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Old 07-01-2008, 18:23   #1
Resident Waffler

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The Superdrug Challenge!

I have decided there's a plot afoot by Superdrug to challenge their customers to a battle of wits.

For Christmas I was given some Superdrug stocking fillers and some other assorted little gifts by family and friends.

So far I've had a Father Christmas and a Christmas Tree shower gel which have a valve on the back like a beach ball valve through which you are supposed to be able to squirt the shower gel. However, try as I might I cannot squeeze any out because the valve forces it back in again. The only way I could get any out was to force a thin sharp object into the valve to hold it open. Round One to me.

Round Two: Bath bombs. These were glued so firmly to the container that it was a challenge in itself to get the wretched things out. Then they are wrapped so tightly in some sort of cellophaney stuff which also has the glue on it that by the time I had fought my way through that the BB had half disintegrated - but what the heck the thing is meant to dissolve so I count that one as a draw.

Round Three: Shampoo come shower gel in a bottle. Remove the cap and there is a seal over the top of the bottle which cannot be removed without scissors. I did not have a pair of scissors in the shower - round three to Superdrug.

Round Four: Lavender soap. Again wrapped in shrink wrap which is firmly clinging to the soap and can only be removed with scissors but by now I was anticipating a challenge and had taken a pair of manicure scissors into the bathroom. Round four to me.

And moving right along we come to the lovely set of silver dipped candles in assorted size and shapes. These are all also tightly sealed in shrinkwrap. I have the option of attacking them with scissors and possibly scraping off the lovely silvering, or struggling to loosen the stuff at the top and hopefully tear it down the length of the candle without missing any. I tried. I failed. I resorted to scissors. Round five to Superdrug.

And lastly (so far) the candles have nice little frosted glass star shaped things to stand in. I stood mine in them. The wax burned down and dripped all over the table! The when the candle got to the end one holder cracked from the heat and split into two. Do I count that as a win for Superdrug or a draw?

I can't wait for the next exciting challenge!!!

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Accrington Web
Old 07-01-2008, 18:40   #2
Resting in Peace

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Re: The Superdrug Challenge!

Love this Willow .. what we have all experienced LOL. You just put it all in a very amusing post.

Nothing worse than getting in the shower/bath and can't open the blooming gels, etc., having to get out again to find scissors/knife to undo it.
Shame about the candle holders too..

I had a new conditioner with the pump type dispenser .. could I press it down, so that it came up ? .. no sirree. Had to unscrew the thing and poured out far too much. Only after shower, when hands weren't so slippery could I manage to push, turn and pop it up... Know is all done for Health and Safety reasons sometimes, but should come with a Health warning themselves!
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Old 07-01-2008, 18:44   #3
Resident Waffler

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Re: The Superdrug Challenge!

Health and safety? Surely the knives and scissors we end up having to use make it more dangerous. These things should have a government health warning!

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Old 07-01-2008, 18:47   #4
Resting in Peace

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Re: The Superdrug Challenge!

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Health and safety? Surely the knives and scissors we end up having to use make it more dangerous. These things should have a government health warning!
Yeh, that's what I meant in my closing sentence..
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Old 07-01-2008, 19:19   #5
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Re: The Superdrug Challenge!

i know this isnt cosmetic whatsoever but i bought a pack of tea-spoons the other day, they where attatched to a piece of cardboard with those grip tie thingies (cant remember what they are called) the tie thing was so thick that the scissors wouldnt cut them so i resorted to using a very sharp carving knife...the thing slipped out of my hand and i ended up slicing two of my fingers open on the knife, i wasnt a happy bunny
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Old 07-01-2008, 21:26   #6
Resident Waffler

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Re: The Superdrug Challenge!

But you can be assured that no-one will have attempted to steal your spoons whilst they were in the shop.

Another thing which bugs me is the very small piece of techy equipment you get in a plastic blister pack with a large card inside of which is a piece of paper containing instructions which you don't know about until you have cut through the piece of cardboard several times in an attempt to remove the small item without slicing your hand open on the rigid plastic of the blister pack. Needless to say the instructions are totally destroyed by this.

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Old 07-01-2008, 21:37   #7
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Re: The Superdrug Challenge!

Its not just superdrug tho is it.... its all the shops you buy stuff from. I bought a candle yesterday from asda and to open it i had to attack it with the scissors. Bought some ham as well tried to open it pulling the cellophane back it wouldnt move so attacked it with a knife.
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 07-01-2008, 21:44   #8
Resting in Peace

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Re: The Superdrug Challenge!

Originally Posted by flashytart View Post
i know this isnt cosmetic whatsoever but i bought a pack of tea-spoons the other day, they where attatched to a piece of cardboard with those grip tie thingies (cant remember what they are called) the tie thing was so thick that the scissors wouldnt cut them so i resorted to using a very sharp carving knife...the thing slipped out of my hand and i ended up slicing two of my fingers open on the knife, i wasnt a happy bunny
Know we have covered this subject many times, but never ceases to amuse me... I have now resorted to using my lighter to burn off those blooming things Flashy (particularly the labels on clothing)... but watch yer hair .. lost my fringe once ...
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Old 07-01-2008, 21:49   #9
Resident Waffler

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Re: The Superdrug Challenge!

I've never had shower gel as difficult to access before and why on earth do candles need to have such a tight covering? Partylite ones don't.

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Old 07-01-2008, 23:59   #10
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Re: The Superdrug Challenge!

had a hell of a job getting the cellophane off me biscuit tonight, the ones ya get with coffee after a meal, good job i had the WMD with me (Paris)
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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