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Old 27-12-2024, 00:44   #1
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The Reform Party

I read today that the newest political party in Britain, The Reform Party, now has more members or subscribers than the Tory Party.
Well I never!
Who saw that coming?
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Old 29-12-2024, 10:31   #2
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Re: The Reform Party

Forgive my ignorance, but who are the “Reform Party”? Is this the party which Nigel Farage runs?
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Old 29-12-2024, 13:37   #3
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Re: The Reform Party

Apparently it is run by Nigel Farage.
From what I read they are tagged as the real opposition to Labor.
It was the more subscriptions than the Tories comment that surprised me.
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Old 29-12-2024, 21:53   #4
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Re: The Reform Party

I see a lot of people online saying they support the reform party now.
Anyone but the tories, labour and all the other sheites that populate government, useless bunch of t0$$ers the lot of them.

What Farage says makes sense a lot of the time, although he too comes across as a smarmy git.
Basically, we're screwed whoever is in government.
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Old 30-12-2024, 19:29   #5
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Re: The Reform Party

This was the Reform Party’s ‘manifesto’ at the last (sic) election.
Keep your balance on The High Wire
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Old 30-12-2024, 20:53   #6
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Re: The Reform Party

Whatever political parties say…it means nothing.
They are not in it to make life better for us…they are in it to feather their own nests.
That is ALL of them..
Gone are the days when MPs had had a work life that meant they understood the common man. They went into politics in order to improve the lives of those whose ranks they had risen above.
Risen above by their own efforts.
These days the majority of politicians do not know anything about the life that you and I live.
It is a point scoring exercise…the Palace of Westminster is like a school debating society…full of ideological claptrap that has no bearing on our lives.
So sorry to be so cynical, but it is living life that has made me this way.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 02-01-2025, 23:09   #7
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Re: The Reform Party

Seems a perfectly reasonable way to think about it to me, ne'er a truer word was said there.
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Old 03-01-2025, 00:04   #8
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Re: The Reform Party

Yes, life teaches you many lessons, but you have to be willing to learn.
Every day is a school day if you let it be
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 03-01-2025, 10:52   #9
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Re: The Reform Party

Why is it that when theirs a change in government (any party), no matter whether in the UK or anywhere else in the world, they always say “We were left with a huge hole in the finance sector, so we have to make a lot of unfortunate decisions to get the country back to normal”!!
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Old 03-01-2025, 18:47   #10
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Re: The Reform Party

Because it is easy to shift the blame…and no party, whatever the banner it travels under, is ever going to admit the truth.
And that is, the electorate are there to be rinsed.

I am no economist but even Stevie Wonder could see that this current crew had no idea what they were doing.
You cannot promote growth or prosperity by taking money from the man in the street.

The economy needs people to feel confident enough to spend money…to buy new windows, to buy new furniture, to have work done on their property because this grows the economy…both local and national.
The last Labour government is alleged to have left a note in a drawer in the treasury telling the new government not to look for the money, as there was none.
Whether that is true or not I cannot say, but it sounds like it might have been.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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