘a little Englander’, ‘a racist’, ‘a fascist’, or ‘a daily mail reader’
Deterred by the endless celebrity endorsement, because they figure that anyone who can read an autocue, pretend to be someone they aren’t, sing a song or tell a joke whilst earning obscene amounts of money sitting in gated communities with bodyguards...really worries about equality, crime and hospital parking.
Deterred by their local MP, the guy they voted in to represent them who says, I know more than you so I’m not going to vote the way you want me to because my personal opinion is more important…..I’m smarter than you and my seat is safe!
Deterred by the constant attacks on government without offering an alternative, go have a look at Hyndburn Labour….they offer nothing but personal attacks…THAT’S IT! NO ALTERNATIVE PLAN! (an ex mp’s girlfriend posting a picture on facebook of the replacement MP dancing in a teeshirt is supposed to change my vote….good luck with that one not backfiring)
I’ll tell you why I’m deterred…..I’m a socialist, I want to vote Labour, I’m working class….but I can’t, they have nada, zilch, nothing and I’m angry! I don’t want to see staged photo ops of the leader taking a knee or looking for wallpaper….I WANT POLICYS AND PLANS AND OPPOSITION!!
I want something I can argue with!
I want Labour to stop looking at polls, stop looking at social media, stop listening to the judgemental idiots on twitter….I WANT YOU TO TALK TO ME……AND LISTEN!!
You know what….our current MP, despite being two generations younger than me and on the opposite political spectrum is getting my vote next time because there is no credible alternative.
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
08-05-2021, 08:21
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Re: The red wall
think loads of labour voters have joined me in the abstain party. those who haven,t see the tories views are much closer to their ones now. doing everything possible for any minority, soft approach to immegration, constant climate change talk, more and more push bike lanes, softer law and order, benfits etc. have no place for someone WORKING and having a constant struggle to pay all their bills just to keep going from week to week. you need to be a rich person to afford labour.
08-05-2021, 11:29
Beacon of light
Re: The red wall
Guinness.....you have been missed.
What a great post...well said that man.
Come back please we need your posts of good stuff and common sense.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
08-05-2021, 23:10
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Re: The red wall
It's all annoying - like trying to find a builder when you know the choice is between bad ones and appallingly bad ones. Johnson, Starmer, Khan, SNP, Plaid Cymru, - crooks, imbeciles and vagabonds have now completely stolen our politics - and don't get me started on that poisoned goblin from North of the Border.. How can you declare you have a "mandate" with 44% of the vote while rejecting a referendum which had 52% of the vote? ..and how can you want to become "independent" just to hand it all away to the EU? ..didn't the Catalans have a REAL mandate (some 92%) for independence and what did the EU do about that ? Starmer wants Labour to "re-connect" with their traditional support - well resign and try to get us a traditional leader and traditional candidates then instead of drafting in a bunch of morons who want to impose their lunatic minority views on us all. GRRR - I know it's just another pointless rant but it will stop me reaching for the blood pressure pills.
08-05-2021, 23:51
Senior Member
Re: The red wall
Driving in to work a couple of weeks ago I’m listening to 5Live breakfast…
For those who don’t have twitter.. its an exchange between the host Rachel Burden and the Labour minister for social care Liz Kendall. Kendall had come on to state that later in the day she was going to unveil Labours plan for Social Care….
Burden challenges and discovers that there isn’t a plan and its nothing but anti government soundbites. Burden is exasperated, rips Kendall the proverbial extra entry point, and after asking ‘what is the plan’ for the umpteenth time and not getting an answer, cuts Kendall off with something along the lines of… ‘come talk to me when you have an actual plan’
I’m cheering in the car, thinking ‘yes!... finally someone gets it and is asking Labour for a plan’….I check social media later in the day expecting a positive comment from Labour but instead Burden is painted as the villain of the piece.
I got news for the Labour party… the activist gob****es on social media are the ‘MINORITY!’...they are costing you votes…let me give you an example..
Up Ossy they had a Labour guy who, week after week since he was first elected posted stuff evidencing how he was getting his hands dirty to help clear fly tipping, how he chased up potholes, poor signage, overgrown hedges, speeding issues etc, all the stuff a local councillor was supposed to do.. HE LOST!
