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26-03-2007, 21:01
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The Slave Trade
Now we're celebrating the abolition of the slave trade in Britain there have been demands that we should apologise for having been a part of it. I'm as appalled by what I've learned about slavery as anyone else is and I can say I'm sorry it ever happened but I just don't appreciate the idea of apology.
Who do we apologise to? The people who were enslaved are all dead and we can't apologise to Africa in general as many Africans were as guilty as as Europeans and provided the slaves for the traders.
None of us, who are alive today, had any part in the African slave trade. Some of our ancestors may have but can we be held responsible for what our great great great grandfathers might have done?
Slavery existed long before Britain became involved. No doubt some of our distant ancestors were slaves owned by the Romans. Should Italy apologise to us? It existed after the abolition, in fact it still exists in various forms today. We are all aware of "sex slaves".
There's no doubt Britain prospered when it took part in the trade but it also prospered when little children were working in the cotton mills in similar conditons to those of the slaves who were picking the raw cotton, little more than slaves themselves because their families couldn't survive without their meagre earnings. I had ancestors who were mill workers at the age of 8. I also had ancestors who, in the same period, owned cotton mills. Who should apologise to me? Should I be apologising to myself?
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
26-03-2007, 21:07
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: The Slave Trade
There is also the question of compensation, coming from a long line of serfs would it be possible to get the Royal family and the other blue bloods to send me the back pay owed for the generations of free labour they got from my family?
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26-03-2007, 21:07
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Re: The Slave Trade
I agree with you. I don't like the principle of saying sorry for something that we're not responsible for.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
26-03-2007, 21:10
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Re: The Slave Trade
I think we should demand an apology from Denmark and Norway for all that looting, raping and murdering that the vikings did!
26-03-2007, 21:15
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Re: The Slave Trade
Or why not demand an apology from France for the invasion and the battle of hastings!
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
26-03-2007, 21:25
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Slave Trade
agree totally with west ender, whilst the slave trade was evil beyond question,these pratts that have been protesting for an apology are just wanabees with nowt better to do, it was WRONG,its LONG GONE, and certainly does not help in todays climate, for once i agree with tony blair,who stopped short of an apology.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
26-03-2007, 21:35
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Re: The Slave Trade
As in the thread before, when some American pratt was asking for an apology, will repeat my remark, that blacks should also be apologising to blacks, as rival tribes kidnapped members of other tribes and sold them to the traders ... so .. what's the complaint ?!?
26-03-2007, 21:36
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Re: The Slave Trade
OK, it's the 200th anniversary of abolition, so it's a historical event, but the media and the BBC in particular have hyped it up to an unbelievable extent. While I was mooching around Manchester centre yesterday, I walked past the commemoration event behind the cathedral. There were about a hundred people taking part; meanwhile, hundreds of others, white, brown and black walked past oblivious, just getting on with their lives.
26-03-2007, 21:40
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Re: The Slave Trade
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
OK, it's the 200th anniversary of abolition, so it's a historical event, but the media and the BBC in particular have hyped it up to an unbelievable extent. While I was mooching around Manchester centre yesterday, I walked past the commemoration event behind the cathedral. There were about a hundred people taking part; meanwhile, hundreds of others, white, brown and black walked past oblivious, just getting on with their lives.
Like that  ... extremely meaningful picture you painted Wynonie .. have some karma ... x
26-03-2007, 23:00
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Re: The Slave Trade
Tonight I watched the brilliant BBC2 programme 'This World: Child Slavery', presented by Rageh Omaar.
The W.H.O. estimate there are 8.5 million child slaves in the world today, about 1.5 million of whom work in the sex industry. These aren't children who are having to work to help support their poverty stricken families, these are children who for any number of reasons, are bought and sold as bonded commodities.
I don't care about the colour of their skin, their religion, or culture. These are child slaves, some as young as six, who are living in the world today, and it makes me sick to the stomach to also be living in the same world were this is happening now.
I'm all for remembering the terrible trans-Atlantic slave trade, and celebrating the people who brought about it's ending, including ordinary Lancashire mill workers who came out on strike in protest, but appologising is totally pointless.
I don't hold Germans responsible for killing my twenty two year old grandfather in WWII, nor would an appology make the slightest difference to the past, or be at all relevant today. Remember yes, appologise no.
So, people should stop harking on about the past, and help stop this sickening trade in human slaves, that is still evident today in the twenty first century.
By the way, if people do insist on having appologies for the horrors of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, perhaps they should be looking to Africa itself, or Arabia, both of which trading in slaves, before the Europeans even got a look in.
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27-03-2007, 00:44
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Re: The Slave Trade
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
I think we should demand an apology from Denmark and Norway for all that looting, raping and murdering that the vikings did!
Yes.. and in more recent times the scousers! 
27-03-2007, 07:57
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Re: The Slave Trade
It happened and yes it was tragic but like most things we need to move on. No objection to the comemorations but I would rather they put their energy into dealing with the slave issues of today.
27-03-2007, 08:52
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Re: The Slave Trade
i agree spuggie!!
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27-03-2007, 10:18
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Re: The Slave Trade
Originally Posted by garinda
By the way, if people do insist on having appologies for the horrors of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, perhaps they should be looking to Africa itself, or Arabia, both of which trading in slaves, before the Europeans even got a look in.
It might be worthwhile noting that African slavers raided Europe for slaves and wiped out whole villages long before they traded slaves with Europeans so maybe they should be the ones apologising to us. Their ancestors introduced the idea to our ancestors, as slaves were the commodity they had to offered in trade.
Instead of all the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth over something we had no control over in the past it would be more appropriate to do something constructive to abolish slavery in the world today. William Wilberforce must be turning in his grave. 
27-03-2007, 13:21
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Re: The Slave Trade
As someone with both Roman and Norman ancestry could I take this opportunity to apologise for the sins visited upon the world by my ancestors under the Roman Imperium and also for the dreadful excesses committed by my family during and following the Norman Conquest....with special apologies to the people of Durham and and the peoples of the Earldom of Buchan and the Manor of Badenoch
I know that neither I nor my ancestors deserve forgiveness. We were, and probably still are, a bunch of hopeless imperialist sh*ts, obsessed with domination, oppression and profiteering. I will, tactfully, omit to mention the benefits that occupation brought to this country. Benefits which are still enjoyed to this day, some sixteen hundred years after the collapse of the Roman empire and nearly a thousand years after the Conquest - I do not wish to add denying anyones victimhood to the catalogue of crimes my family is heir to.
I leave the question of suitable reparations to be discussed amongst our victims, their heirs and assigns.
Ridiculous post? Ridiculous subject!
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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