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Old 28-12-2013, 21:30   #1
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The Star Trek replicator

I know this is a tech thing and could be put in the tech forum, but I'm more interested in the ramifications than the actual tech stuff...

So the new technology thats about to break big time is the 3D the moment its kinda pricey and you need to be a real tecchie to put one together and you can only create plastic stuff.

It's the Star Trek replicator.

If you're a rich tecchie train set can already print your own signal boxes, stations and trees to paint. You can already print guns if you fancy yourself as a wannabee terrorist.

They are already working on the version that prints 3D metals. The very near future...create your own iphone, ipod, ipad, laptop...self replicate the actual printer you are using.

If I was younger I'd be kinda scared...this one invention has the potential to make the industrial revolution look like a playground fight. The job losses will be astronomical...

Download the pattern from Amazon and print off a complete crockery and cutlery set, it's Christmas..just print off the PS28 or Xbox34 for the kids and a Spectrum 48k for Great Grandad, (to bore the crud out of you about playing Manic Miner, PEEKs and POKEs and something called a cassette), TV on the fritz, download the pattern and print a new one, flat battery on the motor, print one off. At first the patterns will be expensive and one time use, but some bright nerdy kid, yet to be born, sat in a darkened back room will create something that will enable everyone to do it as many times as they want for a few quid.

I'm not a doomsayer, but personally I think this thing is an economic timebomb.
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Old 28-12-2013, 21:36   #2
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Re: The Star Trek replicator

I know they can print moving parts, but can they prints electronics?
It`s a good bit of kit though, was on QI a while ago.

Last edited by gpick24; 28-12-2013 at 21:39. Reason: Shorter youtube clip
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Old 28-12-2013, 21:39   #3
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Re: The Star Trek replicator

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
I know this is a tech thing and could be put in the tech forum, but I'm more interested in the ramifications than the actual tech stuff...

So the new technology thats about to break big time is the 3D the moment its kinda pricey and you need to be a real tecchie to put one together and you can only create plastic stuff.

It's the Star Trek replicator.

If you're a rich tecchie train set can already print your own signal boxes, stations and trees to paint. You can already print guns if you fancy yourself as a wannabee terrorist.

They are already working on the version that prints 3D metals. The very near future...create your own iphone, ipod, ipad, laptop...self replicate the actual printer you are using.

If I was younger I'd be kinda scared...this one invention has the potential to make the industrial revolution look like a playground fight. The job losses will be astronomical...

Download the pattern from Amazon and print off a complete crockery and cutlery set, it's Christmas..just print off the PS28 or Xbox34 for the kids and a Spectrum 48k for Great Grandad, (to bore the crud out of you about playing Manic Miner, PEEKs and POKEs and something called a cassette), TV on the fritz, download the pattern and print a new one, flat battery on the motor, print one off. At first the patterns will be expensive and one time use, but some bright nerdy kid, yet to be born, sat in a darkened back room will create something that will enable everyone to do it as many times as they want for a few quid.

I'm not a doomsayer, but personally I think this thing is an economic timebomb.
I started a thread in "Questions and Anwers" .... "Is there such a thing ..." It concerns the upcoming Technological Singularity.
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Old 28-12-2013, 22:07   #4
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Re: The Star Trek replicator

The technology that would bring down the financial system will not be allowed to happen.

Just like the way to have free energy that Nikola Tesla discovered, it will be impounded, suppressed and all records destroyed.

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Old 28-12-2013, 22:20   #5
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Re: The Star Trek replicator

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I started a thread in "Questions and Anwers" .... "Is there such a thing ..." It concerns the upcoming Technological Singularity.
Missed that thread for some reason, but yeah..the 3d printer could be the 'Mule'

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
The technology that would bring down the financial system will not be allowed to happen.

Just like the way to have free energy that Nikola Tesla discovered, it will be impounded, suppressed and all records destroyed.
Sorry Margaret, it's too late for that..Tesla's stuff (if it truly existed) was easy to hide, as was the 'alleged' eternal light bulb..there was no instant information sharing in those days, this thing is already out there for bedroom geeks to play with.
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Old 05-01-2014, 18:50   #6

Re: The Star Trek replicator

Wouldn't the lanthanides in the electronics be tricky to print?
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Old 05-01-2014, 18:59   #7
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Re: The Star Trek replicator

It was on the news today that an RAF fighter jet has flown for the first time using 3D printed parts.

Fighter Jets Flown With 3D Printed Parts
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Old 05-01-2014, 20:20   #8
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Re: The Star Trek replicator

I think at the moment they can only print an object in one material- all the same plastic or all the same metal. So you could print a case for an ipod, in plastic or metal, but not the inside parts which each may be a mixture of metals, plastics and silicon.
The bits made for the Tornado are probably plastic but some of the metal parts in an aircraft are very complicated and often made of materials very difficult to machine, such as titanium. 3D printing would save a fortune there.
But for simple parts which you want in large quantities it wouldn't be cost effective.
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Old 11-01-2014, 22:48   #9
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Re: The Star Trek replicator

And here's the prototype food replicator

BBC News - CES 2014: 3D food printers create sweets and chocolates

Ok, so its not beef wellington with trimmings, its just a funny shaped sweet..but

Human organs, prosthetics, false teeth, aeroplane parts, an app that uses photos taken from your phone to create a 3D representation on a home printer.

NASA is working on a 3D printer that can show outer space to the blind, and feed astronauts on long haul missions.

The prototype star trek replicator is already here. The engineering and manufacturing industry is about to go the way of the blacksmith, thatcher and wheelwright.
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Old 12-01-2014, 21:32   #10
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Re: The Star Trek replicator

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
I think at the moment they can only print an object in one material- all the same plastic or all the same metal. So you could print a case for an ipod, in plastic or metal, but not the inside parts which each may be a mixture of metals, plastics and silicon.
Also, they don't technically "replicate" - even if you wanted a duplicate iPod case, you'd have to create or download the model for it, and print that out. You can't just offer up the case you already have, and get another.

The best applications for this technology are in healthcare, where we already have youngsters who need limb braces being given a printer and a scalable model of the brace they need so they can print out new ones when they need them as they grow. I've also seen news of an American eagle with a 3D printed upper beak to replace the one it lost when injured.

I've no idea how it downloaded the model, or who trained it to use the printer.
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Old 12-01-2014, 21:43   #11
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Re: The Star Trek replicator

Originally Posted by Studio25 View Post
I've also seen news of an American eagle with a 3D printed upper beak to replace the one it lost when injured.
Who picked up the bill for that?
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Old 12-01-2014, 21:47   #12
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Re: The Star Trek replicator

Whats it got to do with you stop sticking your beak in.
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Old 12-01-2014, 22:01   #13
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The Star Trek replicator

What I post on here is snout to do with you.
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Old 12-01-2014, 22:13   #14
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Re: The Star Trek replicator

Keep your nose out , i'm watching you like a hawk!!
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Old 13-01-2014, 10:44   #15
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Re: The Star Trek replicator

3D Printing to the Rescue: Bald Eagle Gets A New Beak

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