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09-12-2017, 15:35
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Re: The Swarm!
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
What a novel idea, way to go Miss Stojberg! Now this is how europe should be dealing with the unregistered, non documented & illegals flooding various countries. Let them sit & fester until they admit who, what & where they are from!
Danish Government Proposes Putting Failed Asylum Seekers On Deserted Islands
Mind you, it'd probably be better not letting them in in the first place though.
Can I suggest St. Kilda. When I was at Benbecula there were only a small detachment of RA/RS/RAF to cover the missile target area, no civilians. Even better choice would be Rockall.
09-12-2017, 15:40
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Re: The Swarm!
They could be lost forever up there
09-12-2017, 15:41
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Swarm!
Originally Posted by hilleluk
They could be lost forever up there
What a damn shame that would be. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
20-01-2018, 17:33
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: The Swarm!
Deary, deary mean, those poor Grenouille lefties, victims of their own virtue signalling stupidity ..... again! Sleep with Hounds & you'll get bitten by fleas, couldn't happen to any more deserving idiots.
French Leftists Complain Their Children Cannot Succeed in 'Diverse' Paris District Schools
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
20-01-2018, 18:12
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Re: The Swarm!
A friend of mine was in Paris only a few weeks ago, she said the streets are full of illegals, migrants, call it what you like, they should be in there own Country
21-01-2018, 14:54
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Re: The Swarm!
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
Can I suggest St. Kilda. When I was at Benbecula there were only a small detachment of RA/RS/RAF to cover the missile target area, no civilians. Even better choice would be Rockall.
THeres two better places up yon one of em is just abit further up than Sandwood Bay, its an R.A.F bombing range, and then theres that island that was loaded with Anthrax. But what got me was that picture of them scroats thumbs up grinning, they made it to England, they should have sealed em back in, and made the driver at gun point drive back to frog land, then knee capped the scroats as an example to their mates
And while were at it we should round up all them money grabbing do good lawyers, an ship them to frog land to live with their lying clients. Human rights be sugared, them lot ur vultures.
21-01-2018, 15:07
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: The Swarm!
Originally Posted by Retlaw
then knee capped the scroats as an example to their mates
Agree with all the rest of your points Retlaw, but the above, well that I can't go with that because then they'd have their hands out for disability payments!
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
21-01-2018, 18:40
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Re: The Swarm!
Originally Posted by Retlaw
The island is Gruinard. I think that live bombing ranges may have been phased out in UK. There was an electronic bombing range in Northern England, there were live ranges that I knew of in the Wash, off the South Coast of Wales and in Sardinia, Benbecula is/was a live missile firing range. Of course I am going back a few years.
21-01-2018, 18:43
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Re: The Swarm!
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Agree with all the rest of your points Retlaw, but the above, well that I can't go with that because then they'd have their hands out for disability payments!
The Islamic punishment (Sharia), for thieving is the chopping off of the hand - right one first so that they cannot partake of the shared meal. So if they had two convictions they couldn't hold out their hands for disabilty payments either.
21-01-2018, 18:52
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Swarm!
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
The Islamic punishment (Sharia), for thieving is the chopping off of the hand - right one first so that they cannot partake of the shared meal. So if they had two convictions they couldn't hold out their hands for disabilty payments either.
No but they can still speak n ask for it, so remove tongues as well please.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
21-01-2018, 19:14
Re: The Swarm!
This thread is getting a bit silly now with talk of chopping hands off and knee capping.
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21-01-2018, 19:36
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Swarm!
In your opinion, that sorta thing is perfectly acceptable by certain religious factions.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
21-01-2018, 20:21
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Re: The Swarm!
Originally Posted by Neil
This thread is getting a bit silly now with talk of chopping hands off and knee capping.
Okay Neil, you might think its silly, may be it is, but I, and a heck of a lot of others would willingly guide drone bombs to wipe them out.
If they are so desperate to come here, then a condition should be gelding for men, an sterilisation for women, then they can't breed, or mess with our children.
If things keep on as they are, then in 50 years time Buckingham Palace will be the mecca of the West, and we will become doormats.
22-01-2018, 06:16
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: The Swarm!
Originally Posted by Retlaw
If things keep on as they are, then in 50 years time Buckingham Palace will be the mecca of the West, and we will become doormats.
In all probability it will be sooner than 50 years looking at the current state of the UK.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
22-01-2018, 12:56
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Re: The Swarm!
Originally Posted by Retlaw
If things keep on as they are, then in 50 years time Buckingham Palace will be the mecca of the West, and we will become doormats.
even that would be better than a couple more generations of royalty being kept there.
Last edited by Neil; 24-01-2018 at 00:01.
Reason: fix quote
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