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Old 01-11-2016, 19:46   #196
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Re: The Swarm!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I appreciate that Eric, but I cannot see beyond the French language and the resentful way that the French have directed against us since they were pulled out of the mire that was WWII.
Here's a bit of little known history:

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Old 01-11-2016, 19:51   #197
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Re: The Swarm!

Having spent a fair time in France, i can honestly say,the farther south yeh go,the more obnoxious and ignorant they are if yeh happen to be from the U.K. the North aint half as bad imho. Barrie Yates actually lived oer yon for quite a few years, so possibly has a view different to mine?
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Old 01-11-2016, 20:29   #198
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Re: The Swarm!

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Having spent a fair time in France, i can honestly say,the farther south yeh go,the more obnoxious and ignorant they are if yeh happen to be from the U.K. the North aint half as bad imho. Barrie Yates actually lived oer yon for quite a few years, so possibly has a view different to mine?
Can't say I've traveled in the south ... but the assholes in Paris, who, by some gross error of someone's judgement, often end up in the tourist industry, are bad enough. I remember six of us drinking our beers at one of the boozers, outside of course. The jerk offs at the next table, and the waiter, who was walking around like he had a broom handle shoved up his ass, must have thought we were American. Not realizing that three of the group were fluently bilingual, and that the other three could more than get by in French, they made some questionable remarks. My good buddy Roland Desjarlais (an FBI ... [deleted]ing Big Indian) ... who, at the time was Chief of the Muskowekwan First Nation (Ojibway) ... demanded, in perfect French, that they apologize right away or he would take out his knife, scalp them, and cut off their ... well, you get the picture. It was a blast ... and we didn't have to pay for the beer.
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Old 01-11-2016, 21:23   #199
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Re: The Swarm!

I like that Eric.
You should never assume that someone cannot speak the language.
When I was a student, one of the midwifery sisters(who looked the vision of your maiden Aunt Maud) ripped a strip off an Asian man who was visiting his wife and made some very detogatory (sexual) comments about one of the nurses who was working in the ward.
His face fell half a yard when this meek and mild woman,spoke to him in the dialect of his part of the world. What he did not know was that this woman had lived and worked in the villages looking after Asian women and their babies.....she could cuss and swear in his language....but she didn't, she just humiliated him in front of his wife and his mother.
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Old 02-11-2016, 00:26   #200
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Re: The Swarm!

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Having spent a fair time in France, i can honestly say,the farther south yeh go,the more obnoxious and ignorant they are if yeh happen to be from the U.K. the North aint half as bad imho. Barrie Yates actually lived oer yon for quite a few years, so possibly has a view different to mine?
Yes Cashy, we lived in Brittany for a few years. Found the people there and in Normandy to be friendly and helpful, particularly if you attempted to speak French. visited Paris a few times and did not like the people there although we never had any problems, just the attitude, but of course London can be pretty bad for that. Quite a lot of things I liked about France - some ideas that would make UK a better place to live in I feel - work for a certain period before any benefits can be claimed, pay 3E to visit the doctor, pay 1/3 of prescription charges, except for certain illnesses, for over 65s, substantially better state pension, good health care, pay 14E per day in hospital (food etc), but the food was crap, Calvados & Pastis and cheaper booze. Our reason for leaving was that our families thought we were too far away if anything went wrong (healthwise).
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Old 02-11-2016, 21:33   #201
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: The Swarm!

Forget Calais, this is on your doorstep, no doubt the whining, fluffy bunny, idiot lefties are smugly pleased with themselves for their devotion & perseverance to multiculti enricher "integration".