You don’t have to be Sherlock to figure out why
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
09-05-2021, 09:24
Beacon of light
Re: The red wall
Guinness....Jimmy....you have both nailed it.
There is no one taking any notice of the majority of the electorate.
Those who want issues that are important to them, dealt with.
It is all about wokery.....the stuff that the celebs...or those who think they are celebs, virtue signal about.
The BLM stuff, (here I would say All Lives Matter)the gang warfare, the killings of young men in cities around the county.
These are things that are concerns...low levels of policing, drugs freely available on the streets.
Kids carrying knives.....and some of these children have only just learned to use a dinner knife
There are so many things that none of the parties have answers for.
So no wonder there is a lack of trust.
And Guinness you are so right when you talk about ‘government bashing’ as a sport to try and win points...except it wins nothing because as you say...they cannot come up with a viable alternative.
As to the poison dwarf in the highlands....does she have rocks for brains?
She wants to separate Scotland from England(the country that gives the people of Scotland more financial support than their own folk in England) just so that she can tie Scotland to the all pervasive EU....let her try and convince them of the concept of democracy...it is alien to the EU.
More of this stuff please...while it might put my Blood pressure up....at least it gets the heart pumping.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 09-05-2021 at 09:30.
09-05-2021, 09:34
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The red wall
Sturgeon is nothing but a Plank and many scots are too daft to see it.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
09-05-2021, 10:15
Beacon of light
Re: The red wall
She has her own agenda which is nothing at all to do with what is best for Scotland and the electorate there.
She wants a place in History....a bit like Tony Blair.....she wants to be the name that is signified by the break up of the UK.
What she fails to see is that Scotland would be impoverished if her dream of independence became a reality.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
09-05-2021, 10:26
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Re: The red wall
With the Scots it's just a vote to spite the English. Some guy has been all over the world doing a you tube video series called 'Which Country Do You Hate' and mostly people don't really hate others or don't like the governments of other countries - even those they have had recent wars with the comment is more dislike as opposed to hate. Only once did I hear the actual word hate used - and it was the Scots against the English. A classic case of them cutting off their noses to spite their face.
10-05-2021, 08:49
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Re: The red wall
[QUOTE=Jimmy Clitheroe;1253756]With the Scots it's just a vote to spite the English.
quite a number north of the border dislike the english because of the westminster parliament and not the english man in the street. think they are more nationalistic than we are even if they want to get into bed with the eu. wee krankie has used this feeling for her own ends knocking the westminster elite but not the eu elite.
10-05-2021, 09:14
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Re: The red wall
[QUOTE=monkey hanger;1253793]
Originally Posted by Jimmy Clitheroe
With the Scots it's just a vote to spite the English.
quite a number north of the border dislike the english because of the westminster parliament and not the english man in the street. think they are more nationalistic than we are even if they want to get into bed with the eu. wee krankie has used this feeling for her own ends knocking the westminster elite but not the eu elite.
If they do go for independence then there HAS to be a hard border between the two countries otherwise it won't work and we will all end up back under the verminous EU by the backdoor. It MUST be pointed out that being part of the EU WILL involve a hard border between England and Scotland.
10-05-2021, 15:16
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The red wall
good it will serve them right it will mean a loss in revenue from tourists i think.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
11-05-2021, 09:11
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Re: The red wall
[QUOTE=Jimmy Clitheroe;1253797][QUOTE=monkey hanger;1253793]
If they do go for independence then there HAS to be a hard border between the two countries otherwise it won't work and we will all end up back under the verminous EU by the backdoor. It MUST be pointed out that being part of the EU WILL involve a hard border between England and Scotland.
No problem, just rebuild Hadrians wall and rename it Boris's Barrier.
11-05-2021, 09:15
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Re: The red wall
With a sign saying no fish, either Sturgeon or Salmon allowed in England.
11-05-2021, 09:42
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Re: The red wall
No problem, just rebuild Hadrians wall and rename it Boris's Barrier.[/QUOTE]
it was his fault anyway. he did not build it high enough and future generations never electrified it. the scottish dingy divers will be next seeking asylum in england. the problem for the border force is will cumbria or nothumberland coast be there favoured landing spot. our vessel cannot be in the same place for both.
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