Blackburn is one of the most segregated towns in Britain | UK | News | Daily Express
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Old 02-11-2016, 21:56   #202
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Re: The Swarm!

i no longer visit Blackburn at all. It is like being in a foreign land.
The report about the attitude of young muslim males is prevalent in many North west towns.
They seem to think that white people should only be allowed in certain areas. No go areas have been created. There is little integration an even less cohesion.
This is not a politically correct view, so we are discouraged from mentioning it for fear of being branded racist, but there is an equal amount of racism coming from muslims....but we aren't supposed to mention that either.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 02-11-2016 at 21:58.
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Old 02-11-2016, 23:43   #203
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Re: The Swarm!

A very popular pub I found in Paris was The Waterloo - lots of French drinkers in there.
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Old 03-11-2016, 08:47   #204
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Re: The Swarm!

“If we don't sort this out it will only get worse - the backlash is coming and there are going to be riots.”
I wonder who the we is that will be able or willing to sort it out in that article?
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Old 03-11-2016, 11:04   #205
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Re: The Swarm!

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
A very popular pub I found in Paris was The Waterloo - lots of French drinkers in there.
Barrie, thank you for that tip. If I should ever be unfortunate enough to be in Paris,(the likelihood of this is on a par with a female Pope being chosen)I know which watering hole to avoid.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 03-11-2016, 22:58   #206
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Re: The Swarm!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Barrie, thank you for that tip. If I should ever be unfortunate enough to be in Paris,(the likelihood of this is on a par with a female Pope being chosen)I know which watering hole to avoid.
Wonderful atmosphere in there, everyone friendly and helpful, picture of Wellington and Napoleon side by side. Always one of my favourite watering holes when passing through Paris - hell of a lot friendlier than many pubs in UK.
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Old 06-12-2016, 21:13   #207
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: The Swarm!

Seems we're the ones responsible for the inner cities being ghettoised & the lack of integration in this fair Isle, mayhaps we should pack our bags & leave?

Muslim Representative: It's Up to White British to Integrate More

Mind you, the mental Mullahs aren't the only ones with this attitude, even mad Merkels intellectuals think your average Adolf & Eva Jedermann should adapt to the "Gimmegrants" wishes!

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I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 15-12-2016, 13:11   #208
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: The Swarm!

So it is possible to deport undesirables after all, PM DisMay & Mizz Krud please note the words of interior minister Herr Thomas de Maiziere -

"Germany's top security official, Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere, told reporters in Berlin that about a third of the men had been convicted of crimes in Germany, including rape, manslaughter, assault and drug offenses."

Mutti Merks has sent a few Afghani gimmegrants back home, all legal & above board. Some of the krauties may think this is her showing strong leadership (surprise, surprise, there's an election coming up) but 34 from 1.5 million according to official reckoning is less than a pittance & doesn't even rate on a conciliatory level. She's going to have to pull a damn site more out of her hat if she intends to cut back on the gains made by AfD. Trying to reassure an ever more fractious "Volk" whose grumblings are starting to get louder & more openly expressed is not going to be easy, especially with the hard core of discontented retaining their mistrust & cynicism.

Mutti needs to be nervously looking over her shoulder & browsing through the jobs vacant pages of the "Berliner Zeitung".

That said though, Germans & their idiocy ......

Then upon arrival, these poor picked on little Gimmegrants, show respect, understanding & gratitude to their erstwhile (forced) hosts. (And you can bet there were some palms greased to facilitate the transaction)
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Last edited by DaveinGermany; 15-12-2016 at 13:17.
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Old 31-05-2017, 17:48   #209
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Re: The Swarm!

This article really makes for some pretty grim reading, but what's worse than that is that our "leaders" are allowing it to happen especially Krud & DisMay!

Islamists from Across Europe Moving to UK for 'Freedom' to Practice Radical Islam
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 31-05-2017, 18:53   #210
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Re: The Swarm!

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
This article really makes for some pretty grim reading, but what's worse than that is that our "leaders" are allowing it to happen especially Krud & DisMay!

Islamists from Across Europe Moving to UK for 'Freedom' to Practice Radical Islam
That is hardly suprising, given the dim wits that rule us. they can practice here and tax payers pay for it.
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